| 1 | | Designation of Commemorative Sites; Commemorative Street Plaques - LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District Leather History Cruise | Resolution | Passed | Resolution designating various locations within and near the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District in the area bounded by Brannan Street, Third Street, Mission Street, 12th Street, and Division Street as commemorative sites in recognition and honor of the extensive history and contributions of the leather and LGBTQ community in the South of Market area; initiating the process set forth in Public Works Code, Sections 789 et seq., to facilitate the installation of commemorative plaques on the sidewalks near these locations to delineate the Leather History Cruise, subject to the submittal of all required application materials and the review and approval of the same by Public Works and the City Engineer. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Urging SFMTA to Enforce Powered Scooter Safety Violations and Modify Permits Accordingly | Resolution | Passed | Resolution urging the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to empower Parking Control Officers to issue administrative citations for powered scooter safety violations, including but not limited to double-riding, riding on sidewalks, and all parking violations; and immediately modify all permits to Powered Scooter Share companies to mandate an immediate cease of operations for devices not equipped with city-approved anti-sidewalk riding technology available citywide. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE | Pass |
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| 2 | | Urging SFMTA to Enforce Powered Scooter Safety Violations and Modify Permits Accordingly | Resolution | Passed | Resolution urging the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to empower Parking Control Officers to issue administrative citations for powered scooter safety violations, including but not limited to double-riding, riding on sidewalks, and all parking violations; and immediately modify all permits to Powered Scooter Share companies to mandate an immediate cease of operations for devices not equipped with city-approved anti-sidewalk riding technology available citywide. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | General Plan Amendments - Transbay Block 4 Redevelopment Project | Ordinance | Failed | Ordinance amending the General Plan, to revise the Transit Center District Plan, a Sub-Area Plan of the Downtown Plan, to facilitate development of the Transbay Block 4 Redevelopment Project by revising height limits and bicycle network policy; adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and making public necessity, convenience, and general welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 340. | RECOMMENDED "DO NOT PASS" | Pass |
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| 1 | | Zoning Map - Transbay Block 4 Redevelopment Project | Ordinance | Filed | Ordinance amending the Zoning Map of the Planning Code to facilitate development of the Transbay Block 4 Redevelopment Project (located on the south side of Howard Street between Beale and Main Streets) by increasing height limits; adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and making public necessity, convenience, and general welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302. | CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass |
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| 1 | | Disposition and Development Agreement and Air Rights Lease - Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency Land - F4 Transbay Partners LLC and Transbay Block 4 Housing Partnership, L.P. - Transbay Block 4 - $6,000,000 | Resolution | Filed | Resolution approving the disposition of land, and entrance into a ground lease of certain air space rights, by the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City and County of San Francisco to F4 Transbay Partners LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and Transbay Block 4 Housing Partnership, L.P., a California limited partnership, for a purchase price of $6,000,000 for the property generally located at 200 Main Street, bounded by Howard, Main and Beale Streets and extending approximately 205 feet southeast from Howard Street (Assessor's Parcel Block No. 3739, Lot Nos. 010 and 011), commonly known as Transbay Block 4; making findings under the Transbay Redevelopment Plan (incorporating California Health and Safety Code, Section 33433); making findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass |
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| 1 | | Landmark Tree Designation - Coast Redwood - 313 Scott Street | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance designating the coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) tree located at 313 Scott Street as a landmark tree pursuant to the Public Works Code; making findings supporting the designation; and directing official acts in furtherance of the landmark tree designation, as defined herein. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
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| 8 | | Planning, Administrative, Subdivision Codes - Density Exception in Residential Districts | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to provide a density limit exception to permit up to four dwelling units per lot, and up to six dwelling units per lot in Corner Lots, in all RH (Residential, House) zoning districts, subject to certain requirements, including among others the replacement of protected units; amending the Administrative Code to require new dwelling units constructed pursuant to the density limit exception to be subject to the rent increase limitations of the Rent Ordinance; amending the Subdivision Code to authorize a subdivider that is constructing new dwelling units pursuant to the density exception to submit an application for condominium conversion or a condominium map that includes the existing dwelling units and the new dwelling units that constitute the project; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
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| 9 | | Planning, Administrative, Subdivision Codes - Density Exception in Residential Districts | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to provide a density limit exception to permit up to four dwelling units per lot, and up to six dwelling units per lot in Corner Lots, in all RH (Residential, House) zoning districts, subject to certain requirements, including among others the replacement of protected units; amending the Administrative Code to require new dwelling units constructed pursuant to the density limit exception to be subject to the rent increase limitations of the Rent Ordinance; amending the Subdivision Code to authorize a subdivider that is constructing new dwelling units pursuant to the density exception to submit an application for condominium conversion or a condominium map that includes the existing dwelling units and the new dwelling units that constitute the project; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Planning Code; Zoning Map - Rezoning Residential Districts | Ordinance | Filed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to rezone all Residential, One Family (RH-1) zoning districts, except for Residential. One Family, Detached (RH-1(D)) districts, to Residential, Two Family (RH-2) zoning districts; to rezone the RH-1(D) districts to a new class of residential district called Residential, Two Family, Detached (RH-2(D)) districts; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. | CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass |
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