Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/21/2024 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chamber, Room 250 City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102-4689
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeStatusTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
240511 1 Formal Policy Discussions - May 21, 2024HearingFiledPursuant to Charter, Sections 2.103 and 3.100(7), and Administrative Code, Section 2.11, the Mayor shall discuss eligible topics submitted from the Supervisors. The Mayor may address the Board initially for up to five minutes. Discussion shall not exceed two minutes per question or answer. The following topic was noticed on the agenda representing District 11: 1. Budget Cuts to Essential ProgramsHEARD AND FILED  Action details Video Video
240331 1 De-Appropriation and Appropriation - Expenditures of $4,750,000 Supporting Increased Overtime Expenditures - Police Department - FY2023-2024OrdinancePassedOrdinance de-appropriating $4,750,000 from permanent salaries and appropriating $4,750,000 to overtime in the Airport Division of the Police Department, in order to support the Departments’ projected increases in overtime in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024, as required per Administrative Code, Section 3.17.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
240151 1 Revocable Permit to Enter and Use Property Agreement - Mission Neighborhood Centers, Inc. - Children’s Waiting Room - Hall of Justice, 850 Bryant Street - $1 Annual Base RentResolutionPassedResolution approving and authorizing the Director of Property to enter into a Revocable Permit to Enter and Use Property Agreement (“Permit”) for 355 square feet of City owned space at the Hall of Justice (HOJ) located at 850 Bryant Street with Mission Neighborhood Centers, Inc., a California non-profit public benefit corporation, for the operation of a waiting room for children of HOJ visitors, guests, and City employees who are attending court at the Hall of Justice, for a term of five years effective upon approval of this Resolution, at an annual permit fee of $1; finding that the Permit furthers a proper public purpose sufficient to meet the San Francisco Administrative Code, Section 23, market value requirements; and authorizing the Director of Property to execute documents, make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of entering into the Permit and this Resolution, as defined herein.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240304 1 Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - State of California, Employment Development Department - WIOA Program - $5,655,557ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing the Office of Economic and Workforce Development to accept and expend a grant increase in the amount of $1,404,844 for a total amount of $5,655,557 from the California Employment Development Department, a recipient of the grant award from the United States Department of Labor for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program, during the grant period of April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240354 1 Agreement Amendment - Carahsoft Technology Corporation - Not to Exceed $20,625,109ResolutionPassedResolution approving a second amendment to the agreement between the Department of Technology, Office of Contract Administration, and Carahsoft Technology Corporation for Salesforce Enterprise Products, increasing the agreement amount by $10,900,109 for a new not to exceed amount of $20,625,109 and extending the term for an additional five years from June 30, 2025, for a total term of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2030.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240443 1 Loan Agreement - 1005 Powell Street - Chinatown SROS, LLC - Small Sites Program - Not to Exceed $20,900,000ResolutionPassedResolution approving and authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) to execute loan documents for the permanent financing of 1005 Powell Street pursuant to the Small Sites Program, for a total loan amount not to exceed $20,900,000; confirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; finding that the loan is consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing the Director of MOHCD or their designee to make certain modifications to the loan documents and take certain actions in furtherance of this Resolution, as defined herein.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240298 1 Commemorative Plaque - Peter Gabel - Noe Valley Farmers MarketOrdinancePassedOrdinance designating a portion of the sidewalk on 24th Street between Sanchez and Vicksburg Streets, adjoining the Noe Valley Farmers Market, as the site of a future commemorative plaque in honor of Peter Gabel; granting the Public Works Director authority to approve the installation of a commemorative plaque at said location following the Director’s review of all permit application materials and the approval of the plaque design by the Design Review Committee of the Arts Commission; waiving permit and inspection fees under the Public Works Code for the installation of the plaque; directing official acts in furtherance of this Ordinance, as defined herein; and affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
240039 1 Grant of Non-Exclusive Easement - Midtown Lands LLC - Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 2781, Lot No. 022ResolutionPassedResolution approving and authorizing an Easement Agreement and Quitclaim between the City and Midtown Lands LLC, fixing and perfecting the location and terms of an easement reserved in a 1957 subdivision instrument, for vehicular and pedestrian access and subsurface utilities within Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 2781, Lot No. 022, a City parcel located in the Twin Peaks neighborhood; adopting findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and to authorize the Director of Property to enter into amendments or modifications to the Easement Agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Easement Agreement or this Resolution.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240350 2 Liquor License Issuance - 429 Castro Street - The Castro TheatreResolutionPassedResolution determining that the issuance of a Type-90 on-sale general music venue liquor license to APESF LLC, doing business as The Castro Theatre, located at 429 Castro Street (District 8), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240358 2 Liquor License Issuance - 2948-16th Street - The LabResolutionPassedResolution determining that the issuance of a Type-64 on-sale general theater liquor license to The Lab SF, doing business as The Lab, located at 2948-16th Street (District 9), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240359 2 Liquor License Issuance - 2331-3rd Street - Domaine SFResolutionPassedResolution determining that the issuance of a Type-42 on-sale beer and wine liquor license to Domaine SF LLC, doing business as Domaine SF, located at 2331-3rd Street (District 10), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240048 1 Administrative Code - Surveillance Technology Policy - Human Services Agency - Call Recording TechnologyOrdinancePassedOrdinance approving Surveillance Technology Policy for Human Services Agency use of Call Recording Technology.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
240281 1 Administrative, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Housing Needs Report Frequency and DAS Department Name UpdatesOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Administrative and Business and Tax Regulations Codes to change the frequency of the Housing Needs Overview for Seniors and People with Disabilities and the Housing Needs Assessment and Production Pipeline Report for Seniors and People with Disabilities; and to update all references to the Department of Disability and Aging Services (DAS) consistent with the Charter and make other non-material corrections.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
240487 2 Ethics Commission Regulation Amendments - Campaign Finance RegulationsMotionKilledMotion vetoing proposed Regulation 1.126-9 (Contractors Doing Business with the City: Hosting Home or Office Fundraisers) and proposed Regulation 1.127-4 (Persons with a Financial Interest in Land Use Matter: Hosting Home or Office Fundraisers), adopted by the Ethics Commission on April 12, 2024.TABLEDPass Action details Video Video
200777 1 Hearing - Committee of the Whole - Update on Findings and Recommendations Regarding Law Enforcement Practices - March 18, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.HearingUnfinished BusinessHearing of the Board of Supervisors sitting as a Committee of the Whole on March 18, 2025, at 3:00 p.m., for the Members of the Board of Supervisors to hear and receive updates on the progress and implementation status of the Unites States Department of Justice recommendations regarding reforms within the Police Department; scheduled pursuant to Motion No. M20-125, approved on September 15, 2020.CONTINUEDPass Action details Video Video
240317 1 Hearing - Committee of the Whole - Report of Assessment Costs - Building Code Enforcement Violations - May 21, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.HearingFiledHearing to consider objections to a report of delinquent charges for code enforcement cases with delinquent assessment of costs, and fees pursuant to the provisions of Building Code, Sections 102A.3, 102A.4, 102A.6, 102A.12, 102A.16, 102A.17, 102A.18, 102A.19, 102A.20 et seq., 103A.3.3, 108A, and 110A - Tables 1A-K and 1A-G, submitted by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection for services rendered by said Department of costs thereof having accrued pursuant to code violations referenced above; scheduled pursuant to Motion No. M24-031 (File No. 240316), approved on April 2, 2024.HEARD AND FILED  Action details Video Video
240318 1 Report of Assessment Costs - Building Code Enforcement ViolationsResolutionPassedResolution approving Report of Delinquent Charges for Assessment Costs submitted by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection for delinquent charges for code enforcement violations and associated fees pursuant to Building Code, Sections 102A.3, 102A.4, 102A.6 102A.12, 102A.16, 102A.17, 102A.18, 102A.19, 102A.20 et seq., 103A.3.3, 108A, and 110A - Tables 1A-K and 1A-G, Administrative Code, Sections 41.10(f), 41.10(g), and 41.11(f), the costs thereof having accrued pursuant to code enforcement violations.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240193 2 Planning Code - Parcel Delivery ServiceOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Planning Code to require Conditional Use authorizations for establishing Parcel Delivery Service uses, prohibit Non-Cannabis Parcel Delivery Service as an accessory use, and revise zoning control tables to reflect these changes; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
240507 1 Queer and Transgender Asian and Pacific Islander Week - May 25 through June 2, 2024ResolutionPassedResolution recognizing the week of May 25 through June 2, 2024, as Queer and Transgender Asian and Pacific Islander Week in the City and County of San Francisco.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
240512 1 Opposing California Department of Finance Proposal - Local Property Taxes and ERAF Provisions in the Education Omnibus Trailer BillResolutionPassedResolution urging the California Legislature to reject the Department of Finance proposal to shift Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) property tax revenues away from the City and County of San Francisco and direct those funds to charter schools in order to relieve the State’s General Fund Obligation to those charter schools.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
240513 1 Adoption of Findings Related to Disapproval of Conditional Use Authorization - 2351 Mission StreetMotionPassedMotion adopting findings in support of the Board of Supervisors’ disapproval of the decision of the Planning Commission by its Motion No. 21497, approving a Conditional Use Authorization, identified as Planning Case No. 2022-008254CUA, for a proposed project at 2351 Mission Street, and approving a Conditional Use Authorization for the same Planning Case and property with new conditions.APPROVEDPass Action details Not available
240508 1 Supporting California State Assembly Bill Nos. 2655 (Berman), 2839 (Pellerin), 3211 (Wicks), and Senate Bill No. 1228 (Padilla) - Artificial Intelligence in ElectionsResolutionPassedResolution supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 2655 introduced by Assembly Member Marc Berman, Assembly Bill No. 2839 introduced by Assembly Member Gail Pellerin, Assembly Bill No. 3211 introduced by Assembly Member Buffy Wicks, and Senate Bill No. 1228 introduced by Senator Steve Padilla to address various technologies of artificial intelligence in elections.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
240509 1 Condemning Racist Threats and Intimidation of the Williams FamilyResolutionPassedResolution condemning racist threats and intimidation of the Williams Family and urging Departments to prioritize investigation and support for the family.AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEPass Action details Video Video
240509 2 Condemning Racist Threats and Intimidation of the Williams FamilyResolutionPassedResolution condemning racist threats and intimidation of the Williams Family and urging Departments to prioritize investigation and support for the family.ADOPTED AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
240510 1 Urging Mayor to Restore $25 Million Reduction in the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families’ Program Funding for FY2024-2025 Through a Public-Private Campaign DriveResolutionPassedResolution urging the Mayor and the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families (DCYF) to solicit donations from private entities and philanthropy to restore the $25 million reduction in DCYF’s program funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 recently announced, and urging DCYF officials, within the legal limits of the City’s Behested Payments Ordinance, to accept donations to offset the devastating impact these reductions will have on working families, children and youth citywide.REFERRED  Action details Video Video
240544 1 Charter Amendment - Police Staffing and Voluntary Deferred Retirement Option Program for the Police DepartmentCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to define the term “Full-Duty Sworn Officer”; modify the criteria for establishing recommended staffing levels for sworn officers; change the requirement for the Chief of Police to submit a staffing report from every two years to every three years; and establish a new voluntary Deferred Retirement Option Program (“DROP”) for the period from July 2025 - July 2030, for eligible members of the Police Department (in the rank of officer, sergeant, or inspector) that allows those members to earn additional deferred compensation in the Retirement System for up to 60 months in exchange for agreeing to perform neighborhood patrol or investigative work; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240545 1 Charter Amendment - Accountability for Funding Children and Youth Services for City Departments and the School District; Clarifying Uses of the Student Success FundCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to 1) create an Our Children, Our Families Initiative (“Initiative”) to coordinate efforts by City departments and the San Francisco Unified School District (“School District”) to deliver outcomes-based services for children, youth, and families; 2) require the Initiative to use an objective and measurable outcomes framework (“Outcomes Framework”) to evaluate the budget and spending of each City department with expenditures that are eligible to be included in the Children and Youth Fund baseline, the Public Education Enrichment Fund (“PEEF”), the PEEF baseline, or any discretionary funding allocated from the General Fund for children, youth, and families; 3) require the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to consider the Initiative’s findings during their consideration of the City budget each year, including by the Board of Supervisors holding a public hearing and adopting findings about the expenditures; 4) require the School District to submit a proposal once every five years describing how it    Action details Not available
240546 1 Charter Amendment - Independent Redistricting Task ForceCharter AmendmentFiledCharter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to modify the redistricting process for Board of Supervisors districts by creating an independent redistricting task force responsible for adopting supervisorial district boundaries; specifying the qualifications to serve on the independent redistricting task force and restrictions on members’ activities during and after service; creating a process for selecting members of the independent redistricting task force; modifying the processes the City must follow when adopting supervisorial district boundaries; and creating a division of the Department of Elections to support the redistricting process; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240547 1 Charter Amendment - Commission ReformCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to establish the Commission Streamlining Task Force charged with making recommendations to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors about ways to modify, eliminate, or combine the City’s appointive boards and commissions to improve the administration of City government; require the City Attorney to prepare a Charter Amendment to implement the Task Force’s recommendations relating to Charter commissions, for consideration by the Board of Supervisors; and authorize the Task Force to introduce an ordinance to effectuate its recommendations relating to appointive boards and commissions codified in the Municipal Code, which ordinance shall go into effect within 90 days unless rejected by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Supervisors; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240548 1 Charter Amendment and Initiative Ordinance - Commission ReformCharter AmendmentFiledCharter Amendment (First Draft) to amend the Charter and the Municipal Code of the City and County of San Francisco to 1) establish the Commission Streamlining Task Force charged with making recommendations to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors about ways to modify, eliminate, or combine the City’s appointive boards and commissions to improve the administration of City government; 2) require the City Attorney to prepare a Charter Amendment to implement the Task Force’s recommendations relating to Charter commissions, for consideration by the Board of Supervisors; 3) authorize the Task Force to introduce an ordinance to effectuate its recommendations relating to appointive boards and commissions codified in the Municipal Code, which ordinance shall go into effect within 90 days unless rejected by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Supervisors; 4) remove from the Charter certain commissions that are purely advisory and move them to the Municipal Code; and 5) eliminate the Streets and Sanitation Commission and the Our Children Our Families Council; at an election to be held on Novemb   Action details Not available
240549 1 Charter Amendment - Inspector General in Controller’s Office; Expanding Controller’s Investigative PowersCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to establish the position of Inspector General in the Controller’s Office; to provide that the Inspector General be nominated by the Controller subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor; to authorize the Inspector General to initiate and lead investigations regarding potential violations of laws or policies involving fraud, waste, or abuse; to expand the authority of the Controller’s Office to issue subpoenas; and to authorize the Controller’s Office to execute search warrants to the extent permitted by State law; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240550 1 Charter Amendment - Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund for Seniors, Families, and Persons with DisabilitiesCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to establish the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund for Seniors, Families, and People with Disabilities to fund project-based rental subsidies for extremely low-income households consisting of seniors, families, and persons with disabilities, and to require the City to appropriate at least $8.25 million to the Fund annually starting in Fiscal Year 2026-2027; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240551 1 Charter Amendment - Per Diem Nurse Retirement Credit and Public Safety Communications Personnel Retirement PlanCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to allow registered nurses, who are or become members of the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System and have worked an average of 32 hours or more per week for at least one year, to purchase up to three years of service credit for time previously worked as per diem nurses; and to move public safety communications personnel (911 dispatchers, supervisors, and coordinators) from the miscellaneous retirement plans to the miscellaneous safety retirement plan, for compensation earned on and after January 4, 2025; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240552 1 Charter Amendment - Fire Department Service Retirement PensionCharter AmendmentPassedCharter Amendment (Third Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to change the age factor percentage for benefit calculations such that persons who have or will become members of the Fire Department on and after January 7, 2012 reach a higher age factor percentage at earlier ages and lower from 58 to 55 the retirement age at which persons who have or will become members of the Fire Department on and after January 7, 2012 reach the highest age factor percentage; at an election to be held on November 5, 2024.   Action details Not available
240514 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Teamsters Local 856, San Francisco Building InspectorsOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and Teamsters Local 856, San Francisco Building Inspectors, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240515 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Carpenters 46 Northern California Counties Conference Board, Carpenters Local Union No. 22, Pile Drivers, Divers, Carpenters, Bridge, Wharf and Dock Builders, Local Union No. 34OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Carpenters 46 Northern California Counties Conference Board, on behalf of the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council and its Affiliated Local Union, and Carpenters Local Union No. 22 (“Local 22”), and Pile Drivers, Divers, Carpenters, Bridge, Wharf and Dock Builders, Local Union No. 34 (collectively “Union”), to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240516 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Crafts CoalitionOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Crafts Coalition: the Bricklayers and Allied Crafts, Local 3; Hod Carriers of LIUNA, Local 261; Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Workers, Local 12; Plasterers and Cement Masons, Local 300; Glaziers, Architectural Metal and Glass Workers, Local Union No. 718; International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artist and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada, Local 16; International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, Reinforcing Iron Workers, Riggers and Machinery Movers, Local 377; Plasterers and Shophands, Local 66; United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers, Local 40; International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers, Sheet Metal Workers, Local Union No. 104; and Teamsters, Local 853, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240517 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - The San Francisco District Attorney Investigators’ AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the Arbitration Board under Charter, Section A8.409-4, establishing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco District Attorney Investigators’ Association, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240518 1 Memorandum of Understanding - The San Francisco Deputy Probation Officers’ AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Deputy Probation Officers’ Association, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240519 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Deputy Sheriffs’ Association, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240520 1 Memorandum of Understanding - International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21, AFL-CIOOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 21, AFL-CIO, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240521 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 6OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the Arbitration Board under Charter, Section A8.409-4, establishing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 6, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240522 1 Memorandum of Understanding - The International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240523 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Machinists Union, Local 1414, International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers Machinists Automotive Trades District Lodge 190OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Machinists Union, Local 1414, International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers Machinists Automotive Trades District Lodge 190, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240524 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Laborers International Union, Local 261OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Laborers International Union, Local 261, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240525 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Municipal Attorneys AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Municipal Attorneys Association, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240526 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Municipal Executives’ AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the Arbitration Board under Charter, Section A8.409-4, establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Municipal Executives’ Association, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240527 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - The San Francisco Sheriffs' Managers and Supervisors AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the Arbitration Board under Charter, Section A8.590-4, establishing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Sheriffs' Managers and Supervisors Association, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240528 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIOOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240529 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO Supervising Probation OfficersOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO Supervising Probation Officers, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240530 1 Memorandum of Understanding - San Francisco City Workers United (Painters)OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the decision and award of the Arbitration Board under Charter, Section A8.409-4, establishing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco City Workers United (Painters), to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240531 1 Memorandum of Understanding - United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry, Local 38OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry, Local 38, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240532 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Service Employees International Union, Local 1021OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and Service Employees International Union, Local 1021, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240533 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Teamsters, Local 856 (Multi-Unit)OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and Teamsters, Local 856 (Multi-Unit), to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240534 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - The Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO, Local 200OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, Local 200, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240535 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A, Multi-Unit (Unit 28)OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Transport Workers Union, Local 250-A, Multi-Unit (Unit 28), to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240536 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, Local 250-A, Automotive Service Workers (7410)OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO, Local 250-A, Automotive Service Workers (7410), to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240537 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Unit 17OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Unit 17, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240538 1 Collective Bargaining Agreement - Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Unit 18OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and the Union of American Physicians and Dentists, Unit 18, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240539 1 Memorandum of Understanding Amendment - San Francisco Police Officers AssociationOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the First Amendment to the 2023-2026 Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Officers Association.   Action details Not available
240540 1 Compensation for Unrepresented EmployeesOrdinancePassedOrdinance fixing compensation for persons employed by the City and County of San Francisco whose compensation is subject to the provisions of Section A8.409 of the Charter, in job codes not represented by an employee organization, and establishing working schedules and other terms and conditions of employment and methods of payment effective July 1, 2024.   Action details Not available
240553 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Teamsters, Local 856, Freight Checkers, Clerical Employees & Helpers, (Supervising Registered Nurses, Unit 47)OrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and Teamsters, Local 856, Freight Checkers, Clerical Employees & Helpers (Supervising Registered Nurses, Unit 47), to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240554 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Service Employees International Union, Local 1021 - Staff and Per Diem NursesOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and Service Employees International Union, Local 1021, Staff and Per Diem Nurses, to be effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.   Action details Not available
240366 2 Administrative Code - Cooperative Purchasing, Ancillary Installation ServicesOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Administrative Code to authorize City departments to rely on cooperative purchasing when entering into public works contracts of up to $5,000,000; to authorize the Purchaser when procuring commodities or services to rely on all types of cooperative purchasing programs conducted by or for the benefit of public entities, including such programs that are not sponsored by non-profits; and to authorize the Purchaser to procure ancillary installation services when procuring commodities.   Action details Not available
240408 2 Transportation Code - Fee Waivers for Qualifying Neighborhood Outdoor EventsOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Transportation Code to waive fees related to the temporary closure of streets for events organized by community-serving nonprofit arts and culture organizations, small businesses, merchant associations, neighborhood resident associations, and property and business improvement districts.   Action details Not available
240555 1 Authorizing Grant Agreements - Terms of 20 Years after Project Completion - Public Utilities Commission Green Infrastructure Grant ProgramOrdinancePassedOrdinance extending for an additional two years from July 1, 2024, through July 1, 2026, the delegation of authority under Charter, Section 9.118, to the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (“SFPUC”), previously authorized by Ordinance No. 26-19 and extended and modified by Ordinance No. 101-20 and Ordinance No. 159-22, to enter into grant agreements under the SFPUC’s Green Infrastructure Grant Program with terms of up to 20 years after the Project Completion Date, as defined by the Grant Agreements.   Action details Not available
240569 1 Appropriation - Assessment Appeals Fee Revenue - $400,000 - Board of Supervisors - FY2023-2024OrdinancePassedOrdinance appropriating $400,000 of assessment appeals fee revenue from filing fees, hearing fees, and finding of fact fees collected in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 to support the Assessment Appeals Boards' costs of operation, including the development of an online assessment appeals application filing system.   Action details Not available
240556 1 Landfill Disposal Agreement - Recology San Francisco - Term ExtensionResolutionPassedResolution approving under Charter, Section 9.118, the extension of the Landfill Disposal Agreement with Recology San Francisco as authorized under the current Landfill Disposal Agreement for a period of six years, or an additional 1,600,000 tons of waste have been disposed under the Agreement, whichever comes first.   Action details Not available
240557 1 Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement through the California Department of Social Services - Housing Assistance for Ukrainians (HAU) - San Francisco - $1,472,856ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Human Services to accept and expend a grant from the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement through the California Department of Social Services for a total amount of $1,472,856 for participation in a program, entitled “Housing Assistance for Ukrainians (HAU) - San Francisco,” for the period of June 28, 2023, through September 30, 2026.   Action details Not available
240558 1 Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement through the California Department of Social Services - Ukrainian Refugee Support Services Supplemental Funding - San Francisco - $500,000ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Human Services to accept and expend a grant from the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement through the California Department of Social Services for a total amount of $500,000 for participation in a program, entitled “Ukrainian Refugee Support Services Supplemental Funding - San Francisco,” for the period of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2025.   Action details Not available
240559 1 Grant Agreement - Retroactive - San Francisco Health Plan - Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program - Not to Exceed $3,227,884ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing (“HSH”) to enter into a Grant Agreement for a term commencing on July 1, 2023, through December 31, 2025, between the City and County of San Francisco (“City”), acting by and through HSH, and the San Francisco Health Plan, not to exceed $3,227,884 in order to provide enhanced onsite services, increase site accessibility and support data integration for permanent supportive housing under the Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (“HHIP”); and authorizing HSH to enter into any amendments or other modifications to the agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities, or materially decrease the benefits to the City and are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the agreement.   Action details Not available
240560 1 Memorandum of Understanding Agreement - Retroactive - United States Capitol Police - Supplemental Law Enforcement ServicesResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing the San Francisco Police Department to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding Agreement with the United States Capitol Police to provide supplemental law enforcement services for the period of January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024.   Action details Not available
240561 1 Leather and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Cultural District’s Cultural, History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategy ReportResolutionPassedResolution adopting the Leather and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Cultural District’s Cultural, History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategy Report (CHHESS) under Administrative Code, Section 107.5.   Action details Not available
240562 1 Apply for, Accept and Expend Grant - California Natural Resources Agency - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History Museum - $5,500,000 - FY2024-2026ResolutionPassedResolution approving a Program Application Package for a California Specified Development and Acquisition Grant from the State of California Natural Resources Agency (the “Agency”); authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”), on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, to apply for the Program Application Package and enter into a Grant Agreement with the Agency and take all actions in compliance with the Grant Agreement, as defined herein, for a grant of $5,500,000 under the California Specified Development and Acquisition Grant Program; and authorizing the City to accept and expend the grant in the amount of $5,500,000 under California Specified Development and Acquisition Grant Program for the period of August 1, 2024, through March 1, 2026, for the purpose of establishing a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer History Museum in San Francisco.   Action details Not available
240563 1 Local Coastal Program Amendment - Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use DistrictResolutionPassedResolution transmitting to the California Coastal Commission for review and certification an amendment to the Implementation Program portion of the certified Local Coastal Program to add the Wawona Street and 45th Avenue Cultural Center Special Use District and to designate the principal permitted use within the City’s Coastal Zone for purposes of appeal to the California Coastal Commission; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.   Action details Not available
240564 1 Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 1975 (Bonta) - Medi-Cal: Medically Supportive Food and Nutrition InterventionsResolutionPassedResolution supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 1975, introduced by Assembly Member Mia Bonta (D-66), co-authored by Assembly Members Joaquin Arambula, Isaac Bryan, Mike Gipson, Chris Holden, Corey Jackson, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Kevin McCarty, Tina McKinnor, Akilah Weber, and Lori Wilson, to make medically supportive food and nutrition interventions a covered benefit under the Medi-Cal program.   Action details Not available
240565 1 Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 2913 (Gipson) - California Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights ActResolutionPassedResolution supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 2913, introduced by Assembly Member Mike Gipson, to require a law enforcement agency to review, upon request, any unsolved murder investigation case file to determine if reinvestigation of the case would result in probative investigative leads.   Action details Not available
240568 1 Supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 3024 (Ward) - The Stop Hate Littering ActResolutionPassedResolution supporting California State Assembly Bill No. 3024, introduced by Assembly Member Chris Ward, to expand the definition of “intimidation by threat of violence” under the Ralph Civil Rights Act of 1976 and address the distribution of hateful materials on private property without authorization.   Action details Not available
240566 1 Real Property Lease - Greater Calvary Hill Missionary Baptist Church - 141 Industrial Street, Unit #1- Initial Base Rent $351,000ResolutionPassedResolution approving and authorizing the Director of Property, on behalf of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission, to execute a Lease of a portion of the real property located at 141 Industrial Street, Unit #1 with Greater Calvary Hill Missionary Baptist Church, a California corporation, for an initial term of three years at an initial annual base rent of $351,000 effective upon approval of this Resolution; and authorizes the Director of Property to enter into amendments or modifications to the Lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Lease or this Resolution.   Action details Not available
240567 1 Police Commission - Statement of PurposeResolutionPending Committee ActionResolution approving the Police Commission’s Statement of Purpose, pursuant to Charter, Section 4.102(2).   Action details Not available
240541 1 Mayoral Appointment, Public Works Commission - Irene Yee RileyMotionWithdrawnMotion approving/rejecting Mayor’s nomination for the appointment of Irene Yee Riley to the Public Works Commission, for a term ending July 2, 2026.   Action details Not available
240491 1 Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - Cindy Ngo - $37,342.76ResolutionPassedResolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by Cindy Ngo against the City and County of San Francisco for $37,342.76; the claim was filed on December 29, 2023; the claim involves alleged personal injuries from a fall on a City sidewalk.   Action details Not available
240492 1 Agreement - Retroactive - National Association of County and City Health Officials - Reducing Overdose through Community Approaches Mentorship Program - Anticipated Revenue to the City of $98,999ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively approving an agreement between the Department of Public Health (DPH) and the National Association of County and City Health Officials for reducing overdose through community approaches mentorship program, for a term of July 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024, including binding arbitration and anticipated revenue to the City of $98,999; and authorizing the Director of DPH to enter into amendments or modifications to the Agreement that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement.   Action details Not available