File #: 241101    Version: 1 Name: Agreement - Retroactive - Bay Area Community Resources - A Home Away From Homelessness; A.P. Giannini Beacon; Bret Harte Beacon; Hoover Beacon; Paul Revere Beacon; Summer Learning; and Latino Task Force After School - Not to Exceed $16,806,000
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Introduced: 11/5/2024 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 12/11/2024
Enactment date: 12/11/2024 Enactment #: 602-24
Title: Resolution retroactively approving an Agreement between City, acting by and through the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, and Bay Area Community Resources for the following programs: A Home Away From Homelessness; A.P. Giannini Beacon; Bret Harte Beacon; Hoover Beacon; Paul Revere Beacon; Summer Learning; and Latino Task Force After School, for a total term of five years from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029, and for a total not to exceed amount of $16,806,000; and to authorize the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families’ Acting Director to enter into amendments or modifications to the Agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution.
Sponsors: Mayor
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. DRAFT Grant Agrmt, 3. DCYF Ltr 110424, 4. DCYF Memo - Stmnt on Retro 110424, 5. Form 126, 6. DCYF Presentation 112024, 7. BLA Rpt 112024, 8. Cmte Pkt 112024, 9. Board Pkt 120324, 10. Form 126 Final, 11. Leg Final
Legislation Details
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