| 1 | | Lease Agreement - SP Plus–Hyde Parking Joint Venture - Northern Waterfront Surface Parking Lots - $2,955,607 Estimated Total Rent in First Year | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving Lease No. L-16141 between the Port and SP Plus-Hyde Parking Joint Venture for a lease of surface parking lots in Port jurisdiction in the northern waterfront, including: a five-year term for Seawall Lot 321; a three-year term with two one-year Port options for Seawall Lots 323-324; and interim month-to-month parking at Seawall Lot 322-1, Pier 19½, and Pier 29½, such terms to commence following Board approval, with estimated total rent generated under the Lease for the first year of operations of $2,955,607. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | 2011 Lease and Use Agreement - Redding Aero Enterprises, Inc. | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the terms of 2011 Lease and Use Agreement No. 16-0326 between the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, and Redding Aero Enterprises, Inc., to conduct flight operations at the San Francisco International Airport, for a term to commence following Board approval through June 30, 2021. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | 2011 Lease and Use Agreement - Turk Hava Yollari Anonim Ortakligi | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the terms of 2011 Lease and Use Agreement No. 16-0301 between the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, and Turk Hava Yollari Anonim Ortakligi to conduct flight operations at the San Francisco International Airport, for a term to commence following Board approval through June 30, 2021. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | 2011 Lease and Use Agreement - Aer Lingus, Limited | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the terms of 2011 Lease and Use Agreement No. 16-0298 between the City and County of San Francisco, acting by and through its Airport Commission, and Aer Lingus, Limited, to conduct flight operations at the San Francisco International Airport, for a term to commence following Board approval through June 30, 2021. | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Apply for Grant - State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development - Various Parks and Community Centers - $7,500,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Recreation and Park Department to apply for a grant in an amount up to $7,500,000 from the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development for the planning and development of various parks and community facilities in San Francisco. | RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Supplemental Authorizations for Interdepartmental Property Transfer - MOU Amendment No. 1 - Central Shops Relocation - Increasing Transfer Price by $8,578,429 to an Amount Not to Exceed $82,278,429; Authorizing Notice to Proceed - Oryx Development I, LLC | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving supplemental authorizations for the jurisdictional transfer of 1800 Jerrold Avenue (portions of Assessor’s Parcel Block Nos. 5262 and 5270) from the General Services Agency’s Office of Contract Administration (“OCA”) to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (“SFPUC”) Wastewater Enterprise; and the jurisdictional transfer of 555 Selby Street and 1975 Galvez Avenue (Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 5250, Lot Nos. 15 and 16), and the leasehold of 450 Toland Street (Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 5230, Lot No. 18), from SFPUC to OCA (collectively “Project Site”), subject to Amendment No. 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding previously entered into between the Real Estate Division, OCA, and SFPUC to create the functionally-equivalent facilities for the relocation of the City’s Central Fleet Maintenance Shop (“Central Shops”) from 1800 Jerrold Avenue; increasing the total transfer price by $8,578,429 to an amount not to exceed $82,278,429 from SFPUC Wastewater Enterprise funds; authorizing the issuance of a Notice to Proceed for the next construction phase under a Boar | RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Purchase and Sale Agreement - SF Prosperity 2, LLC - 1660 Mission Street and 1680 Mission Street - $52,000,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving a purchase and sale agreement by and between the City and County of San Francisco and SF Prosperity 2, LLC, for the sale of City-owned properties located at 1660 Mission Street and 1680 Mission Street for $52,000,000; including a City lease-back at an annual rent expense of $3,362,220 increasing by 3% per year for each year after the initial period, with rent to be set at the then fair market rental value prior to the beginning of each extension option exercised, if any, for a period of not more than three years in the initial term, with two one-year options to extend; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the sale is consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Purchase and Sale Agreement - SF Prosperity 2, LLC - 1660 Mission Street and 1680 Mission Street - $52,000,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving a purchase and sale agreement by and between the City and County of San Francisco and SF Prosperity 2, LLC, for the sale of City-owned properties located at 1660 Mission Street and 1680 Mission Street for $52,000,000; including a City lease-back at an annual rent expense of $3,362,220 increasing by 3% per year for each year after the initial period, with rent to be set at the then fair market rental value prior to the beginning of each extension option exercised, if any, for a period of not more than three years in the initial term, with two one-year options to extend; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and adopting findings that the sale is consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | RECOMMENDED AS AMENDED AS A COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Purchase and Sale Agreement - Lendlease Development, Inc. - 30 Van Ness Avenue - $70,000,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving a purchase and sale agreement by and between the City and County of San Francisco and Lendlease Development, Inc. for the sale of City-owned property located at 30 Van Ness Avenue for $70,000,000; including a City lease-back at an annual rent expense of $4,500,000 increasing by 3% per year after each year of the initial period and at the beginning of each extension option exercised, if any, for a period of not more than three years in the initial term, with two one-year options to extend; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; adopting findings that the sale is consistent with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and urging the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development and the Planning Department to explore certain development strategies relating to affordable housing at the site in connection with any future development. | RECOMMENDED AS COMMITTEE REPORT | Pass |
Action details
Not available