File #: 241189    Version: 1 Name: Final Map 12077 - Sunnydale HOPE SF Project, Phase 3 and 4
Type: Motion Status: Passed
Introduced: 12/11/2024 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: 12/17/2024 Final action: 12/17/2024
Enactment date: 12/17/2024 Enactment #: M24-132
Title: Motion approving phased Final Map 12077, Sunnydale HOPE SF Project, Final Map Phases 3 and 4, relating to portions of the Sunnydale HOPE SF Project, the merger and re-subdivision of existing Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 6310, Lot No. 006, Block No. 6311, Lot No. 015, Block No. 6313, Lot No. 001, and Block No. 6314, Lot No. 001, together with Parcel H created by Final Map 11040, resulting in nine horizontal lots, comprised of four lots intended for residential use, two lots intended for open space use, and three lots dedicated to the City by separate instrument intended for right-of-way use, and authorizing up to 64 Residential Condominium Units, subject to specified conditions; and approving a Public Improvement Agreement related to the Final Map.
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. PW Order 211010, 3. PW Order 211190, 4. PW Order 211250, 5. Tentative Map Decision 110518, 6. DRAFT Public Improv Agmt - Sunnydale Phase 3 and 4, 7. Easement Agmnt - Sunnydale Ave, 8. Easement Agmnt - Sunnydale Ave Extension, 9. Easement Agmnt - Brookdale Ave Extension, 10. Easement Agmnt - Blythdale Ave Extension, 11. Sewer Easement Agmnt - Lot C (SFHA to City), 12. PLN Motion No. 19784 111716, 13. PLN Motion No. 19785 111716, 14. Offer of Dedication (Lot I, J, K), 15. Offer of Dedication - Lot G (SFHA to City), 16. DRAFT Ntc of Termination of Offer of Dedication (Lots G and H), 17. Offer of Improvements - Extension Roads, 18. Offer of Improvements - Within I, J, K, 19. Offer of Easement for Brookdale Ave Extension, 20. Offer of Easement for Blythdale Ave Extension, 21. Offer of Easement for Sunnydale Ave Extension, 22. Offer for Sewer Easement - Lot C (SFHA to City), 23. Quitclaim Deed (Lot I, J, K), 24. Quitclaim Deed and Reservation of Easements (Existing Streets - Santos, Blythdale, and Sunnydale), 25. Quitclaim Deed and Reservation of Easements - Existing Streets, 26. Quitclaim Deed - Lot G (SFHA to City), 27. Declaration of Restrictions (Lot B), 28. Declaration of Restrictions (Lot K), 29. Declaration of Restrictions (Lot 7), 30. Declaration of Restrictions (Lot 8), 31. Declaration of Restrictions (Lot 9), 32. Tax Certs. 110824, 33. Final Map 12077, 34. Board Pkt 121724, 35. Leg Final
Related files: 240925
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
12/17/20241 Board of Supervisors APPROVEDPass Action details Meeting details Not available
12/11/20241 President REFERRED FOR ADOPTION WITHOUT COMMITTEE REFERENCE AGENDA AT THE NEXT BOARD MEETING  Action details Meeting details Not available
12/9/20241 Clerk of the Board RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENT  Action details Meeting details Not available
Legislation Details
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