Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the approval of a Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Sections 202.2, 303, and 720 of the Planning Code, for a proposed project at 4835 Mission Street, Assessor's Parcel Block No. 6272, Lot No. 021, identified in Planning Case No. 2021-011352CUA, issued by the Planning Commission by Motion No. 21178, dated September 29, 2022, to establish an approximately 1,300 square-foot Cannabis Retail use within the ground floor commercial space of the existing two-story mixed-use building, with no on-site smoking or vaporizing of cannabis products within the Excelsior Outer Mission Street NCD (Neighborhood Commercial District) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. (District 11) (Appellant: Olinda Meza Vega) (Filed October 31, 2022)