File #: 240595    Version: Name: Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Departments - FYs 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Introduced: 6/4/2024 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 7/30/2024
Enactment date: 7/30/2024 Enactment #: 190-24
Title: Budget and Appropriation Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for Departments of the City and County of San Francisco as of June 1, 2024, for the Fiscal Years (FYs) ending June 30, 2025, and June 30, 2026.
Sponsors: Mayor
Attachments: 1. MYR Proposed AAO - FYs 2025 and 2026 060124, 2. Mayor's Proposed Budget Book 060124, 3. AAO Admin Provisions FYs 2025 and 2026 - Clean, 4. AAO Admin Provisions FY25 & FY26 Tracked Changes, 5. MYR Interim Exceptions Memo 053124, 6. MYR MCO Memo 053124, 7. MYR Transfer of Function 053124, 8. MYR Technical Adjustment Memo 053124, 9. MYR 30 Day Waiver Request 053124, 10. MYR Transmittal Memo 053124, 11. MYR Trailing Leg List 053124, 12. Cmte Pkt 061224, 13. CON FYs 2024-2026 Revenue Letter 061024, 14. CON FY24-26 Revenue Letter Presentation, 15. ASR Presentation 061224, 16. ASR BOE Letter to BOS 042324, 17. TIS Presentation 061224, 18. ADM Presentation 061224, 19. HSS Presentation 061224, 20. DHR Presentation 061224, 21. CSC Presentation 061224, 22. ETH Presentation 061224, 23. REG Presentation 061224, 24. GEN Presentation 061224, 25. CON Presentation 061224, 26. MOHCD Presentation-OrgChart 061224, 27. PLN Presentation 061224, 28. DPW Presentation 061224, 29. HSA Presentation 061224, 30. BOS Presentation 061224, 31. Cmte Pkt 061324, 32. AAM Presentation 061324, 33. FAM Presentation 061324, 34. SCI Presentation 061324, 35. ART Presentation 061324, 36. DCYF Presentation 061324, 37. HRC Presentation 061324, 38. REC Presentation 061324, 39. REC Vacant Positions by Divisions, 40. OEWD Presentation 061324, 41. DPH Presentation 061324, 42. HSH Presentation and OrgChart 061324, 43. DEC Presentation and OrgChart 061324, 44. Cmte Pkt 061424, 45. CAT Presentation 061424, 46. TTX Presentation 061424, 47. CRT Presentation 061424, 48. DEM Presentations 061424, 49. JPD Presentation 061424, 50. APD Presentation 061424, 51. PDR Presentation 061424, 52. FIR Presentation 061424, 53. SHF Presentation 061424, 54. DPA Presentation 061424, 55. SDA Presentation 061424, 56. DAT Presentation 061424, 57. POL Presentation 061424, 58. MYR Technical Adjustments Round 1 061424, 59. Cmte Pkt 062024, 60. DEM Hospital EMS Rpt 0524, 61. BLA Descriptions for Dept Hrgs 062024, 62. GEN Revised BLA Rpt 061824, 63. REC Revised BLA Rpt 061824, 64. Dept BLA Responses 062024, 65. BOS Budget Presentation 062024, 66. Cmte Pkt 062124, 67. BLA Descriptions for Dept Hrgs 062124, 68. Dept BLA Responses 062124, 69. ETH Presentation 062124, 70. SHF Org Chart, 71. Cmte Pkt 062424, 72. MYR Technical Adjustments Round 2 062124, 73. Cmte Pkt 062624, 74. MYR Technical Adjustments Round 3 062624, 75. BOS Spending Plan 062624, 76. Final AAO Admin Provisions - Tracked Changes, 77. MYR Proposed AAO - FYs 2025-2026 Ver2 062624, 78. MYR Updated Rnd 3 Technical Adjustments Ltr 070324, 79. Board Pkt 070924, 80. AAO Amendment 070924, 81. Public Correspondence, 82. BAC Proposed AAO 071224, 83. Board Pkt 071624, 84. Amendments 071624, 85. Board Pkt 072324, 86. Leg Final
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
7/30/20243 Mayor APPROVED  Action details Meeting details Not available
7/23/20243 Board of Supervisors FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/16/20242 Board of Supervisors AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEPass Action details Meeting details Not available
7/16/20243 Board of Supervisors PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDEDPass Action details Meeting details Not available
7/9/20241 Board of Supervisors AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
7/9/20242 Board of Supervisors CONTINUED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDEDPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/26/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee MOTIONPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/26/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/26/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee RECOMMENDED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/24/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee MOTIONPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/21/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee MOTIONPass Action details Meeting details Not available
6/20/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee MOTIONPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/14/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee CONTINUEDPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/13/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee CONTINUEDPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/12/20241 Budget and Appropriations Committee CONTINUEDPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/4/20241 President ASSIGNED  Action details Meeting details Not available
5/31/20241 Clerk of the Board RECEIVED  Action details Meeting details Not available
Legislation Details
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