Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code by adding Chapter 29B to require a City agency, or a private developer that receives City funds for a development project, as defined, to prepare a feasibility study for providing an on-site child care center whenever it plans to construct or purchase a building, lease more than 50 percent of space in a private building for an initial term of more than one year, or alter more than 50 percent of the space in an existing building; adopting findings, including environmental findings.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Dig_Ver1, 3. Response_PLN_092010, 4. Response_SBC_092910, 5. Response_PLN_110510, 6. Comm_Packet_112210, 7. Response_Youth_112910, 8. Leg_Ver2, 9. Leg_Dig_Ver2, 10. Board_Packet120710, 11. Leg_Ver3, 12. Leg_Dig_Ver3, 13. Board_Packet_121410, 14. Leg_Ver4, 15. Leg_Dig_Ver4, 16. Board_Packet_010411, 17. Leg_Final