Meeting Name: Budget and Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/28/2011 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Committee Room 263
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeStatusTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
111005 1 Accept and Expend Grant - Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration - $473,485ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant from Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, and Center for Mental Health Services in the amount of $473,485 to fund the Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration for the period September 1, 2011, through August 31, 2012.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110960 1 Office of the Controller to Examine Confidential State Board of Equalization Tax RecordsResolutionPassedResolution authorizing designated officers and employees of the City and County of San Francisco to examine sales or transactions and use tax records of the State Board of Equalization pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 7056.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110961 1 MuniServices, LLC, to Examine Confidential State Board of Equalization Tax RecordsResolutionPassedResolution authorizing MuniServices, LLC, to examine sales or transactions and use tax records of the State Board of Equalization on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 7056.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110972 1 Contract - San Francisco Community Health Authority - Provider Payment Services for the Healthy San Francisco ProgramResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Director of Public Health and the Director of the Office of Contract Administration/Purchaser to retroactively contract with the San Francisco Community Health Authority for provider payment services for the Healthy San Francisco Program for the term of July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
090417 1 Hearing - Water System Improvement Program UpdateHearingFiledHearing to receive a regular quarterly update from the Public Utilities Commission on the Water System Improvement Program to include information on projects completed to date, the corresponding costs for completed projects, and schedule and corresponding costs for upcoming projects.CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass Action details Not available
110870 1 Engineering Design Agreement No. CS-879A - Water System Improvement Program - Not to Exceed $14,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute amendments to increase Engineering Project Design Services Agreement No. CS-879A for Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $14,000,000 pursuant to Charter Section 9.118.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110871 1 Engineering Design Agreement No. CS-879B - Water System Improvement Program - Not to Exceed $15,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute amendments to increase Engineering Project Design Services Agreement No. CS-879B for Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $15,000,000 pursuant to Charter Section 9.118.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110872 1 Engineering Design Agreement No. CS-879C - Water System Improvement Program - Not to Exceed $16,500,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute amendments to increase Engineering Project Design Services Agreement No. CS-879C for Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $16,500,000 pursuant to Charter Section 9.118.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110874 1 Management Services Agreement No. CS-918 - Water System Improvement Program - Not to Exceed $17,500,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute amendments to increase New Irvington Tunnel Construction Management Services Agreement No. CS-918 for Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $17,500,000 pursuant to Charter Section 9.118.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
110875 1 Management Services Agreement No. CS-963 - Water System Improvement Program - Not to Exceed $34,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute amendments to increase Program Construction Management Services Agreement No. CS-963 for Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) funded projects with total revised agreement amounts not to exceed $34,000,000 pursuant to Charter Section 9.118.RECOMMENDEDPass Action details Not available
111031 1 Appropriating $304,120,801 of Water System Improvement Program Project Funds - Finance Committee Reserve of $215,338,107 - Public Utilities Commission - FY2011-2012OrdinancePassedOrdinance de-appropriating $304,120,801 in existing Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) project budgets and re-appropriating the funds to the revised WSIP program budgets adopted by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, and placing $215,338,107, as well as future project savings, on Finance Committee reserve.CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass Action details Not available
111034 1 Tax Credit Agreement - U.S. Bancorp - SFJazz Investment of $11,104,275ResolutionPassedResolution making findings under the California Environmental Quality Act and approving a new market tax credit indemnification agreement with U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation in connection with its investment of $11,104,275 for the new SFJazz Building at 205 Franklin Street.REFERRED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATIONPass Action details Not available