| 1 | | Building Code - Development Fee Collection Procedure and Administrative Fee | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the San Francisco Building Code by amending Section 107A.13 to modify the method of calculating the development fee deferral surcharge rate and to clarify when a project sponsor may elect to defer the payment of development impact and in-lieu fees, adopting environmental finding. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Planning Code - Health Care Services Master Plan | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by adding Sections 342 to 342.10 requiring the preparation of a Health Care Services Master Plan identifying the current and projected needs for, and locations of, health care services within San Francisco and recommending how to achieve and maintain appropriate distribution of, and equitable access to, such services; requiring that any change of use to a Medical Use, as defined, that will occupy a space exceeding 10,000 gross square feet of floor area, or an expansion of any existing Medical Use by at least 5,000 gross square feet of floor area obtain a Consistency Determination from the Planning Commission or the Planning Department determining that the proposed use or expansion promotes the goals recommended in the Master Plan; providing fees for time and material costs incurred to prepare the Consistency Determination, and making findings, including findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1 and environmental findings. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Planning Code - Health Care Services Master Plan | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the San Francisco Planning Code by adding Sections 342 to 342.10 requiring the preparation of a Health Care Services Master Plan identifying the current and projected needs for, and locations of, health care services within San Francisco and recommending how to achieve and maintain appropriate distribution of, and equitable access to, such services; requiring that any change of use to a Medical Use, as defined, that will occupy a space exceeding 10,000 gross square feet of floor area, or an expansion of any existing Medical Use by at least 5,000 gross square feet of floor area obtain a Consistency Determination from the Planning Commission or the Planning Department determining that the proposed use or expansion promotes the goals recommended in the Master Plan; providing fees for time and material costs incurred to prepare the Consistency Determination, and making findings, including findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1 and environmental findings. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED AS A COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Approving General Plan Amendments in Connection with the Better Streets Plan | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Urban Design and Transportation Elements of the San Francisco General Plan to incorporate the San Francisco Better Streets Plan by reference, and to make objectives and policies relating to pedestrian transportation consistent with the Better Streets Plan; making environmental findings that the proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of the Planning Code Section 101.1. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Administrative Code, Public Works Code and Subdivision Code - Better Streets Plan Implementation | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance adopting the Better Streets Plan; amending Chapter 98.1 of the Administrative Code to require street improvements to conform with the policies and guidance of the San Francisco Better Streets Plan (Better Streets Plan); amending various sections of the Planning Code to consolidate requirements for street improvements; to require street improvements to follow the policies and guidance of the Better Streets Plan; to expand and modify existing requirements for provision of street trees; to require specified projects to submit a streetscape plan with application submission; and to describe additional requirements for certain areas of the City subject to neighborhood streetscape plans, including Downtown and Rincon Hill; amending various sections of the Public Works Code to be consistent with the Better Streets Plan, including waiving public right-of-way occupancy fees for Better Streets Plan elements; amending Sections 1335, 1336, and 1337 of the Subdivision Code to require streetscape, pedestrian, and stormwater improvements consistent with the Better Streets Plan as part of s | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Relocation Impact Study and Last Resort Housing Plan for Central Subway Project | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance approving the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency's Relocation Impact Study and Last Resort Housing Plan for the Central Subway Project. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | | Administrative Code - California Environmental Quality Act Procedures, Appeals, and Public Notice | Ordinance | Filed | Ordinance amending the San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 31 to provide for appeals to the Board of Supervisors of certain environmental documents under the California Environmental Quality Act, to clarify procedures and to provide public notice of environmental documents. | CONTINUED | Pass |
Action details
Not available