Meeting date/time:
2:00 PM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
Legislative Chamber, Room 250
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 Regular Meeting
| 1 | | Formal Policy Discussions - December 12, 2023 | Hearing | Filed | Pursuant to Charter, Sections 2.103 and 3.100(7), and Administrative Code, Section 2.11, the Mayor shall discuss eligible topics submitted from the Supervisors. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes. Discussion shall not exceed two minutes per question or answer.
The following two topics were noticed on the agenda representing Districts 1 and 11:
1. Public Safety in Neighborhood Commercial Corridors (District 1)
2. Oceanview Library (District 11) | HEARD AND FILED | |
Action details
| 1 | | Formal Policy Discussions - December 12, 2023 | Hearing | Filed | Pursuant to Charter, Sections 2.103 and 3.100(7), and Administrative Code, Section 2.11, the Mayor shall discuss eligible topics submitted from the Supervisors. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes. Discussion shall not exceed two minutes per question or answer.
The following two topics were noticed on the agenda representing Districts 1 and 11:
1. Public Safety in Neighborhood Commercial Corridors (District 1)
2. Oceanview Library (District 11) | HEARD AND FILED | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | De-Appropriation and Appropriation - District 10 General City Responsibility - District 10 Projects - $250,000; Children, Youth & Families - District 10 Allocations - $20,000 - FY2023-2024 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance de-appropriating $250,000 from General City Responsibility (GEN) and $20,000 from Children, Youth & Families (DCYF); and re-appropriating $270,000 to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) for District 10 safe passages, Hope SF trainings, violence prevention events, and to support District 10 neighborhoods most impacted by violence in (FY) 2023-2024. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | | Planning Code, Zoning Map, Local Coastal Program Amendment - Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to create the Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District (Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 2513, Lot No. 026) to facilitate the redevelopment of a cultural center; amending the Zoning Map to show the Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District; amending the Local Coastal Program to add the Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District, subject to certification by the California Coastal Commission; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1 and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 4 | | Planning Code - Citywide Expansion of Allowable Commercial, Restaurant, and Retail Uses | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to 1) permit additional commercial, retail, and restaurant uses on the ground floor in certain neighborhood commercial districts (NCDs) and residential districts; 2) principally permit Flexible Retail on the ground floor in certain NCDs and Chinatown mixed use districts; 3) principally permit Retail Professional Services uses on all floors and conditionally permit Non-Retail Professional Services on the ground floor in specified NCDs; 4) create regulations for music entertainment venues and non-profit theaters distinct from regulations for Bars; 5) allow Limited Corner Commercial Uses that are not Formula Retail in certain residential districts; 6) amend Section 311 to remove neighborhood notice requirements for changes of use in the Eastern Neighborhoods mixed use districts; 7) expand business types that qualify for the Planning Department priority review program and establish that the program will not apply in the North Beach NCD and North Beach Special Use District (SUD); 8) clarify that multiple allowable uses may co-locate on one site; 9) cla | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
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Not available
| 3 | | Public Works Code - Authorizing and Permitting Neighborhood Amenities | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to streamline and authorize the approval of certain neighborhood amenities, also known as Love Our Neighborhoods Projects, in sidewalks and other public right-of-ways within the Department of Public Works’ jurisdiction, to reduce fees for certain minor encroachment permits, to waive certain annual encroachment assessments, to clarify the approval process for commemorative plaques, and to clarify the permitting, revocation, and restoration requirements for all minor encroachment permits; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Surveillance Technology Policy for Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance approving Surveillance Technology Policy for Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco use of a camera management and video monitoring system. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Approval of Surveillance Technology Policy for Multiple City Departments | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance approving Surveillance Technology Policy governing the use of social media monitoring software for the following City departments: Airport; Arts Commission; Assessor - Recorder Office; Asian Art Museum; City Administrator’s Office - 311; City Administrator’s Office - Animal Care & Control; City Administrator’s Office - Central Office; City Administrator’s Office - Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs; City Administrator’s Office - Office of Transgender Initiatives; City Planning Department; Controller’s Office; Department of Building Inspection; Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families; Department of Early Childhood; Department of Emergency Management; Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing; Department of Police Accountability; Department of Public Health; Department of Technology and SFGov/SFGovTV; Environment Department; Ethics Commission; Human Rights Commission; Mayor’s Office; Municipal Transportation Agency; Office of Economic and Workforce Development; Port of San Francisco; Public Utilities Commission; and Recreation and Park Departme | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Surveillance Technology Policy - Police Department - Automatic License Plate Readers | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending and approving the Surveillance Technology Policy governing the use of Automatic License Plate Readers by the Police Department; and making the required findings in support of said approvals. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | De-Appropriation and Appropriation - Expenditures of $39,500,000 Supporting Increased Overtime Expenditures - Department of Public Health - FY2023-2024 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance de-appropriating $39,500,000 from permanent salaries and dependent coverage fringe benefits, and appropriating $39,500,000 to overtime in the Department of Public Health, in order to support the Department’s projected increases in overtime as required, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 3.17. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Police Code - Fees, Applications, and Conditions for Certain Entertainment Permits | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Police Code to 1) waive initial license and filing fees through June 30, 2025 for certain Entertainment Permits for former holders of Just Add Music Permits; 2) waive initial license and filing fees for Entertainment Permits for applicants who are newly eligible to apply for those permits due to recent Planning Code amendments; 3) eliminate masked ball permits; 4) require applicants for Arcade, Ancillary Use, billiard and pool table, Place of Entertainment, Limited Live Performance, Fixed Place Outdoor Amplified Sound, and Extended-Hours Premises Permits to submit a new Permit application and filing fee if their existing application has not been granted, conditionally granted, or denied within 12 months of its submission; 5) authorize the Entertainment Commission Director (“Director”) to issue billiard and pool table permits without a hearing, and provide that such permits may be suspended or revoked under the standards and procedures that apply to other Entertainment Permits; 6) exempt schools from the requirement to obtain a Place of Entertainment Permit, Lim | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Fire Code - Lithium-Ion Batteries in Powered Mobility Devices | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Fire Code to provide fire protection standards for the charging and storage of lithium-ion batteries used in powered mobility devices (such as electric bikes, scooters, skateboards, and hoverboards), prohibit use of damaged lithium-ion batteries in such devices, prohibit use of lithium-ion batteries assembled or reconditioned using cells removed from used batteries in such devices, and require the Fire Department to conduct an informational campaign; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward this Ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Fire Code - Lithium-Ion Batteries in Powered Mobility Devices | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Fire Code to provide fire protection standards for the charging and storage of lithium-ion batteries used in powered mobility devices (such as electric bikes, scooters, skateboards, and hoverboards), prohibit use of damaged lithium-ion batteries in such devices, prohibit use of lithium-ion batteries assembled or reconditioned using cells removed from used batteries in such devices, and require the Fire Department to conduct an informational campaign; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward this Ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage. | RE-REFERRED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 8 | | Planning and Subdivision Codes, Zoning Map - Housing Production | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to encourage housing production by (1) exempting, under certain conditions, specified housing projects from the notice and review procedures of Section 311 and the Conditional Use requirement of Section 317, in areas outside of Priority Equity Geographies, which are identified in the Housing Element as areas or neighborhoods with a high density of vulnerable populations; 2) removing the Conditional Use requirement for several types of housing projects, including housing developments on large lots in areas outside the Priority Equity Geographies Special Use District, projects that build additional units in lower density zoning districts, and senior housing projects that seek to obtain double density; 3) amending rear yard, front setback, lot frontage, minimum lot size, and residential open space requirements in specified districts; 4) allowing additional uses on the ground floor in residential buildings, homeless shelters, and group housing in residential districts, and administrative review of reasonable accommodations; 5) expanding the eligibilit | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Accept and Expend Grant and Amend the Annual Salary Ordinance - Retroactive - Board of State and Community Corrections - Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant Program - $15,326,301 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance retroactively authorizing the Police Department, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for the City and County of San Francisco, to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $15,326,301 from the Board of State and Community Corrections Organized Retail Theft Grant Program to fund personnel, training, equipment, and other activities in furtherance of combatting organized retail theft and motor vehicle accessory (catalytic converter) theft in San Francisco, for the period of October 1, 2023, through June 1, 2027; approving the associated grant agreement under Charter, Section 9.118; and amending Ordinance No. 145-23 (Annual Salary Ordinance, File No. 230645 for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025) to provide for the creation of two grant-funded full-time positions in Class 1823 Senior Administrative Analyst (2.0). | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District - Pit Stop Public Toilet Program - $250,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Works to accept and expend a grant of up to $250,000 from the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District for the Pit Stop Public Toilet Program starting July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Agreement Amendment - McKesson Corporation - Group Purchasing Organization Purchase of Pharmaceuticals - Not to Exceed $977,652,155 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Group Purchasing Organization pharmaceutical Agreement between McKesson Corporation and the Department of Public Health (DPH), under Administrative Code, Chapter 21A.2, to increase the Agreement sum by $596,269,164 for a not to exceed amount of $977,652,155; extend the term by four years and five months from February 1, 2024, for a total term of February 1, 2020, through June 30, 2028; and to authorize DPH to enter into modifications of the Agreement that do not materially increase the City’s obligations or liabilities and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Agreement Amendment - McKesson Plasma and Biologics LLC - Group Purchasing Organization Purchase of Pharmaceuticals - Not to Exceed $1,466,737,824 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) pharmaceutical Agreement between McKesson Plasma and Biologics LLC and the Department of Public Health (DPH), under Administrative Code, Chapter 21A.2, to increase the Agreement amount by $1,170,803,034 for a not to exceed amount of $1,466,737,824; extend the term by four years and five months from February 1, 2024, for a total term of February 1, 2020, through June 30, 2028; and authorize DPH to enter into modifications of the Agreement that do not materially increase the City’s obligations or liabilities and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Contract Amendment - A Better Way - Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Services and Optional Specialized Mental Health Treatment Services - Not to Exceed $13,579,299 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement between A Better Way and the Department of Public Health (DPH), for mental health outpatient treatment services and optional specialized mental health treatment services; to increase the agreement by $3,799,272 for a total amount not to exceed $13,579,299; to extend the term by three years and six months from December 31, 2023, for a total agreement term of July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2027; and to authorize DPH to enter into amendments or modifications to the contract prior to its final execution by all parties that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Contract or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Contract Amendment - The Regents of the University of California - Outpatient/Ambulatory HIV Health Services - Not to Exceed $26,481,255 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between The Regents of the University of California and the Department of Public Health (DPH), to provide outpatient/ambulatory HIV health services to increase the agreement by $16,483,383 for an amount not to exceed $26,481,255; to extend the term by five years and eight months from June 30, 2024, for a total agreement term of March 1, 2020, through February 28, 2030; and to authorize DPH to enter into modifications of the Agreement that do not materially increase the City’s obligations or liabilities and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Contract Amendment - Richmond Area Multi Services, Inc. - Vocational Rehabilitation Employment and Training Programs - Not to Exceed $16,043,775 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between Richmond Area Multi Services, Inc. and the Department of Public Health (DPH), to provide vocational rehabilitation employment and training programs; to increase the agreement amount by $6,474,980 for a total not to exceed amount of $16,043,775; to extend the term by one year from December 31, 2023, for a total agreement term of May 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024; and to authorize DPH to enter into modifications of the Agreement that do not materially increase the City’s obligations or liabilities and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Contract Amendment - Latino Commission - Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services - Not to Exceed $17,598,422 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement between Latino Commission and the Department of Public Health (DPH), for substance use disorder treatment services; to increase the agreement by $7,934,917 for a total amount not to exceed $17,598,422; to extend the term by three years and six months from December 31, 2023, for a total agreement term of July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2027; and to authorize DPH to enter into amendments or modifications to the contract prior to its final execution by all parties that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Contract or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Contract Agreement - Chinese Hospital Association - Subacute Skilled Nursing and Skilled Nursing Facility Beds - Not to Exceed $20,638,800 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement between Chinese Hospital Association and the Department of Public Health, to provide subacute skilled nursing and skilled nursing facility beds for hospital overflow or emergency needs, to increase the agreement by $10,746,960 for an amount not to exceed $20,638,800 effective upon approval of this Resolution, to extend the term by one year from November 30, 2023, for a total agreement term of December 1, 2022, through November 30, 2024, and to authorize DPH to enter into modifications of the Agreement that do not materially increase the City’s obligations or liabilities and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Apply for Grant Application - Retroactive - Health Resources Services Administration - Ryan White Act HIV/AIDS Emergency Relief Grant Program - $15,945,695 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to submit an application to continue to receive funding for the Ryan White Act HIV/AIDS Emergency Relief Grant Program grant from the Health Resources Services Administration; and requesting $15,945,695 in HIV Emergency Relief Program funding for the San Francisco Eligible Metropolitan Area for the period of March 1, 2024, through February 28, 2025. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Strengthening San Francisco Overdose Prevention Collaborations (SSOPC) - $2,225,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,225,000 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for participation in a program, entitled “Strengthening San Francisco Overdose Prevention Collaborations (SSOPC),” for the period of September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute - University of California, San Francisco - Pure-Tone Audiometry Versus Otoacoustic Emissions for Preschool Hearing Screening - $1,044,792 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,044,792 from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) through the University of California, San Francisco for participation in a program, entitled “Pure-tone audiometry versus otoacoustic emissions for preschool hearing screening,” for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Department of Health and Human Services - Building City-Wide Capacity for Community and Traditional First Responders in Overdose Response - $2,000,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $2,000,000 from the Department of Health and Human Services for participation in a program, entitled “Building City-Wide Capacity for Community and Traditional First Responders in Overdose Response,” for the period of September 30, 2023, through September 29, 2027. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - San Francisco General Hospital Foundation - Behavioral Emergency Response Team (BERT), HIV (HIV Patients Experiencing Homelessness), and the Women’s Options Clinic - $180,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $180,000 from the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation for participation in a program, entitled “Behavioral Emergency Response Team (BERT), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (HIV patients experiencing homelessness), and the Women’s Options Clinic,” for the period of July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Department of Public Health - California Home Visiting Program - $272,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $272,000 from the California Department of Public Health for participation in a program, entitled “California Home Visiting Program,” for the period of July 1, 2022, through September 30, 2024. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Apply for Grant and Accept Funds Allocation - California Department of Housing and Community Development - Transitional Housing Programs - $2,091,240 - Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program - $291,098 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Human Services Agency, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, to apply for and accept the county allocation award under the California Department of Housing and Community Development Transitional Housing Program for an amount of $2,091,240 and Housing Navigation and Maintenance Program for an amount of $291,098 which provide funding to help young adults secure and maintain housing. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Local Coastal Program Amendment - 2700-45th Avenue - Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District | Resolution | Passed | Resolution transmitting to the California Coastal Commission for review and certification an amendment to the Implementation Program portion of the certified Local Coastal Program for the creation of the Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District on the parcel located at 2700-45th Avenue; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Appointments, Assessment Appeals Board No. 1 - Stephen Wasserman and Richard Lee | Motion | Passed | Motion appointing Stephen Wasserman and Richard Lee, term ending September 7, 2026, to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 1. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Appointment, Assessment Appeals Board No. 2 - Elizabeth Miller | Motion | Passed | Motion appointing Elizabeth Miller, term expiring September 1, 2025, to the Assessment Appeals Board No. 2. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hearing - Appeal of Tentative Parcel Map Approval - 1365-1371 York Street | Hearing | Filed | Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the decision of Public Works, dated November 1, 2023, approving a Tentative Parcel Map for a two-lot subdivision project at 1365-1371 York Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4275, Lot No. 028. (District 9) (Appellant: Deepa Varma) (Filed: November 13, 2023) | CONTINUED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Approving Decision of Public Works and Approving the Tentative Parcel Map - 1365-1371 York Street | Motion | Passed | Motion approving the decision of Public Works and approving the Tentative Parcel Map for a two-lot subdivision project at 1365-1371 York Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4275, Lot No. 028; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Conditionally Disapproving Decision of Public Works and Disapproving the Tentative Parcel Map - 1365-1371 York Street | Motion | Killed | Motion conditionally disapproving the decision of Public Works and disapproving the Tentative Parcel Map for a two-lot subdivision project at 1365-1371 York Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4275, Lot No. 028, subject to the Board of Supervisors’ adoption of written findings in support of the disapproval. | CONTINUED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Preparation of Findings Related to the Tentative Parcel Map - 1365-1371 York Street | Motion | Killed | Motion directing the Clerk of the Board to prepare findings relating to the Board of Supervisors' decision to disapprove the Tentative Parcel Map for a two-lot subdivision project at 1365-1371 York Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 4275, Lot No. 028. | CONTINUED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Mills Act Historical Property Contract - 2209 Webster Street | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving a historical property contract between Michael Foley and Chiao Mei Lin, as Trustees of The Foley Lin Family Trust dated June 20, 2023, the owners of 2209 Webster Street, and the City and County of San Francisco, under Administrative Code, Chapter 71; and authorizing the Planning Director and the Assessor-Recorder to execute and record the historical property contract. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Mills Act Historical Property Contract - 988 Market Street | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving a historical property contract between 140 Partners, L.P., a California Limited Partnership and Marlin Cove, Inc., a California corporation, the owners of 988 Market Street, and the City and County of San Francisco, under Administrative Code, Chapter 71; and authorizing the Planning Director and the Assessor-Recorder to execute and record the historical property contract. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Contract - Heluna Health - San Francisco Homeless Outreach Team - Not to Exceed $36,897,380 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the contract between Heluna Health and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“HSH”) to provide comprehensive outreach and case management through the San Francisco Homeless Outreach Team; approving a term of January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027, and a total amount not to exceed $36,897,380; and authorizing HSH to enter into any amendments or other modifications to the contract that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities or materially decrease the benefits to the City, and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the contract. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Real Property Lease - LAWRENCE B. STONE PROPERTIES #08, LLC - 2177 Jerrold Avenue - Temporary Shelter - Not to Exceed Annual Base Rent of $2,469,606 - Tenant Improvements $5,866,869 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Property, on behalf of the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, to execute a lease agreement with LAWRENCE B. STONE PROPERTIES #08, LLC, for use of the property located at 2177 Jerrold Avenue as a temporary shelter program for the term of 15 years, to commence upon approval of this Resolution, with two five-year options to extend and an annual base rent of $2,469,606 with 3% annual increases beginning in 2024 under Charter, Section 9.118; authorizing the City’s contribution of up to $5,866,869 towards the cost of tenant improvements; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and adopting the Planning Department’s findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of the Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing the Director of Property to execute any amendments, options to extend the agreement term, make certain modifications and take certain actions that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City, do not | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Planning Code - Fleet Charging Locations and Parcel Delivery Service | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to prohibit Parcel Delivery Service activities at Fleet Charging locations; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Planning Code - Revising Public Art Relocation and Removal Requirements for Existing 100% Affordable Housing Projects | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to provide for the relocation or removal of existing artwork at 100% affordable housing projects subject to certain conditions; affirming the Planning Commission’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings, including findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Planning Code - Exceptions from Limits on Conversion of Production, Distribution and Repair, Institutional Community, and Arts Activities Uses in Eastern Neighborhood Plans Areas | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to exempt from the limitations on conversion of certain Production, Distribution and Repair (“PDR”), Institutional Community, and Arts Activities uses in the Eastern Neighborhoods Plans Areas (Mission, Eastern SoMa, Western SoMa, and Central SoMa), changes of use from one of those uses to another of those uses or to Institutional uses, in buildings under 25,000 ground floor square feet; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Planning Code - Landmark Designation - Chata Gutierrez Mural | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate Chata Gutierrez Mural, located at 3175-24th Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 6519, Lot No. 041, as a Landmark consistent with the standards set forth in Article 10 of the Planning Code; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Planning Code - Landmark Designation - Carnaval Mural | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate Carnaval Mural, located at 1311-1315 South Van Ness Avenue, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 6519, Lot No. 039, as a Landmark consistent with the standards set forth in Article 10 of the Planning Code; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Planning Code - Housing Production | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to encourage housing production by exempting, under certain conditions, specified housing projects from the notice and review procedures of Section 311 in areas outside of Priority Equity Geographies, which are identified in the Housing Element as areas or neighborhoods with a high density of vulnerable populations; and removing the Conditional Use requirement for several types of housing projects, including housing developments on large lots in areas outside the Priority Equity Geographies Special Use District; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Reentry Council; Reporting Duties, Sunset Date | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to revise the reporting duties of the Reentry Council, and extend the sunset date of the Reentry Council by five years to June 1, 2029. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code - Form 700 Filers - General Services Agency - City Administrator | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code to update and clarify the Conflict of Interest Code’s Form 700 (Statement of Economic Interests) filing requirements for officers and employees in the General Services Agency under the City Administrator. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | Consolidation of Elections Scheduled for March 5, 2024 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution consolidating the following elections, all of which will be held on March 5, 2024: the State of California’s Presidential Primary Election; the City and County of San Francisco Municipal Election; the City and County of San Francisco’s Special Bond Election; and the elections of the governing bodies of local political parties; and providing that the election precincts, voting places, and officers for these elections shall be the same as for the State Presidential Primary Election. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Final Map Nos. 10699 and 10700 - Parkmerced Development Project | Motion | Passed | Motion approving Final Map No. 10699 (related to Subphase 1C of the Parkmerced Development Project), the merger and subdivision of existing Block Nos. 7333-A, 7333-B, 7334 and 7337, together with Parcel three as described in that certain Grant Deed recorded on November 10, 2014, as Document No. 2014-J970575, together with Parcels 1-6 as described in certain Quitclaim Deeds, resulting in a seven Lot Vertical Subdivision, and authorizing up to 278 Residential Condominium Units, up to 166 new rental residential dwelling units, and retaining 82 existing rental residential units; approving Final Map No. 10700 (related to Subphase 1D of the Parkmerced Development Project), the subdivision of Lot No. 12 of Final Map 8530 recorded on December 14, 2017, in Book 133 of Condominium Maps pages 71 through 80, resulting in a seven Lot Vertical Subdivision, and authorizing up to 545 Residential Condominium Units and retaining 201 existing rental residential units; and approving Public Improvement Agreements related to Final Map Nos. 10699 and 10700. | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Final Map No. 11823 - 988 Harrison Street and 377-399 6th Street | Motion | Passed | Motion approving Final Map No. 11823, a 90-unit residential and three-unit commercial mixed-use condominium project, located at 988 Harrison Street and 377-399 6th Street, being a subdivision of Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 3753, Lot No. 148; and adopting findings pursuant to the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 2 | | Planning Code - Density Exception on Specified Lots with Numerical Density Limits | Ordinance | Pending Committee Action | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow density exceptions on lots subject to Numerical Density Limits; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | | |
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| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Overdose Prevention Initiative - California Department of Public Health - Substance and Addiction Prevention Branch - Amendment to Annual Salary Ordinance - Fiscal Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 - $1,086,740.83 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance retroactively authorizing the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,086,740.83 from the California Department of Public Health, Substance and Addiction Prevention Branch; and amending Ordinance No. 145-23 (Annual Salary Ordinance for Fiscal Years (FYs) 2023-2024 and 2024-2025) to provide for the addition of grant-funded Class 2403 Forensic Laboratory Analyst, Class 2456 Forensic Toxicologist, and Class 2457 Forensic Toxicologist Supervisor positions, as required, for the period beginning December 1, 2023, through June 30, 2028. | | |
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| 1 | | Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island - Street and Public Infrastructure Acceptance - Establishing Official Sidewalk Widths and Street Grades | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance accepting irrevocable offers of public infrastructure associated with the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Project, Sub-Phases 1B, 1C, 1E, 1YA, and 1YB, including improvements located within portions of Avenue of the Palms, Bruton Street, Clipper Cove Avenue, Cravath Street, Garden Walk, Johnson Street, Seven Seas Avenue, Trade Winds Avenue, and Treasure Island Road on Treasure Island; Macalla Road, Signal Road, Treasure Island Road, and Yerba Buena Island Road on Yerba Buena Island; potable water storage tanks on Yerba Buena Island and electrical substructures serving a switchyard on Treasure Island; and City utilities in private streets and a service maintenance road on Yerba Buena Island; dedicating this infrastructure to public use; designating this public infrastructure for street and roadway purposes as applicable; accepting the public infrastructure for City maintenance and liability purposes, subject to specified limitations; establishing official public right-of-way widths and street grades; amending Ordinance No. 1061, entitled “Regulating the Width of Sidewalks | | |
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| 1 | | Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island - Ferry Terminal and Other TIDA Improvements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance acknowledging the Treasure Island Development Authority’s (the “Authority” or “TIDA”) acceptance of certain improvements on portions of Yerba Buena Island and Treasure Island, including ferry terminal improvements, and the Authority’s acceptance of the improvements for maintenance and liability purposes; dedicating improvements to public use; adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and adopting a Public Works Order that recommends acceptance of these improvements and related actions, as defined herein. | | |
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| 1 | | Appropriation Reserve - Various Departments’ Budget Appropriations on Reserve - $48,403,840 - FY2023-2024 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance placing a total of $48,403,840 in various departments’ budget appropriations specified in the Mayor’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 mid-year budget reduction plan on Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee Reserve in Fiscal Year 2023-2024. | | |
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| 1 | | Planning Code - Landmark Designation - Alexandria Theater | Ordinance | Pending Committee Action | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate the Alexandria Theater, located at 5400 Geary Boulevard, at the northwest corner of Geary Boulevard and 18th Avenue, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 1450, Lot No. 048, as a Landmark consistent with the standards set forth in Article 10 of the Planning Code; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | | |
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| 1 | | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Streamlined Permitting Review in C-3 Districts | Ordinance | Filed | Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to expand streamlined permitting review of principally permitted commercial uses to upper floors in C-3 (Downtown Commercial) Districts; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | | |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Claims, Litigation - SFPUC Water Pipeline Break - Fillmore Street and Green Street - Not to Exceed $7,000,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and the Office of the City Attorney to approve settlements of claims arising out of the September 10, 2023, break of the SFPUC's water transmission pipeline at the intersection of Fillmore and Green Streets for amounts exceeding $25,000 per claim, notwithstanding Administrative Code, Section 10.22, et. seq., but not to exceed $1,000,000 per claim, and delegating authority under Charter, Section 6.102(5) for the settlement of related litigation, if any, up to an aggregate total settlement amount not to exceed $7,000,000, subject to periodic reporting to the Board of Supervisors Government Audit and Oversight Committee. | | |
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| 1 | | Development Agreement Amendment - California Barrel Company, LLC - Potrero Power Station | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending a Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and California Barrel Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for the Potrero Power Station project, to allow for the establishment of San Francisco Enhanced Financing District No. 1 (Power Station); making findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of conformity with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1(b). | | |
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| 1 | | Civic Bridge Program - Behested Payments Waiver | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Office of the Mayor to solicit in-kind donations through the Civic Bridge Program from various City contractors, notwithstanding the Behested Payments Ordinance for six months from the enactment date of this Resolution. | | |
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| 1 | | Departmental Overdose Prevention Policies - Annual Submission - 2023 | Resolution | Pending Committee Action | Resolution receiving Overdose Prevention Policies for the Department of Public Health, Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, Healthy Streets Operation Center through the Department of Emergency Management, and the Human Services Agency, describing how the department and its grantees that provide direct services to clients who use drugs will promote strategies to reduce drug overdoses, submitted as required by Administrative Code, Section 15.17. | | |
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| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation - Safety and Justice Challenge - $1,200,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Office of the District Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $1,200,000 from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, for the grant period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2025, to support and sustain the City and County of San Francisco's comprehensive efforts to reduce jail incarceration and racial and ethnic disparities in jail usage as a site in the Safety and Justice Challenge. | | |
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| 1 | | Declaration of Restrictions - ARE-SAN FRANCISCO NO. 15 OWNER, LLC - 1450 Owens Street - Initial Annual Payment to City $72,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving a Declaration of Restrictions with the ARE-SAN FRANCISCO NO. 15 OWNER, LLC (“Owner) to establish a no-build zone on a portion of property owned by the City and County of San Francisco, adjacent to the Owner’s property at 1450 Owens Street, intended for future public park uses, providing for annual payments in the initial amount of $72,000 with 3% annual increases, to the City from Owner in exchange for such restrictions for term effective on January 1, 2024, through in perpetuity unless terminated by the City, as defined in the Declaration of Restrictions; and authorizing the Director of Property to execute any amendments, make certain modifications and take certain actions that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City, do not materially decrease the benefits to the City and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the Declaration of Restrictions or this Resolution. | | |
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| 1 | | Discover Polk Community Benefit District - Annual Report - FY2021-2022 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution receiving and approving an annual report for the Discover Polk Community Benefit District for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022, submitted as required by the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (California Streets and Highways Code, Sections 36600, et seq.), Section 36650, and the District’s management agreement with the City, Section 3.4. | | |
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| 1 | | Non-Renewal of a Mills Act Historical Property Contract - 2209 Webster Street | Resolution | Passed | Resolution regarding non-renewal of a Mills Act historical property contract with Michael Foley and Chiao Mei Lin, as Trustees of The Foley Lin Family Trust dated June 20, 2023, the owners of 2209 Webster Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0612, Lot No. 007, under Chapter 71 of the San Francisco Administrative Code; notifying the Assessor-Recorder’s Office of such non-renewal; and authorizing the Planning Director to send notice of the non-renewal of the historical property contract to the owner and record a notice of non-renewal. | | |
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| 1 | | Non-Renewal of a Mills Act Historical Property Contract - 988 Market Street | Resolution | Filed | Resolution regarding non-renewal of a Mills Act historical property contract with 140 Partners, L.P., a California Limited Partnership and Marlin Cove, Inc., a California corporation, the owners of 988 Market Street, The Warfield Building, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 0342, Lot No. 019, under Chapter 71 of the San Francisco Administrative Code; notifying the Assessor Recorder’s Office of such non-renewal; and authorizing the Planning Director to send notice of the non-renewal of the historical property contract to the owner and record a notice of non-renewal. | | |
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| 1 | | Agreement - Retroactive - Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. - Wireless Payment Processing Services and Authorizing Acceptance of Debit Cards and Electronic Funds Transfers - No Cost | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing an agreement with Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. to facilitate the use of state-issued Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) debit cards and acceptance of debit cards and electronic funds transfers at the Alemany Farmers’ Market, for a term period of January 22, 2018, through until the State of California selects a new EBT wireless payment processing service vendor; and to authorize the Director of Property to enter into amendments or modifications to the agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the agreement or this Resolution. | | |
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| 1 | | Approval of a Retroactive 90-Day Extension for Planning Commission Review of Cannabis Retail Uses (File No. 230988) | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively extending by 90 days the prescribed time within which the Planning Commission may render its decision on an Ordinance (File No. 230988) amending the Planning Code to require a minimum distance of 600 feet between a Cannabis Retail Use and daycare centers, exempt pending applications from that distance requirement, and establish an 18-month period of discontinuance of a Cannabis Retail Use as abandonment of the business, preventing its restoration except as a new Cannabis Retail Use; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare pursuant to Planning Code, Section 302. | | |
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| 1 | | Hearing - Five Year Financial Plan Update and Mayor's Budget Instructions | Hearing | Filed | Hearing on the City and County of San Francisco's Five Year Financial Plan Update Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 through FY2027-2028, and the Mayor's Budget Instructions for FY2024-2025 and FY2025-2026; and requesting the Controller and the Mayor's Budget Director to report. | | |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Pacific Gas & Electric Co. - Power Connections | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the complaint of the City and County of San Francisco (City) against Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) that was filed by the City on January 28, 2019, before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. EL19-38; entitled City and County of San Francisco v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.; the complaint concerns PG&E’s imposition of unreasonable restrictions on connections of City facilities to PG&E’s distribution system; the material terms of the settlement are that, in exchange for the City dismissing its complaint and waiving any claim for monetary relief, PG&E will allow the City to connect 30 megawatts of metered secondary voltage load over the next five years, provided the loads will be used to serve 1) existing points of delivery that undergo changes, 2) City departments or related public entities, or 3) private entities using City-owned property. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract Amendment - San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project - Pretrial Services - $19,763,114 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Sheriff’s Office to enter into a Fourth Amendment to a contract with the San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project for pretrial services, increasing the contract amount by $499,342 for a total not to exceed amount of $19,763,114 with no change to the term of three years from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2024, with two one-year options to extend. | | |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Grievance - San Francisco Deputy Sheriff’s Association, 8504 Deputy Sheriffs, 8304 Deputy Sheriffs and 8306 Senior Deputy Sheriffs - $94,675 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the settlement of the grievance filed on October 20, 2021, by San Francisco Deputy Sheriff’s Association on behalf of class 8504 Deputy Sheriffs, 8304 Deputy Sheriffs and 8306 Senior Deputy Sheriffs against the City and County of San Francisco by the payment of $94,675; the grievance involves an employment dispute under the Memorandum of Understanding. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract Modification - Alameda Electrical Distributors Inc. - Purchase of Electrical Supplies and Fixtures - Not to Exceed $10,500,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to execute Modification No. 3 to Contract 1000023404 between the City and County of San Francisco and Alameda Electrical Distributors Inc. for the purchase of electrical materials, supplies and fixtures for City departments, increasing the contract amount by $600,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $10,500,000 with no change to the total contract duration of May 1, 2018, through April 30, 2024. | | |
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| 1 | | Contract Modification - Buckles-Smith Electric Company - Purchase of Electrical Supplies and Fixtures - Not to Exceed $19,500,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to execute Modification No. 8 to Contract 1000005805 between the City and County of San Francisco and Buckles-Smith Electric Company for the purchase of electrical materials, supplies and fixtures for City departments, increasing the contract amount by $2,053,132 for a total contract amount not to exceed $19,500,000 with no change to the total contract duration of July 5, 2017, through June 30, 2024. | | |
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