| 3 | | Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Departments - FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 | Ordinance | Passed | Budget and Appropriation Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for Departments of the City and County of San Francisco as of May 31, 2017, for the FYs ending June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Annual Salary Ordinance - FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 | Ordinance | Passed | Annual Salary Ordinance enumerating positions in the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the FYs ending June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019, continuing, creating, or establishing these positions; enumerating and including therein all positions created by Charter or State law for which compensations are paid from City and County funds and appropriated in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance; authorizing appointments or continuation of appointments thereto; specifying and fixing the compensations and work schedules thereof; and authorizing appointments to temporary positions and fixing compensations therefore. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Planning Code - Establish Fee for Monitoring of Student Housing - Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to establish a fee for the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to monitor Student Housing; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of public convenience, necessity, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Board of Appeals Surcharges - Permit Fees | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to adjust existing surcharges on permit fees, license fees, permit review fees, and permit and license renewal fees for permits and licenses issued by the Planning Department, Department of Building Inspection, Department of Public Health, and Police Department that may be appealed to the Board of Appeals. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Clean-up Fund Tax Designation Ceiling - Tax Year 2017 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance adopting the Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Clean-up Fund Tax designation ceiling for tax year 2017. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Administrative Code - Arts Commission Contracting Authority | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to authorize the Arts Commission to contract for the development, fabrication, maintenance, conservation, removal, or installation of art work. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Emergency Medical Services Fees | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to require that payment of emergency medical services fees be made to the Department of Public Health rather than the Department of Emergency Management. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Health Code - Patient Rates - FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Health Code to set patient rates and other services provided by the Department of Public Health for patient and other services rendered, starting July 1, 2017, and continuing through June 30, 2019. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Fire Code - Fire Department Fees | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Fire Code to increase the fees for certain Fire Department services; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Treasure Island Development Authority Budget - FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the Budget of the Treasure Island Development Authority for FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, Operating as Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency - FY2017-2018 Budget | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the FY2017-2018 Budget of the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, operating as the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Access Line Tax Adjustment - Consumer Price Index of 2017 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution concurring with the Controller’s establishment of the Consumer Price Index for 2017, and adjusting the Access Line Tax by the same rate. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Authorization to Examine Prepaid Mobile Telephony Service Surcharge and Local Charge Records | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the Controller’s Office and Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector to examine the prepaid mobile telephony services surcharge and local charges collected by the State Board of Equalization. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Proposition J Contract Certification - Specified Contracted-Out Services Previously Approved | Resolution | Passed | Resolution concurring with the Controller's certification that services previously approved can be performed by private contractor for a lower cost than similar work performed by City and County employees, for the following services: budget analyst (Board of Supervisors); citywide custodial services (excluding City Hall), citywide security services, central shops security, convention facilities management (General Services Agency-City Administrator); mainframe system support (General Services Agency-Technology); security services (Human Services Agency); food services for jail inmates (Sheriff); and assembly of vote-by-mail envelopes (Department of Elections). | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grants - Recurring State Grant Funds - Department of Public Health - FY2017-2018 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of State grant funds by the San Francisco Department of Public Health for FY2017-2018. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Homelessness and Supportive Housing Fund - FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Expenditure Plans | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Expenditure Plans for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing Fund. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Accept and Expend Grant - Friends of San Francisco Public Library - Annual Grant Award - FY2017-2018 - Up to $753,851 of In-Kind Gifts, Services, and Cash Monies | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Public Library to accept and expend a grant in the amount of up to $753,851 of in-kind gifts, services, and cash monies from the Friends of the San Francisco Public Library for direct support for a variety of public programs and services in FY2017-2018. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Administrative Code - Transfer of Moscone Center Garage and Performing Arts Garage to Municipal Transportation Agency | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to transfer the Moscone Center Garage (255-3rd Street) and the Performing Arts Garage (360 Grove Street) from the Parking Authority to the Municipal Transportation Agency; assigning a ground lease for certain Public Works property for access between the Performing Arts Garage and Gough Street; affirming the determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Health Service System Plans and Contribution Rates - Calendar Year 2018 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance approving Health Service System plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2018. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 10 | | Planning Code - Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and Dwelling Unit Mix Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the amount of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and the On-Site and Off-Site Affordable Housing Alternatives and other Inclusionary Housing requirements; to require minimum dwelling unit mix in most residential districts; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | DUPLICATED | |
Action details
| 10 | | Planning Code - Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and Dwelling Unit Mix Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the amount of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and the On-Site and Off-Site Affordable Housing Alternatives and other Inclusionary Housing requirements; to require minimum dwelling unit mix in most residential districts; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Planning Code - Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the amount of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and the On-Site and Off-Site Affordable Housing Alternatives and other Inclusionary Housing requirements; to clarify Inclusionary Housing requirements in the Transbay C-3 Special Use District; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Planning Code - Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the amount of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and the On-Site and Off-Site Affordable Housing Alternatives and other Inclusionary Housing requirements; to clarify Inclusionary Housing requirements in the Transbay C-3 Special Use District; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 3 | | Planning Code - Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to revise the amount of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Fee and the On-Site and Off-Site Affordable Housing Alternatives and other Inclusionary Housing requirements; to clarify Inclusionary Housing requirements in the Transbay C-3 Special Use District; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Planning Code - Landmark Designation - 1970 Ocean Avenue (aka El Rey Theater) | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to designate 1970 Ocean Avenue (aka El Rey Theater), in Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 3280, Lot No. 018, as a Landmark under Article 10 of the Planning Code; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 4 | | Planning Code - Construction of Accessory Dwelling Units | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to modify the requirements and procedures for authorizing the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) to include ADUs in RH-1(D) zoning districts in the Citywide program, apply the cap on number of ADUs to lots rather than buildings and remove the cap on buildings undergoing seismic retrofitting, allow the construction of ADUs expanding into the habitable area under certain conditions, make an exception to the prohibition against constructing an ADU where there has been a no-fault eviction in those cases where the tenant has been temporarily evicted in order for the owner to perform capital improvements, rehabilitation work, or lead remediation or abatement work, require modification of the project if construction of the ADU would have adverse impacts on any known historic resource, and require the Planning Department to apply all enacted design guidelines to ensure architectural compatibility of the ADU with existing buildings on the subject lot; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Fire Code - Fire Safety Disclosure, Posting, and Training Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Fire Code requirements for fire safety disclosure, posting, and training; making findings as to local conditions pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to transmit this Ordinance to appropriate state officials. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 7 | | Administrative Code - Owner Move-In Reporting Requirements | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code regarding owner move-in and relative move-in (“OMI”) evictions to require a landlord seeking to recover possession of a unit for an OMI to provide a declaration under penalty of perjury stating that the landlord intends to occupy the unit for use as the principal place of residence of the landlord or the landlord’s relative for at least 36 continuous months; require a landlord to provide the tenant with a form prepared by the Rent Board to be used to advise the Rent Board of any change in address; clarify the evidentiary standard for finding that an OMI was not performed in good faith; require a landlord to file documentation with the Rent Board regarding the status of an OMI, with a penalty for not filing such documentation, and requiring the Rent Board to transmit a random sampling of such documentation to the District Attorney; extend from three to five years the time period after an OMI during which a landlord who intends to re-rent the unit must first offer the unit to the displaced tenant; provide that a landlord who charges above the | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Police Code - Outdoor Amplified Sound Permits | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Police Code to recodify and revamp permit procedures for outdoor amplified sound by providing for distinct permits for Fixed Place Outdoor Amplified Sound, One Time Outdoor Amplified Sound, and Sound Trucks, and establishing fees for those permits, while also providing amplified sound requirements for Place of Entertainment and Limited Live Performance permits; to impose a fee for Sound Monitoring; to increase the fee for One Time Event permits; to declare operation of a business without these various permits (when required) to be a public nuisance; and to strengthen penalties for permit-related violations and noise violations; and making environmental findings. | FINALLY PASSED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Public Works Code - Bicycle Chop Shops | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to prohibit the assembly, disassembly, sale, offer of sale, distribution, offer of distribution, or storage of bicycles and bicycle parts on the public right-of-ways, under certain conditions and with certain exceptions; authorize Public Works to remove and seize bicycles and bicycle parts following issuance of a notice of violation; and allow either the recipient of the notice or any other person who can demonstrate lawful ownership to retrieve seized items from Public Works after 30 days. | CONTINUED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Planning Code - Child Care Facilities | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow residential uses and Child Care Facility uses to share required open space; make Child Care Facilities principally permitted in all zoning districts except the Production, Distribution, and Repair (Light Industrial Buffer) (PDR-1-B), Production, Distribution, and Repair (General) (PDR-1-G), and Industrial (Light Industrial) (M-1) zoning districts where they would be conditionally permitted, and in the Production, Distribution, and Repair (Core Production, Distribution, and Repair) (PDR-2), and Industrial (Heavy Industrial) (M-2) zoning districts where they would not be permitted; remove certain notice requirements for Child Care Facilities; make other conforming changes to references to the definition of Child Care Facility; affirming the Planning Department's determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | California Environmental Quality Act Findings - San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water System Improvement Program, San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 Replacement Project | Resolution | Passed | Resolution adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act related to modifications to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water System Improvement Program, San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 Replacement Project, located in the City of San Bruno, including the adoption of a mitigation monitoring and reporting program and a statement of overriding considerations; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to notify the Controller of this action. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Interdepartmental Jurisdictional Transfer of City Property - Port Commission - Municipal Transportation Agency - 25th, Illinois, Cesar Chavez, and Maryland Streets - $29,700,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the jurisdictional transfer of approximately 17 acres of City-owned real property comprised of portions of Assessor’s Parcel Block Nos. 4297, 4298, 4299, 4300, 4310, and 4313, and bounded by 25th, Illinois, Cesar Chavez, and Maryland Streets, in the City and County of San Francisco, from the Port Commission to the Municipal Transportation Agency for no additional consideration; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Liquor License Transfer - 901 Rankin Street | Resolution | Passed | Resolution determining that the transfer of a Type 21 off-sale general alcoholic beverage license to Good Eggs, Inc., dba Good Eggs, located at 901 Rankin Street (District 10), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and recommending that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Liquor License Transfer - 799 Beach Street | Resolution | Passed | Resolution determining that the transfer of a Type 20 off-sale beer and wine license Garfield Beach CVS, LLC, dba CVS, located at 799 Beach Street (District 2), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and recommending that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Public Works, Administrative Codes - Requirements for Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permits | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to modify the exceptions to the Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permit requirement; to allow a permittee to choose to pay an “in-lieu” fee instead of installing a street tree; to allow a permittee to choose to pay an “in-lieu” fee instead of permitting the installation of a mural on its Surface-Mounted Facility; to repeal the requirements that a permittee install landscaping or pay an “in-lieu” fee and maintain the required landscaping; to repeal the requirement that an applicant for a Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permit make reasonable efforts to locate the facility on private property before submitting an application; to require Public Works to submit a report to the Board of Supervisors every two years on the number of applications for Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permits submitted and issued and on maintenance and graffiti abatement activities at existing Surface-Mounted Facilities; to amend the requirement that a permittee maintain any required street tree; and to amend the Administrative Code to require that the mural “in-lieu” fees be d | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
| 4 | | Public Works, Administrative Codes - Requirements for Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permits | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to modify the exceptions to the Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permit requirement; to allow a permittee to choose to pay an “in-lieu” fee instead of installing a street tree; to allow a permittee to choose to pay an “in-lieu” fee instead of permitting the installation of a mural on its Surface-Mounted Facility; to repeal the requirements that a permittee install landscaping or pay an “in-lieu” fee and maintain the required landscaping; to repeal the requirement that an applicant for a Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permit make reasonable efforts to locate the facility on private property before submitting an application; to require Public Works to submit a report to the Board of Supervisors every two years on the number of applications for Surface-Mounted Facility Site Permits submitted and issued and on maintenance and graffiti abatement activities at existing Surface-Mounted Facilities; to amend the requirement that a permittee maintain any required street tree; and to amend the Administrative Code to require that the mural “in-lieu” fees be d | RE-REFERRED AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | Appointment, Immigrant Rights Commission - Ruslan Gurvits | Motion | Passed | Motion appointing Ruslan Gurvits (residency requirement waived), term ending June 6, 2019, to the Immigrant Rights Commission. | APPROVED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Administration of Real Property Transfer Tax | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to specify processes for the auditing, determination, and collection of real property transfer taxes, including among other things, taxpayer reporting requirements, authority to reject a document for recordation, authority to issue subpoenas for information, audit procedures, issuance of deficiency and jeopardy determinations, additional penalties for fraud or intent to evade taxes, collection of delinquent taxes by the Tax Collector and by liens on the property, and confidentiality of taxpayer information. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Contract Agreement Amendment - NextBus, Inc. - Automatic Vehicle Location System - Not to Exceed $12,444,090 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the Third Amendment to San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency ("SFMTA") Contract No. SFMTA 2013-30, with NextBus, Inc., for software and equipment maintenance services for the SFMTA’s Automatic Vehicle Location System, to extend the Agreement for one year for a total term of August 1, 2013, through July 31, 2018, with one one-year option to extend, and increasing the contract amount by $3,255,888 for a total not to exceed $12,444,090. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Agreement - Intercare Holdings Insurance Services, Inc. - Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrator - Not to Exceed $26,179,119 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and the Department of Human Resources to execute an agreement with Intercare Holdings Insurance Services, Inc., for Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrator services for an amount not to exceed $26,179,119 and for a term of three years, from August 1, 2017, through July 31, 2020, with an option to extend the term for up to an additional two years. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Real Property Lease - Crystal Springs Golf Partners, L.P. - 6650 Golf Course Drive, Burlingame, California - $1,000,000 Annual Base Rent | Resolution | Passed | Resolution authorizing a new lease to Crystal Springs Golf Partners, L.P., for the use of property owned by the City and County of San Francisco on property known as San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) Parcel No. 31, located at 6650 Golf Course Drive, Burlingame, California, for a term of 20 years to commence following Board approval, for rent equal to the greater of percentage rent or $1,000,000 annual base rent; and authorizing the Director of Property and/or the SFPUC General Manager to execute documents, make certain modifications, and take certain actions in furtherance of this Resolution, as defined herein. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Administrative Code - Establishing an Office of Cannabis and Extending the Term of the Cannabis State Legalization Task Force | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish an Office of Cannabis; to authorize the Director of the Office of Cannabis to issue permits to cannabis-related businesses; to direct the Director of the Office of Cannabis to collect permit application and annual license fees following the enactment of a subsequent ordinance establishing the amounts of those fees; and to extend the term of the Cannabis State Legalization Task Force. | CONTINUED | Fail |
Action details
| 4 | | Administrative Code - Establishing an Office of Cannabis and Extending the Term of the Cannabis State Legalization Task Force | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish an Office of Cannabis; to authorize the Director of the Office of Cannabis to issue permits to cannabis-related businesses; to direct the Director of the Office of Cannabis to collect permit application and annual license fees following the enactment of a subsequent ordinance establishing the amounts of those fees; and to extend the term of the Cannabis State Legalization Task Force. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 5 | | Administrative Code - Establishing an Office of Cannabis and Extending the Term of the Cannabis State Legalization Task Force | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to establish an Office of Cannabis; to authorize the Director of the Office of Cannabis to issue permits to cannabis-related businesses; to direct the Director of the Office of Cannabis to collect permit application and annual license fees following the enactment of a subsequent ordinance establishing the amounts of those fees; and to extend the term of the Cannabis State Legalization Task Force. | PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | General Plan Amendments - Implementing the City’s Vision Zero Policy Regarding Pedestrian Safety | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Transportation and Urban Design Elements of the General Plan to implement the City’s Vision Zero policy regarding pedestrian safety; making findings, including findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Public Works, Administrative Codes - Street Encroachment Permits and Maintenance Fund for Certain Permits | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to update provisions on street encroachment permits, establish appeals procedures and fees for such appeals, waive the annual public right-of-way occupancy assessment fee in lieu of the waiver for permit fee payment for certain permits, modify the street encroachment permit process for governmental entities, and create a temporary street encroachment permit for a maximum period of 30 months; amending the Administrative Code to establish an encroachment maintenance fund for permits where the permittee is not an adjacent property owner; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLE | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Public Works, Administrative Codes - Street Encroachment Permits and Maintenance Fund for Certain Permits | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Public Works Code to update provisions on street encroachment permits, establish appeals procedures and fees for such appeals, waive the annual public right-of-way occupancy assessment fee in lieu of the waiver for permit fee payment for certain permits, modify the street encroachment permit process for governmental entities, and create a temporary street encroachment permit for a maximum period of 30 months; amending the Administrative Code to establish an encroachment maintenance fund for permits where the permittee is not an adjacent property owner; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | PASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Planning Code - Valencia Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District Zoning Control Table | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to adopt the zoning control table for the Valencia Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District, which was deleted inadvertently from Ordinance No. 129-17, the Article 7 Reorganization Ordinance; making environmental findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and adopting findings of public convenience, necessity, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Extending Interim Zoning Controls - Indoor Agriculture | Resolution | Passed | Resolution extending interim zoning controls to require conditional use authorization for indoor agriculture uses, as defined in Planning Code, Section 102, and other indoor agriculture uses in Production, Distribution and Repair zoning districts; making findings of consistency with the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act. | ADOPTED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Alfred Fred Pittman - $30,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Alfred Fred Pittman against the City and County of San Francisco for $30,000; the lawsuit was filed on June 20, 2013, in United States District Court, Case No. 13-CV-02095; entitled Alfred Fred Pittman v. City and County of San Francisco; the lawsuit involves alleged civil rights violations. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Barbara Burke and Miles Burke - $65,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Barbara Burke and Miles Burke against the City and County of San Francisco for $65,000; the lawsuit was filed on May 20, 2015, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-15-545917; entitled Barbara Burke and Miles Burke v. City and County of San Francisco, Does 1-10; the lawsuit involves personal injury from an alleged dangerous condition of public property. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - San Francisco Apartment Association, et al. - $130,440 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by San Francisco Apartment Association, Coalition For Better Housing, and San Francisco Association of Realtors against the City and County of San Francisco for $130,440; the lawsuit was filed on January 28, 2014, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CPF-14-513452; entitled San Francisco Apartment Association, et al. v. City and County of San Francisco; the lawsuit involves a claim for attorney’s fees and costs following Petitioners’ challenge to Section 317(e)(4) of Ordinance No. 287-13 on the grounds it is preempted by the state Ellis Act. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Jose H. Lima Osorio - $57,500 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Jose H. Lima Osorio against the City and County of San Francisco for $57,500; the lawsuit was filed on March 9, 2016, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-16-550862; entitled Jose H. Lima Osorio v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injuries when plaintiff was struck by a vehicle while in the crosswalk. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - BHR Operations LLC, dba Crowne Plaza and dba Holiday Inn Fisherman’s Wharf, et al. - $1,613,554.74 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of two lawsuits filed by BHR Operations LLC, dba Crowne Plaza and dba Holiday Inn Fisherman's Wharf, et al. against the City and County of San Francisco for $1,613,554.74 to be distributed as follows: BHR Operations LLC $379,969.68, Hotel Nikko of San Francisco Inc. $201,741.40, Datam S.F. LLC $277,953.69, RP/Kinetic Parc 55 Owner, LLC $25,601.63, S.F. Hilton LLC $447,301.52, W2005 Argent Hotel Realty LLC $42,857.19, British Airways Plc $163,369.38, Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd $74,760.25; the lawsuits were filed in San Francisco Superior Court, as Case No. CGC-10-498514 entitled BHR Operations LLC, dba Crowne Plaza and dba Holiday Inn Fisherman's Wharf, et al. v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. filed on April 9, 2010, and Case No. CGC-10-505526 entitled British Airways Plc v. City and County of San Francisco, et al. filed on November 19, 2010; other material terms of the settlement include the City’s retaining transient occupancy taxes collected by the Tax Collector, and the plaintiffs’ agreement to pay transient occupancy taxes in the future | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Betsy Isabel Ayala - $75,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Betsy Isabel Ayala against the City and County of San Francisco for $75,000; the lawsuit was filed on July 7, 2015, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-15-546742; entitled Betsy Isabel Ayala v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury on a City street. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Zhen Qiang Zhang - $75,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Zhen Qiang Zhang against the City and County of San Francisco for $75,000; the lawsuit was filed on November 13, 2014, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-14-542708; entitled Zhen Qiang Zhang v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves an employment dispute. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Pedro Figueroa Zarceno - $190,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Pedro Figueroa Zarceno against the City and County of San Francisco for $190,000; the lawsuit was filed on January 17, 2017, in United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. 17-cv-00229 JST; entitled Pedro Figueroa Zarceno v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves unlawful arrest. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Stuart Kohler - $75,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Stuart Kohler against the City and County of San Francisco for $75,000; the lawsuit was filed on November 8, 2016, in United States District Court, Case No. 16-CV-6502; entitled Stuart Kohler v. City and County of San Francisco et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged civil rights violations. | | |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Sarah Loomis - $95,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Sarah Loomis against the City and County of San Francisco for $95,000; the lawsuit was filed on February 19, 2016, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-16-550399; entitled Sarah Loomis v. Nathaniel David Mansker, City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury from vehicle collision. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Sonia Meyerson - $52,500 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Sonia Meyerson against the City and County of San Francisco for $52,500; the lawsuit was filed on April 22, 2015, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-15-545451; entitled Sonia Meyerson v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury on a City street. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Bernard Sandoval - $120,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Bernard Sandoval against the City and County of San Francisco for $120,000; the lawsuit was filed on June 25, 2015, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-15-546562; entitled Bernard Sandoval v. City and County of San Francisco; the lawsuit involves an employment dispute. | | |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Lawsuit - Paula Ginsburg - $225,000 | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Paula Ginsburg against the City and County of San Francisco for $225,000; the lawsuit was filed on February 17, 2016, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-16-550470; entitled Paula Ginsburg v. City and County of San Francisco, and Does 1 to 25, Inclusive; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury on a City sidewalk adjacent to Alta Plaza Park. | PASSED ON FIRST READING | Pass |
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| 1 | | Urging Wells Fargo to Compensate Employees Terminated in Retaliation for Whistle-blowing | Resolution | Passed | Resolution urging Wells Fargo & Company to remediate the economically damaging effects of defamatory statements made against employees in retaliation for attempting to blow the whistle on past fraudulent practices, conduct a card check of all employees nationwide, and conduct a thorough review of lending practices. | ADOPTED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Adopting the Planning Department's Report on Interim Zoning Prohibition on Commercial Mergers - Proposed Calle 24 Special Use District | Motion | Passed | Motion adopting the Planning Department’s report on the interim zoning prohibition on commercial storefront mergers of greater than 799 gross square feet in the proposed Calle 24 Special Use District, which generally includes all lots bounded by 22nd Street, Potrero Avenue, Cesar Chavez Street, Capp Street, and both sides of 24th Street from Capp Street to Bartlett Street, as well as certain additional adjacent lots. | APPROVED | Pass |
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| 1 | | Opposing California State Assembly Bill 943 (Santiago) - Land Use Regulations: Local Initiatives: Voter Approval | Resolution | Filed | Resolution opposing California State Assembly Bill 943, authored by Assembly Member Miguel Santiago, which would impose a supermajority voting requirement of 55% on all ballot measures in cities and counties with populations of 750,000 or more that are qualified for the ballot by citizen petition and are designated by the county counsel or city attorney in those cities and counties to inhibit unchecked development. | REFERRED | Pass |
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| 2 | | Planning Code - Car-Share and Shared Short Range Vehicle Parking Requirements | Ordinance | Filed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to allow Shared Short Range Vehicle (scooter) off-street parking in certain designated spaces and amending the Car-Share Program provisions; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; and making findings under Planning Code, Section 302. | | |
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| 1 | | Amending Ordinance No. 49-17 - 180 Jones Street Affordable Housing Fund | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 49-17 to change the timeline, for the first payment of $1,500,000 from the project sponsor of 950-974 Market Street to the 180 Jones Street Affordable Housing Fund, from "the issuance of the first construction document for that project or July 1, 2017, whichever comes first," to "the issuance of the first construction document." | | |
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| 3 | | Planning Code - North Beach, Telegraph Hill, Broadway and Chinatown Area Controls | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Planning Code to support Legacy Businesses; expand the definition of historic buildings and impose additional requirements in the Broadway Neighborhood Commercial District (NCD) and North Beach Special Use District (SUD); prohibit certain uses in the North Beach SUD; reduce the lot size limit in the North Beach SUD; modify the requirements for approval of parking garages in the Telegraph Hill-North Beach Residential SUD, the North Beach NCD, and Chinatown Mixed Use Districts; reduce off-street parking spaces permitted for residential uses in the Telegraph Hill-North Beach Residential SUD, and the Broadway and North Beach NCDs; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public convenience, necessity, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302. | | |
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| 1 | | Administrative Code - Requesting Findings From Assessment Appeals Board | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to require parties to pay a refundable deposit when requesting written findings from the Assessment Appeals Board, and to establish procedures concerning the waiver and renewal of requests for written findings. | | |
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| 1 | | Building Code - Mandatory Disability Access Improvements - Extension of Time For Compliance and Report to the Board of Supervisors | Ordinance | Passed | Ordinance amending Chapter 11D of the Building Code to extend the time for compliance with the requirement that an existing building with a place of public accommodation either have all primary entries and path of travel into the building accessible by persons with disabilities or receive from the City a determination of equivalent facilitation, technical infeasibility, or unreasonable hardship, the Department of Building Inspection’s report to the Board of Supervisors, and the limitation on granting extensions of time; restating the findings of local conditions under the California Health and Safety Code; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward the legislation to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage. | | |
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| 1 | | Recreation and Parks Month - July 2017 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution proclaiming July 2017 as Recreation and Parks Month in the City and County of San Francisco. | | |
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| 1 | | "The Time To Ask" - Summer Break 2017 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution recognizing Brady Campaign’s ASK (Asking Saves Kids) Campaign, which promotes a plan to prevent more children from dying due to access to unlocked guns by asking parents if there is an unlocked gun where their child is playing, and declaring summer break 2017 as "The Time To Ask," in the City and County of San Francisco. | | |
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| 1 | | Urging the United States Congress to Oppose the Protecting Americans from Credit Entanglements Act of 2017 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution urging the United States Congress not to pass the Protecting Americans from Credit Entanglements Act of 2017 as it would undermine consumer protections, an essential component to Property Assessed Clean Energy programs. | | |
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| 1 | | Condemning Increase of Anti-Semitic Harassment | Resolution | Passed | Resolution condemning the increase in incidents of anti-Semitism and other forms of bias, prejudice, and discrimination. | | |
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| 1 | | Year of Recognizing Youth Experiencing Homelessness in San Francisco - FY2017-2018 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution declaring FY2017-2018 as the year of recognizing youth experiencing homelessness in the City and County of San Francisco, supporting the plan to end youth homelessness, and urging the Department of Public Health and the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to allocate resources for homeless youth and transitional age youth populations proportional to their representation among the homeless population in San Francisco. | | |
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| 1 | | Opposing California State Assembly Bill 943 (Santiago) - Land Use Regulations: Local Initiatives: Voter Approval | Resolution | Passed | Resolution opposing California State Assembly Bill 943, authored by Assembly Member Miguel Santiago, which would impose a supermajority voting requirement of 55% on all ballot measures in cities and counties with populations of 750,000 or more that are qualified for the ballot by citizen petition and are designated by the county counsel or city attorney in those cities and counties to inhibit unchecked development. | | |
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| 1 | | Local Agency Formation Commission - Interim Administrative Officer - Clerk of the Board | Motion | Passed | Motion authorizing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to accept the appointment as the Interim Administrative Officer to perform administrative duties on behalf of the San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission, commencing upon the elimination of the 9775 Senior Community Development Specialist II position occurring through the approval of the City and County of San Francisco’s FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 budget, until such time as the San Francisco Local Agency Formation Commission has selected their Executive Officer. | | |
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| 1 | | Hearing - Exploration of Good Food Purchasing Policy | Hearing | Filed | Hearing to explore the development of good food purchasing policies for key City departments; and requesting the Department of Public Health, Sheriff's Department, and San Francisco Unified School District to report. | | |
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| 1 | | Hearing - Utility Undergrounding | Hearing | Filed | Hearing on the status of a master plan regarding utility undergrounding in San Francisco; and requesting Public Works to report. | | |
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| 1 | | Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - DiamondRock Hospitality, L.P. - $245,000 | Resolution | Passed | Resolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by DiamondRock Hospitality, L.P., against the City and County of San Francisco for $245,000; the claim involves an alleged overpayment of real property transfer tax paid in connection with the November 14, 2012, purchase of the Hotel Rex, located at 562 Sutter Street. | | |
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