Ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate the Sacred Heart Parish Complex, located at 546-548 Fillmore Street, 554 Fillmore Street, 735 Fell Street, and 660 Oak Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0828, Lot Nos. 12, 21, 22, and 22A, as a Landmark consistent with the standards set forth in Article 10 of the Planning Code; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. PLN Exec Summary 092023, 4. HPC Reso No 1345 092023, 5. HPC Reso No 806 100516, 6. PLN Ltr 101023, 7. Hearing Notice 020224, 8. Comm Pkt 021224, 9. Planning Presentation 021224, 10. Comm Pkt 022624, 11. Leg Ver2, 12. Leg Dig Ver2, 13. Comm Pkt 030424, 14. Board Pkt 031224, 15. Comment Ltrs, 16. Board Pkt 031924, 17. Leg Final, 18. COB Ltr 040324