Resolution approving and authorizing the execution, delivery and performance of a 1) Purchase and Sale Agreement with the Cole Trust for the sale by the City, acting by and through the San Francisco Port Commission, of unimproved real property known as a portion of Former Custer Avenue; 2) a Public Trust Exchange and Title Settlement Agreement for 1620-1650-1680 Davidson Avenue between the City, acting by and through the Port Commission, the California State Lands Commission and the Cole Trust, both agreements in furtherance of a settlement agreement between the Port Commission and the Cole Trust; 3) affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; 4) adopting findings that the agreements are consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; 5) adopting findings declaring that the real property transactions comply with the State Surplus Lands Act and City Surplus Lands Ordinance; 6) authorizing future City acceptance from the State of a new Public Trust Easement pending State enabling legislation; and 7) authorizing the Port’s Executive Director and the Director of Property to take certain actions in furtherance of this Resolution, as defined herein.