| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Association of Bay Area Governments - Bay Area Regional Energy Network Program Activities - $201,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend grant funds from the Association of Bay Area Governments in the amount of $201,000 for a portion of 2015 and calendar year 2016, to perform various activities as part of a Bay Area Regional Energy Network program, an energy efficiency program for the term of July 31, 2015, through December 31, 2016. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - United States Department of Energy - Advancing Fuel Cell Vehicles - $249,970 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $249,970 from the United States Department of Energy to harmonize local regulations and building codes to ease the siting and construction of hydrogen fueling stations for zero-emission Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles in San Francisco and the greater San Francisco Bay Area for the term of October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2018. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - California Public Utilities Commission - Energy Efficiency Program - $20,790,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Department of the Environment to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $20,790,000 from the California Public Utilities Commission, through Pacific Gas and Electric Company, to continue an Energy Use and Demand Reduction Through Energy Efficiency Program in the City and County of San Francisco for the term of January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2019. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Water Research Foundation; Water Environment and Reuse Foundation; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - Implementation of a Decentralized Purified Water Pilot - $400,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission General Manager to accept and expend grants in the amounts of $100,000 from the Water Research Foundation, $100,000 from the Water Environment and Reuse Foundation, and $200,000 from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for a total of $400,000 toward the implementation of a decentralized purified water pilot project in San Francisco. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Master License Agreement for Use of Concrete Poles - ExteNet Systems, LLC, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, dba AT&T, and GTE Mobilnet of California, LP, dba Verizon Wireless | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute a Master License Agreement for Use of Concrete Poles between the City and County of San Francisco and ExteNet Systems, LLC, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, dba AT&T, and GTE Mobilnet of California, LP, dba Verizon Wireless for a term of 12 years to commence following Board approval. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Master License Agreement for Use of Concrete Poles - ExteNet Systems, LLC, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, dba AT&T, and GTE Mobilnet of California, LP, dba Verizon Wireless | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to execute a Master License Agreement for Use of Concrete Poles between the City and County of San Francisco and ExteNet Systems, LLC, New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, dba AT&T, and GTE Mobilnet of California, LP, dba Verizon Wireless for a term of 12 years to commence following Board approval. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Library Fines and Fees | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to modify the fines and fees of the Public Library. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange Grant - $100,600 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to accept and expend a grant of up to $100,600 from the Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange (SAVE) grant program administered by the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, to abate costs for hauling out and disposal of potential future abandoned vessels in the San Francisco Marina Small Craft Harbor and approving a grant agreement with the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation for acceptance and performance of the grant services for the project term of January 1, 2017, through September 30, 2018. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - National Institutes of Health - Mid-Career Award in Patient-Oriented Substance Use Research Addressing Opioids, Chronic Pain, and HIV - $157,235 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $157,235 from National Institutes of Health to participate in a program entitled Mid-Career Award in Patient-Oriented Substance Use Research Addressing Opioids, Chronic Pain, and HIV for the period of September 1, 2016, through August 31, 2017. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality Beach Safety Program - Public Beach Safety Grant Program - $30,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $30,000 from the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality Beach Safety Program, to participate in a program entitled “Public Beach Safety Grant Program” for the period of July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - National HIV Behavioral Surveillance - San Francisco - Total Amount of $558,933 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant increase of $71,047 for a total amount of $558,933 from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to participate in a program entitled National HIV Behavioral Surveillance - San Francisco for the period of January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2016. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Enhancing Health Resilience to Climate Change Through Adaptation - $213,713 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution retroactively authorizing the Department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $213,713 from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to participate in a program entitled, Enhancing Health Resilience to Climate Change Through Adaptation for the period of September 1, 2016, through August 31, 2017. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Gift - Pastor Revocable Trust - Firefighting Equipment Purchase - $72,400 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Fire Department to accept and expend a donation of $72,400 to purchase firefighting equipment, pursuant to the terms of the administration of the Pastor Revocable Trust and the estate of Russell Pastor. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Successor Agency Affordable Housing Funding - Use of Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund to Secure Bonds - Funding Affordable Housing Development Enforceable Obligations | Resolution | Passed | Resolution consenting to the use of outside increment deposited in the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund for the exclusive purpose of funding affordable housing development that the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure is required to build under its Enforceable Obligations. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Successor Agency Affordable Housing Funding - Use of Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund to Secure Bonds - Funding Affordable Housing Development Enforceable Obligations | Resolution | Passed | Resolution consenting to the use of outside increment deposited in the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund for the exclusive purpose of funding affordable housing development that the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure is required to build under its Enforceable Obligations. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | Contract Amendment - Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. - Voting System - Not to Exceed $21,980,691.25 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing the Department of Elections to enter into the Fourth Amendment to an agreement with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement through December 31, 2018, and increase the total not-to-exceed amount by $2,289,758 from $19,690,933.25 to $21,980,691.25. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Contract Amendment - Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. - Voting System - Not to Exceed $21,980,691.25 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing the Department of Elections to enter into the Fourth Amendment to an agreement with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement through December 31, 2018, and increase the total not-to-exceed amount by $2,289,758 from $19,690,933.25 to $21,980,691.25. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Lease Agreement - MRG San Francisco, LLC - Terminal 3 Retail Marketplace - $1,350,000 Minimum Annual Guarantee | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Terminal 3 Retail Marketplace Lease No. 16-0256 between MRG San Francisco, LLC, and the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, for a seven year term to commence following Board approval, with two one-year options to extend, and a Minimum Annual Guarantee of $1,350,000. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Airport Professional Services Contract - Hallmark Aviation Services, L.P. - Airport Information and Guest Assistance Services - Not to Exceed $11,550,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Airport Professional Services Contract No. 50052 with Hallmark Aviation Services, L.P., to provide Airport information and guest assistance services, in an amount not to exceed $11,550,000 during an initial 18 month term from January 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018, and with three two-year options to extend. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Urging the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to Adopt a Five Year Plan to Reduce Homelessness | Resolution | Passed | Resolution urging the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to adopt a five-year plan to reduce homelessness. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Hearing - Status of the Activation of 35 and 45 Onondaga Street, and the Geneva Car Barn and Powerhouse | Hearing | Filed | Hearing on the status of the activation of three publicly owned buildings in District 11, 35 and 45 Onondaga Street, and the Geneva Car Barn and Powerhouse, including activation and construction timeline, budget and sources of revenue, potential partners, and development options and contingencies; and requesting the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Real Estate Division, and the Recreation and Park Department to report. | CONTINUED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Urging City Departments to Sanction Wells Fargo | Resolution | Passed | Resolution setting policy to sanction Wells Fargo consistent with recommendations from the Controller, urging City Departments to require Wells Fargo to provide a redress plan for San Francisco customers before engaging in future business with Wells Fargo, urging the Retirement Board to terminate all financial dealings with Wells Fargo, urging the City Attorney and District Attorney to investigate the practices of Wells Fargo and the other big banks, urging the Treasurer-Tax Collector to provide advice on establishing a responsible banking ordinance, and urging the United States Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to explore if Wells Fargo’s national banking charter should be revoked. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLE | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Urging City Departments to Sanction Wells Fargo | Resolution | Passed | Resolution setting policy to sanction Wells Fargo consistent with recommendations from the Controller, urging City Departments to require Wells Fargo to provide a redress plan for San Francisco customers before engaging in future business with Wells Fargo, urging the Retirement Board to terminate all financial dealings with Wells Fargo, urging the City Attorney and District Attorney to investigate the practices of Wells Fargo and the other big banks, urging the Treasurer-Tax Collector to provide advice on establishing a responsible banking ordinance, and urging the United States Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to explore if Wells Fargo’s national banking charter should be revoked. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Hearing - Review and Approval of the Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board Annual Budget Guidelines - FYs 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 | Hearing | Filed | Hearing to consider the review and approval of the Budget Guidelines for the Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board Annual Budget for FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. | CONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass |
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