| 1 | | Resolution of Intent - Street Vacation - San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market - Portions of Jerrold and Kirkwood Avenues, Selby, Rankin, and Milton I. Ross Streets, and Lettuce Lane | Resolution | Passed | Resolution: 1) declaring the intention of the Board of Supervisors to vacate Jerrold Avenue between Rankin Street and Toland Street, Milton I. Ross Street between Innes Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, Kirkwood Avenue between Rankin Street and the proposed boundary of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market, Lettuce Lane between Jerrold Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, portions of Selby Street between Innes Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, and a portion of Rankin Street between Jerrold Avenue and Innes Avenue for purposes of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market Retention and Expansion, subject to certain conditions; and 2) setting the hearing date for all persons interested in the proposed vacation of said public right-of-way. | AMENDED | |
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Not available
| 2 | | Resolution of Intent - Street Vacation - San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market - Portions of Jerrold and Kirkwood Avenues, Selby, Rankin, and Milton I. Ross Streets, and Lettuce Lane | Resolution | Passed | Resolution: 1) declaring the intention of the Board of Supervisors to vacate Jerrold Avenue between Rankin Street and Toland Street, Milton I. Ross Street between Innes Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, Kirkwood Avenue between Rankin Street and the proposed boundary of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market, Lettuce Lane between Jerrold Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, portions of Selby Street between Innes Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, and a portion of Rankin Street between Jerrold Avenue and Innes Avenue for purposes of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market Retention and Expansion, subject to certain conditions; and 2) setting the hearing date for all persons interested in the proposed vacation of said public right-of-way. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED AS A COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Street Vacation Order - San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market - Portions of Jerrold and Kirkwood Avenues, Selby, Rankin, and Milton I. Ross Streets, and Lettuce Lane | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance: 1) ordering the vacation of Jerrold Avenue between Rankin Street and Toland Street, Milton I. Ross Street between Innes Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, Kirkwood Avenue between Rankin Street and the proposed boundary of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market, Lettuce Lane between Jerrold Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, portions of Selby Street between Innes Avenue and Kirkwood Avenue, and a portion of Rankin Street between Jerrold Avenue and Innes Avenue, collectively for purposes of the San Francisco Wholesale Produce Market Retention and Expansion, subject to certain conditions; 2) accepting Department of Public Works Order No. 180308; 3) approving an interdepartmental transfer of the area to be vacated from the Department of Public Works to the Real Estate Division at the time the vacation is final and effective; 4) making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the City's General Plan and Planning Code Section 101.1; and 5) authorizing official acts in connection with this Ordinance. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Agreements, Permit, and Lease - Improvements on Portions of Third, Fourth, Owens, and 16th Streets - UCSF Mission Bay | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance: 1) approving and authorizing a Master Agreement between the City and The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its San Francisco campus (UCSF) governing various public improvements and other transactions relating generally to Fourth, Owens, Third and Sixteenth Streets in Mission Bay, and approving and authorizing the permit and agreements contemplated by such agreement, including: (a) the issuance of a major encroachment permit granting revocable permission to UCSF to occupy portions of these streets for UCSF improvements and activities, including a Fourth Street public plaza, (b) maintenance agreements for said improvements, (c) an easement agreement for UCSF utilities under Fourth Street between 16th Street and Mission Bay Boulevard South, (d) easement agreements for sidewalk curb ramps, for public pedestrian passage, and City utilities over certain property within the UCSF campus, and (e) a lease of subsurface and air space for UCSF improvements above and below certain segments of Fourth Street between 16th and Mariposa Streets on State Trust property; 2 | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE | |
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Not available
| 2 | | Agreements, Permit, and Lease - Improvements on Portions of Third, Fourth, Owens, and 16th Streets - UCSF Mission Bay | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance: 1) approving and authorizing a Master Agreement between the City and The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its San Francisco campus (UCSF) governing various public improvements and other transactions relating generally to Fourth, Owens, Third and Sixteenth Streets in Mission Bay, and approving and authorizing the permit and agreements contemplated by such agreement, including: (a) the issuance of a major encroachment permit granting revocable permission to UCSF to occupy portions of these streets for UCSF improvements and activities, including a Fourth Street public plaza, (b) maintenance agreements for said improvements, (c) an easement agreement for UCSF utilities under Fourth Street between 16th Street and Mission Bay Boulevard South, (d) easement agreements for sidewalk curb ramps, for public pedestrian passage, and City utilities over certain property within the UCSF campus, and (e) a lease of subsurface and air space for UCSF improvements above and below certain segments of Fourth Street between 16th and Mariposa Streets on State Trust property; 2 | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED AS A COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Real Property Lease Amendment - 720 Sacramento Street | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the amendment of the lease at 720 Sacramento Street for the Department of Public Health to extend the term by one year. | RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Planning Code - Maximum Floor Area Ratios - Establishing the Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict Within the Van Ness Special Use District - California Pacific Medical Center: Cathedral Hill Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Section 124, to allow a floor area ratio of 7.5:1 for a medical office building within the Van Ness Special Use District, Medical Use Subdistrict; amending Section 243 to include the establishment of the Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict and associated controls; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Planning Code - Maximum Permitted Floor Area Ratio - Establishing the Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District - California Pacific Medical Center: St. Luke’s Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code, by adding Section 124(l), to allow a floor area ratio of 2.6 to 1 in the Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District; adding Section 249.68 to establish the Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Planning Code, Zoning Map - California Pacific Medical Center: Cathedral Hill Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Zoning Map, Sectional Maps SU02 and HT02, to reflect the creation of the Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict (Assessor's Block No. 0695, Lot Nos. 005 and 006, and Assessor’s Block No. 0694, Lot Nos. 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 009A, and 010); to allow an increase in height at Assessor's Block No. 0695, Lot Nos. 005 and 006, in order to allow for a new seismically safe hospital; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Planning Code, Zoning Map - California Pacific Medical Center: St. Luke’s Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code, Zoning Map, Sectional Maps SU07 and HT07, to reflect the creation of the Cesar Chavez/Valencia Streets Medical Use Special Use District at the California Pacific Medical Center’s St. Luke’s Campus (Assessor’s Block No. 6575, Lot Nos. 001 and 002, Assessor’s Block No. 6576, Lot No. 021, and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street); to allow increased heights in the western portion of the California Pacific Medical Center’s St. Luke’s Campus (all of Assessor’s Block No. 6575, Assessor’s Block No. 6576, Lot No. 21, and a portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) in order to allow for a new seismically safe replacement hospital; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Section 302, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Summary Street Vacation - Portion of San Jose Avenue Between 27th Street and Cesar Chavez Street - California Pacific Medical Center: St. Luke’s Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance ordering the summary street vacation of a portion of San Jose Avenue, between 27th Street and Cesar Chavez Street, as shown on Department of Public Works SUR Map No. 2012-001, dated May 14, 2012; rescinding an existing encroachment permit; making findings pursuant to the California Streets and Highways Code, Chapter 4, Sections 8330 et seq; adopting environmental findings pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, and findings that the actions contemplated herein are consistent with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and authorizing official acts in connection with this Ordinance. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Street Encroachments - Van Ness Avenue, Cedar Street, and Geary Boulevard - California Pacific Medical Center: Cathedral Hill Campus | Resolution | Passed | Resolution granting revocable permission to the California Pacific Medical Center to occupy a portion of the public right of way on Van Ness Avenue, in order to construct and maintain a pedestrian tunnel under Van Ness Avenue (State Highway 101), to connect the new medical office building and the new hospital located at 1100 and 1101 Van Ness Avenue, respectively; to construct and maintain off-site improvements on the north side of Cedar Street, between Van Ness Avenue and Polk Street, across the street from the medical office building and on the south side of Cedar Street contiguous to the property at 1001 Polk Street (Assessor’s Block No. 0694, Lot No. 004), including reconstructing and widening the existing sidewalk, installing new landscaping and reconstructing the existing roadway with pavers; and to install and maintain two 30,000 gallon diesel fuel tanks within the public right of way under Geary Boulevard, between Franklin Street and Van Ness Avenue, in order to serve the hospital at 1101 Van Ness Avenue; and making environmental findings, and findings of consistency with the | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Land Transfer Agreement - Sale of a Portion of San Jose Avenue Between 27th Street and Cesar Chavez Street - Sutter West Bay Hospitals - California Pacific Medical Center: St. Luke’s Campus | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Director of Property to execute a land transfer agreement with Sutter West Bay Hospitals, doing business as California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), for the future conveyance by the City and County of San Francisco to CPMC of real property consisting of a portion of San Jose Avenue between 27th Street and Cesar Chavez Street; and making findings, including findings under the California Environmental Quality Act, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Changing the Official Sidewalk Widths - Portions of Post Street, Geary Boulevard, Geary Street, Cedar Street, and Van Ness Avenue - California Pacific Medical Center: Cathedral Hill Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061, entitled “Regulating the Width of Sidewalks,” by adding thereto Section 1596, to change the official sidewalk width of the southerly side of Post Street, starting at the southeast intersection with Franklin Street, continuing east to the southwest intersection with Van Ness Avenue; the northerly side of Geary Boulevard, starting at the northeast intersection with Franklin Street, continuing east to the northwest intersection with Van Ness Avenue; the northerly side of Geary Street, starting at the northeast intersection of Van Ness Avenue, continuing east 325 feet; both sides of Cedar Street, starting at the intersection with Van Ness Avenue, continuing east to the intersection with Polk Street; the westerly side of Van Ness Avenue, starting at the intersection with Geary Boulevard, continuing north to the intersection with Post Street; and the easterly side of Van Ness Avenue, starting at the intersection with Geary Street, continuing north to the intersection with Cedar Street; making environmental findings and findings pursuant to the General | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Changing the Official Sidewalk Widths - Portions of Cesar Chavez Street, Valencia Street and 27th Street - California Pacific Medical Center: St. Luke’s Campus | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1061, entitled “Regulating the Width of Sidewalks,” by adding thereto Section 1591, to change the official sidewalk width of the southerly side of Cesar Chavez Street, starting at the southeast intersection with Guerrero Street, continuing east to the southwest intersection with Valencia Street; the westerly side of Valencia Street, starting at the southwest intersection with Cesar Chavez Street, continuing south to the northwest intersection with Duncan Street; and the northern portion of 27th Street, starting at the intersection of 27th Street and San Jose Avenue, continuing west for 44.24 feet; making environmental findings, and findings pursuant to the General Plan and Planning Code, Section 101.1; and requiring relocation, modification, or both, of facilities affected by the sidewalk width change. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Development Agreement - Sutter West Bay Hospitals - California Pacific Medical Center | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and Sutter West Bay Hospitals, for certain real property associated with the California Pacific Medical Center Long Range Development Plan, located at various locations in the City and County of San Francisco and generally referred to as the St. Luke's Campus, Cathedral Hill (Van Ness and Geary) Campus, Davies Campus, Pacific Campus, and California Campus; making findings under the California Environmental Quality Act, findings of conformity with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1(b); and waiving certain provisions of Administrative Code, Chapter 56, and ratifying certain actions taken in connection therewith. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | General Plan - Van Ness Area Plan Amendments - California Pacific Medical Center: Cathedral Hill Campus | Ordinance | Failed | Ordinance amending the General Plan, Van Ness Area Plan, in order to facilitate the development of a high density medical center at the transit nexus of Van Ness Avenue and Geary Boulevard and reflect various elements of this use; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 340, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | General Plan Map - California Pacific Medical Center: St. Luke’s Campus | Ordinance | Failed | Ordinance amending the General Plan by amending Map 4 of the Urban Design Element to increase the height limit for the California Pacific Medical Center’s St. Luke’s Campus (Assessor's Parcel Block No. 6575/Lot Nos. 001, 002; Assessor's Parcel Block No. 6576/Lot No. 021, and the portion of San Jose Avenue between Cesar Chavez Street and 27th Street) to 105 feet; amending Map 5 of the Urban Design Element to reflect the proposed maximum plan dimensions and maximum diagonal plan dimensions of 227' and 270', respectively, for the St. Luke’s Replacement Hospital site and 204' and 228', respectively, for the medical office building site at the St. Luke’s Campus; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Section 340, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | General Plan Map - California Pacific Medical Center: Cathedral Hill Campus | Ordinance | Failed | Ordinance amending the General Plan by amending Map 4 of the Urban Design Element to allow for development up to a height of 265 feet on the block bounded by Van Ness Avenue, Geary Boulevard, Franklin and Post Streets; amending Map 5 of the Urban Design Element to reflect the proposed maximum plan dimensions and maximum diagonal plan dimensions of 385' and 466', respectively, for the Cathedral Hill Hospital site, and 265' and 290', respectively, for the Cathedral Hill Medical Office Building site; amending Map 1 of the Van Ness Area Plan, to designate the sites of the proposed Cathedral Hill Hospital and Medical Office Building as the Van Ness Medical Use Subdistrict; amending Map 2 of the Van Ness Area Plan to create a 265-V height/bulk district coterminous with the Hospital site; and adopting findings, including environmental findings, Planning Code, Section 340, findings, and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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