Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/28/2022 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Legislative Chamber, Room 250 City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102-4689
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeStatusTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
220379 1 Settlement of Lawsuit - Martin Collins - $35,000OrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Martin Collins against the City and County of San Francisco for $35,000; the lawsuit was filed on December 15, 2020, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-20-588446; entitled Martin Collins v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves alleged personal injury from a dangerous condition of public property.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Not available
220508 1 Settlement of Lawsuit - Tessa Luu - $864,282OrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Tessa Luu against the City and County of San Francisco for $864,282, comprised of a payment of $730,000 and the forgiveness of the City’s lien in the amount of $134,282; the lawsuit was filed on September 2, 2020, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-20-586519; entitled Tessa Luu v. City and County of San Francisco; the lawsuit involves an alleged personal injury on a City sidewalk.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Not available
220509 1 Settlement of Lawsuit - Arthur Higgins, Larry Tiller, Lorenzo Bell - $375,000OrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Arthur Higgins, Larry Tiller, and Lorenzo Bell against the City and County of San Francisco for $375,000; the lawsuit was filed on August 31, 2020, in United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No. 3:20-cv-06129-CRB; entitled Arthur Higgins, et al. v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves allegations that Plaintiffs’ civil rights were violated when San Francisco Police Department (“SFPD”) Officers detained and used force against them following a traffic stop.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Not available
220510 1 Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service - $203,056.18ResolutionPassedResolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service against the City and County of San Francisco for $203,056.18; the claim was filed on January 13, 2022; the claim involves fire suppression services due to a fire that allegedly originated on Hetch Hetchy property.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
220532 1 Settlement of Unlitigated Claim - Annie Jew - $30,000ResolutionPassedResolution approving the settlement of the unlitigated claim filed by Annie Jew against the City and County of San Francisco for $30,000; the claim was filed on December 29, 2021; the claim involves alleged property damaged due to a water main rupture.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
220704 2 Grant Agreement for Financial Solvency - Positive Resource Center - $800,000 - Waiver of Competitive Solicitation RequirementOrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing the Department of Public Health to award a one-time, limited term grant to Positive Resource Center (“PRC”), without engaging in the competitive solicitation process otherwise required by the Administrative Code for grants, for the purpose of maintaining PRC’s staffing, and preventing displacement of residents, in an amount not to exceed $800,000 for a not to exceed one-year period to commence on July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Video Video
220705 2 Grant Agreement for Financial Solvency - Baker Places, Inc. - Not to Exceed $450,000 - Waiver of Competitive Solicitation RequirementOrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing the Department of Public Health to award a one-time, limited term grant to Baker Places, Inc. (“Baker”), without engaging in the competitive solicitation process otherwise required by the Administrative Code for grants, for the purpose of maintaining Baker’s staffing, and preventing displacement of residents, in an amount not to exceed $450,000 for a not to exceed one-year period to commence on July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Video Video
220666 1 Proposed Interim Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Departments - FYs 2022-2023 and 2023-2024OrdinancePassedProposed Interim Budget and Appropriation Ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for Departments of the City and County of San Francisco as of June 1, 2022, for the Fiscal Years (FYs) ending June 30, 2023, and June 30, 2024.FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Video Video
220667 1 Proposed Interim Annual Salary Ordinance - FYs 2022-2023 and 2023-2024OrdinancePassedProposed Interim Annual Salary Ordinance enumerating positions in the Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Years (FYs) ending June 30, 2023, and June 30, 2024, continuing, creating, or establishing these positions; enumerating and including therein all positions created by Charter or State law for which compensations are paid from City and County funds and appropriated in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance; authorizing appointments or continuation of appointments thereto; specifying and fixing the compensations and work schedules thereof; and authorizing appointments to temporary positions and fixing compensations.FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Video Video
211300 2 Planning Code, Zoning Map - Group Housing Special Use DistrictOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Planning Code to create the Group Housing Special Use District; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
220446 6 Planning, Administrative, Subdivision Codes; Zoning Map - Density Exception in Residential DistrictsOrdinanceFailedOrdinance amending the Planning Code to rezone all Residential, One Family (RH-1) zoning districts, except for Residential, One Family, Detached (RH-1(D)) districts, to Residential, Two Family (RH-2) zoning districts; to rezone the RH-1(D) districts to a new class of residential district called Residential, Two Family, Detached (RH-2(D)) districts; and to provide a density limit exception to permit up to four dwelling units per lot, and up to six dwelling units per lot in Corner Lots, in all RH (Residential, House) zoning districts, subject to certain requirements, including among others the replacement of protected units; amending the Administrative Code to require new dwelling units constructed pursuant to the density limit exception to be subject to the rent increase limitations of the Rent Ordinance; amending the Subdivision Code to authorize a subdivider that is constructing new dwelling units pursuant to the density exception to submit an application for condominium conversion or a condominium map that includes the existing dwelling units and the new dwelling units that constitAMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEPass Action details Video Video
220446 7 Planning, Administrative, Subdivision Codes; Zoning Map - Density Exception in Residential DistrictsOrdinanceFailedOrdinance amending the Planning Code to rezone all Residential, One Family (RH-1) zoning districts, except for Residential, One Family, Detached (RH-1(D)) districts, to Residential, Two Family (RH-2) zoning districts; to rezone the RH-1(D) districts to a new class of residential district called Residential, Two Family, Detached (RH-2(D)) districts; and to provide a density limit exception to permit up to four dwelling units per lot, and up to six dwelling units per lot in Corner Lots, in all RH (Residential, House) zoning districts, subject to certain requirements, including among others the replacement of protected units; amending the Administrative Code to require new dwelling units constructed pursuant to the density limit exception to be subject to the rent increase limitations of the Rent Ordinance; amending the Subdivision Code to authorize a subdivider that is constructing new dwelling units pursuant to the density exception to submit an application for condominium conversion or a condominium map that includes the existing dwelling units and the new dwelling units that constitPASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDEDPass Action details Not available
220598 2 Memorandum of Understanding - Citywide AmendmentOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing an Amendment to the current Memorandums of Understanding and Collective Bargaining Agreements between the City and County of San Francisco and each of the Unions identified in Appendix A, providing for the carry forward to fiscal year 2022-2023 of an additional 80 hours of accrued floating holidays, accrued in lieu holidays, and waiving the 120 hour limitation on the number of hours of compensatory that “Z” designated employees can carry forward under the Memorandum of Understanding with Local 21, the amendment to be effective June 30, 2022.FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Video Video
220696 1 Memorandum of Understanding - Service Employees International Union, Local 1021: Staff & Per Diem NursesOrdinancePassedOrdinance adopting and implementing the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and County of San Francisco and the Service Employees International Union, Local 1021: Staff & Per Diem Nurses, to be effective July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2024.FINALLY PASSEDPass Action details Video Video
220676 1 Proposed Interim Budget - Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, Operating as Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency - FY2022-2023ResolutionPassedResolution approving the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023 Interim Budget of the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure, operating as the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220537 1 Authorizing Grant Agreements - Terms of 20 Years after Project Completion - Public Utilities Commission Green Infrastructure Grant ProgramOrdinancePassedOrdinance extending for an additional two years through July 1, 2024, the delegation of authority under Charter, Section 9.118, to the General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (“SFPUC”), previously authorized by Ordinance No. 26-19 and extended and modified by Ordinance No. 101-20, to enter into grant agreements under the SFPUC’s Green Infrastructure Grant Program with terms of up to 20 years after the Project Completion Date, as defined by the Grant Agreements.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
220544 1 Agreement - LAZ Parking California, LLC - Parking Meter Coin and Parking Data Collection Services - Not to Exceed $50,798,833ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Director of Transportation to execute Contract No. SFMTA-2022-13, for Parking Meter Coin and Parking Data Collection Services, with LAZ Parking California, LLC, for an amount not to exceed $24,617,587 for a base term of five years, with the option to extend the term for up to five additional years for an amount not to exceed $26,181,245 for a total contract amount not to exceed $50,798,833; and to authorize the Municipal Transportation Agency to enter into any amendments or modifications to the Agreement that do not increase the obligations or liabilities of the City, are necessary or advisable to effectuate the purposes of the Agreement or this Resolution.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220554 1 Real Property Lease Amendment - Evans Investment Partners, LLC - 750 and 752 Vallejo Street - $120,792 Annual Base Rent - Estimated $267,382 Tenant Improvement CostResolutionPassedResolution approving and authorizing the Director of Property, on behalf of the Police Department, to amend the lease of real property located at 750 and 752 Vallejo Street, with Evans Investment Partners, LLC, at a base rent of $120,792 per year with 3% annual increases, with tenant improvements for the City’s lawful occupancy of the premises, the cost of which shall not exceed $267,382 and extending the term of the lease for five years, from August 15, 2022, for a total term of August 15, 2017, through August, 15, 2027, plus two five-year options to extend; and authorizing the Director of Property to execute documents, make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of the lease amendment, the lease and this Resolution, as defined herein.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220599 1 Contract Amendment - Professional Contractor Supply (PCS) - Purchase of Hardware Supplies - $11,500,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to enter into a fifth amendment to the contract between the City and County of San Francisco and Professional Contractor Supply (PCS), for the purchase of hardware supplies for City departments, increasing the contract amount by $4,000,000 for a total not to exceed amount of $11,500,000 with no change to the contract term from August 15, 2017, through July 14, 2025.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220601 1 Contract - Kemira Water Solutions - Ferric Ferrous Chloride - Not to Exceed $26,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to enter into PeopleSoft Contract ID 1000025263 between the City and County of San Francisco and Kemira Water Solutions for the purchase of Ferric Ferrous Chloride, with an initial contract not to exceed amount of $11,200,000 for three years and $14,800,000 for an option to extend for four additional years for a total not to exceed amount of $26,000,000 and a total contract duration of seven years to commence on July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2029.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220602 1 Contract - TR International Trading Company - Ferric Ferrous Chloride - Not to Exceed $28,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to enter into PeopleSoft Contract ID 1000025301 between the City and County of San Francisco and TR International Trading Company for the purchase of Ferric Ferrous Chloride, with an initial contract not to exceed amount of $12,000,000 for three years and $16,000,000 for an option to extend for four additional years for a total not to exceed amount of $28,000,000 and a total contract duration of seven years to commence on July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2029.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220603 1 Contract - Univar Solutions USA Inc. - Sodium Hypochlorite - Not to Exceed $74,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to enter into PeopleSoft Contract ID 1000025302 between the City and County of San Francisco and Univar Solutions USA Inc. for the purchase of Sodium Hypochlorite, with an initial contract not to exceed amount of $32,000,000 for three years and $42,000,000 for an option to extend for four additional years for a total not to exceed amount of $74,000,000 and a total contract duration of seven years to commence on July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2029.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220604 1 Contract - Univar Solutions USA Inc. - Sodium Bisulfite - Not to Exceed $19,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Office of Contract Administration to enter into PeopleSoft Contract ID 1000025303 between the City and County of San Francisco and Univar Solutions USA Inc. for the purchase of Sodium Bisulfite, with an initial contract not to exceed amount of $8,000,000 for three years and $11,000,000 for an option to extend for four additional years for a total not to exceed amount of $19,000,000 and a total contract duration of seven years to commence on July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2029.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220608 1 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - 700-730 Stanyan Street - Not to Exceed $130,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution declaring the intent of the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $130,000,000 in one or more series of bonds on a tax-exempt or taxable basis; authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“Director”) to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (“CDLAC”) to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $130,000,000 for 700-730 Stanyan Street; authorizing and directing the Director to direct the Controller’s Office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed $100,000 in accordance with CDLAC procedures, if necessary; authorizing the Director to certify to CDLAC that the City has on deposit the required amount, if necessary; authorizing the Director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the State of California if the City fails to issue the residential mortgage revenue bonds; authorizing and directADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220609 1 Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - California Board of State and Community Corrections - Youth Programs and Facilities Grant - $152,571ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing the Juvenile Probation Department to accept and expend a grant from the Youth Programs and Facilities Grant in the amount of $152,571 from the California Board of State and Community Corrections for a term from June 10, 2021, through June 1, 2024.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220645 1 Accept and Expend Grant - California Arts Council - Design and Planning for Harvey Milk Plaza - $1,500,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Department of Public Works to accept and expend grant funds in the amount of $1,500,000 from the California Arts Council for the design and planning of new improvements on or about Harvey Milk Plaza for the project term of July 2022 through February 2023; authorizing the Public Works Director to enter into a grant agreement with the California Arts Council regarding the same; authorizing the Department of Public Works and the Clerk of the Board to take further actions necessary under the grant agreement, as defined herein; and retroactively approving the submittal of the grant application.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220646 1 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - Sunnydale HOPE SF Block 3A - Not to Exceed $74,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution declaring the intent of the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $74,000,000 in one or more series of bonds on a tax-exempt or taxable basis; authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“Director”) to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (“CDLAC”) to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $74,000,000 for Sunnydale HOPE SF Block 3A at 1500 Block of Sunnydale Avenue; authorizing and directing the Director to direct the Controller’s Office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed $100,000 in accordance with CDLAC procedures, if necessary; authorizing the Director to certify to CDLAC that the City has on deposit the required amount, if necessary; authorizing the Director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the State of California if the City fails to issue the residential mortgage rADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220647 1 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - Building E Balboa Reservoir - 11 Frida Kahlo Way - Not to Exceed $102,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution declaring the intent of the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $102,000,000 in one or more series of bonds on a tax-exempt or taxable basis; authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“Director”) to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (“CDLAC”) to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $102,000,000 for Building E Balboa Reservoir at 11 Frida Kahlo Way; authorizing and directing the Director to direct the Controller’s Office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed $100,000 in accordance with CDLAC procedures, if necessary; authorizing the Director to certify to CDLAC that the City has on deposit the required amount, if necessary; authorizing the Director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the State of California if the City fails to issue the residential mortgage revenue boADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220649 1 Resolution of Intention - Renewal and Expansion - Tourism Improvement DistrictResolutionPassedResolution declaring the intention of the Board of Supervisors to renew and expand a business-based business improvement district to be known as the “Tourism Improvement District” and levy a multi-year assessment on identified hotel and short-term residential rental businesses in the district; approving the management district plan for the district; ordering and setting a time and place a public hearing of the Board of Supervisors, sitting as a Committee of the Whole, on September 13, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.; approving the form of the Notice of Public Hearing and Assessment Ballot Proceeding and Assessment Ballots; directing environmental findings; and directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to give notice of the public hearing and balloting as required by law.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220262 1 Planning, Administrative Codes - Affordable Housing Code EnforcementOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Planning Code to permit the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to enforce, and collect fines and penalties for violations of, Planning Code provisions governing affordable housing; amending the Administrative Code to allow the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) to use the proceeds in the Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund for all Planning Code enforcement activities by MOHCD relating to affordable housing; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
220407 2 Liquor License Transfer - 1548 California Street - Soda Popinski'sResolutionPassedResolution determining that the premise-to-premise transfer of a Type-21 off-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to Bitter Badger, Inc., doing business as Soda Popinski's, located at 1548 California Street (District 3), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220408 2 Liquor License - 665 Chestnut Street - THELOSTCHURCH.ORG, INCResolutionPassedResolution determining that the issuance of a Type-64 special on-sale general theater liquor license to THELOSTCHURCH.ORG, INC, located at 665 Chestnut Street (District 3), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4; and requesting that the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control impose conditions on the issuance of the license.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220484 2 Liquor License Transfer - 900 Columbus Avenue - North Beach Food MartResolutionPassedResolution determining that the premise-to-premise/person-to-person transfer of a Type-21 off-sale general beer, wine, and distilled spirits liquor license to Zeid Samir Batshoun, doing business as North Beach Food Mart, located at 900 Columbus Avenue (District 3), will serve the public convenience or necessity of the City and County of San Francisco, in accordance with California Business and Professions Code, Section 23958.4.ADOPTEDPass Action details Video Video
220486 2 Mayoral Reappointment, Port Commission - Gail GilmanMotionPassedMotion approving the Mayor’s nomination for reappointment of Gail Gilman to the Port Commission, for a term ending May 1, 2026.APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
220487 2 Mayoral Reappointment, Port Commission - William AdamsMotionPassedMotion approving the Mayor’s nomination for reappointment of William Adams to the Port Commission, for a term ending May 1, 2026.APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
220660 2 Appointment, Treasury Oversight Committee - Ben RosenfieldMotionPassedMotion approving the Treasurer’s nomination of Ben Rosenfield, for a term ending June 17, 2026, to the Treasury Oversight Committee.APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
220661 2 Appointment, Treasury Oversight Committee - Meghan WallaceMotionPassedMotion approving the Treasurer’s nomination of Meghan Wallace, for a term ending June 17, 2026, to the Treasury Oversight Committee.APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
220662 2 Appointment, Treasury Oversight Committee - Nancy HomMotionPassedMotion approving the Treasurer’s nomination of Nancy Hom, for a term ending June 17, 2026, to the Treasury Oversight Committee.APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
220540 1 Business and Tax Regulations Code - Disclosure of Vacancy Tax InformationOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code to permit the Tax Collector to make public certain information regarding the Vacancy Tax.PASSED ON FIRST READINGPass Action details Video Video
220530 2 Mayoral Appointment, Public Works Commission - Paul WoolfordMotionPassedMotion approving the Mayor’s nomination for the appointment of Paul Woolford to the Public Works Commission, for a term ending July 2, 2026.APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
220664 2 Presidential Appointment, Board of Appeals - Alex LembergMotionPassedMotion approving the President of the Board of Supervisors Shamann Walton’s nomination for the appointment of Alex Lemberg to the Board of Appeals, for the unexpired portion of a four-year term ending July 1, 2024.CONTINUEDPass Action details Video Video
220740 1 Urging the San Francisco Housing Authority to Evaluate Options for Affordable Housing UnitsResolutionPassedResolution urging the San Francisco Housing Authority, in consultation with McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS) to evaluate, as an alternative to the plans currently being proposed by MBS, rehabilitation and redevelopment options that result in 100% of the units onsite as affordable housing, including but not limited to an alternative proposal that incorporates Faircloth-to-RAD conversion.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
220752 1 Declaration of Election Results - June 7, 2022 - Consolidated Statewide Direct Primary ElectionResolutionPassedResolution declaring the results of the June 7, 2022, Consolidated Statewide Direct Primary Election.ADOPTEDPass Action details Not available
220755 1 Health Service System Plans and Contribution Rates - Calendar Year 2023OrdinancePassedOrdinance approving Health Service System plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2023.   Action details Not available
220757 1 Planning Code - Landmark Designation - Mother’s Building in San Francisco ZooOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Planning Code to designate Mother’s Building, situated within San Francisco Zoological Gardens, 1 Zoo Road, southeast of Great Highway and Sloat Boulevard, in Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 7281, Lot No. 006, as a Landmark consistent with the standards set forth in Article 10 of the Planning Code; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making public necessity, convenience, and welfare findings under Planning Code, Section 302, and findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.   Action details Not available
211131 2 Police Code - Third-Party Food Delivery ServicesOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Police Code to define core delivery service to mean a service that both lists a covered establishment on all of a third-party food delivery service’s platforms, including websites and mobile applications, and facilitates and/or performs delivery of food and/or beverages from the establishment; to exempt from the 15% cap on per-order fees, starting January 31, 2023, third-party food delivery services that offer restaurants the option to obtain only core delivery service at a cost of no more than 15% of the purchase price of an online order without requiring the purchase of additional services, and that notify all covered establishments with which the third-party food delivery services have an existing contract of this option no later than December 1, 2022; and to require that contracts between a third-party food delivery service and a covered establishment clearly define the fees, commissions, or charges associated with contracted services.   Action details Not available
220758 1 Administrative Code - Outreach for Tax-Defaulted PropertiesOrdinancePassedOrdinance amending the Administrative Code to require the Tax Collector to provide information to the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development on real property that for at least three years has been tax-defaulted, and to require the Tax Collector to provide to the Board of Supervisors a summary of its referrals to government agencies and other organizations for the purpose of resolving property tax delinquencies prior to sale for nonpayment of taxes.   Action details Not available
220759 1 Loan Agreement - Potrero Housing Associates II, L.P. - 100% Affordable Housing - Not to Exceed $17,680,000ResolutionPassedResolution approving and authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to execute an Amended and Restated Loan Agreement with Potrero Housing Associates II, L.P., a California limited partnership, for a total loan amount not to exceed $17,680,000 to finance the construction of a 157-unit multifamily rental housing development for low-income households, which will be known as Potrero HOPE SF Block B (the "Project"); and adopting findings that the loan agreement is consistent with the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program under the California Environmental Quality Act, General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.   Action details Not available
220760 1 Master Major Encroachment Permit - Sunnydale HOPE SFResolutionPassedResolution granting revocable permission to Sunnydale Infrastructure, LLC, to construct and maintain encroachments in the public right-of-way, including but not limited to retaining walls, irrigation lines, community gateway and perimeter markers, and vehicular directional signs; adopting environmental findings under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.   Action details Not available
220761 1 Support for the Application for HCD’s Local Government Matching Grants Program - MidPen Housing Corporation - 100% Affordable Housing - 850 Turk StreetResolutionPassedResolution 1) supporting MidPen Housing Corporation’s (“Applicant”) submission of application under the Excess Sites Local Government Matching Grants Program (“Program”) to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) (“Department”) to receive Program funds in order to construct a 100% affordable, 91-unit multifamily rental housing development affordable to low-income households, including one resident manager unit (the “Project”) at a state-owned Excess Site located at 850 Turk Street (“Property”); and 2) supporting the Applicant to submit the Project Budget and Anticipated and Committed Project Sources to be included in their application.   Action details Not available
220762 1 Accept and Expend Grant - Retroactive - Cooperative Agreement - California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Clean California Local Enhancement Program - South of Market Street Tree Nursery - Up to $2,400,000ResolutionPassedResolution retroactively authorizing Public Works to accept and expend $2,400,000 from the California Department of Transportation’s (“Caltrans”) Clean California Local Enhancement Program to upgrade facilities on the State Highway System in support of the South of Market Street Tree Nursery Project, for a term of March 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, and approving and authorizing Public Works to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans regarding project construction and implementation; and affirming the California Department of Transportation’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.   Action details Not available
220763 1 Execute Standard Agreement and Accept and Expend Grant - California Department of Housing and Community Development Infill Infrastructure Grant Program - Potrero Block B - $11,699,000ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) to execute a Standard Agreement with California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD” or “Department”) under the Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG) Program for a total award of $11,699,000 disbursed by HCD as a grant to the City for the second phase of infrastructure improvements for housing development related to the revitalization and master development of up to 1700 units of replacement public housing, affordable housing and market rate housing, commonly known as the Potrero HOPE SF Development (“Potrero Project”) for the period starting on the execution date of the Standard Agreement to June 30, 2023, and as amended; and to accept and expend the IIG Program funds from the Department.   Action details Not available
220764 1 Accept and Expend Grant - California Department of Housing and Community Development - Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program - Potrero Block B - $29,829,178ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) to execute the Standard Agreements with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD” or “Department”) under the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program for a total award of $29,829,178 including $20,000,000 disbursed by HCD as a loan to the Potrero Housing Associates II, L.P. for a 100% affordable housing project at 1801-25th Street and $9,829,178 to be disbursed as a grant to the City for public transportation improvements near 1801-25th Street, for the period starting on the execution date of the Standard Agreements to June 30, 2041; authorizing MOHCD to accept and expend the grant of up to $9,829,178 for transportation, streetscape and pedestrian improvements and other transit oriented programming and improvement as approved by HCD, to commence following Board approval.   Action details Not available
220765 1 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - 11 Innes Court (Hunters Point Shipyard Block 56) - Not to Exceed $51,193,200ResolutionPassedResolution declaring the intent of the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $51,193,200; authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“Director”) to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (“CDLAC”) to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $51,193,200 for 11 Innes Court (Hunters Point Shipyard Block 56); authorizing and directing the Director to direct the Controller’s Office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed $100,000 in accordance with CDLAC procedures; authorizing the Director to certify to CDLAC that the City has on deposit the required amount; authorizing the Director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the State of California if the City fails to issue the residential mortgage revenue bonds; authorizing and directing the execution of any documents necessary to implement this Resol   Action details Not available
220766 1 Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds - 98 Franklin Street - Not to Exceed $32,500,000ResolutionPassedResolution declaring the intent of the City and County of San Francisco (“City”) to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $32,500,000; authorizing the Director of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“Director”) to submit an application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (“CDLAC”) to permit the issuance of residential mortgage revenue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $32,500,000 for 98 Franklin Street; authorizing and directing the Director to direct the Controller’s Office to hold in trust an amount not to exceed $100,000 in accordance with CDLAC procedures; authorizing the Director to certify to CDLAC that the City has on deposit the required amount; authorizing the Director to pay an amount equal to such deposit to the State of California if the City fails to issue the residential mortgage revenue bonds; authorizing and directing the execution of any documents necessary to implement this Resolution, as defined herein; and    Action details Not available
220767 1 Loan Agreements - MidPen Housing Corporation - 100% Affordable Rental Housing for SFUSD Educators and Employees - Total Loans Not to Exceed $48,200,000ResolutionPassedResolution 1) approving and authorizing a Loan Agreement in an amount not to exceed $2,656,208 for a minimum loan term of 57 years (“Low Income Loan Agreement”) to finance the development and construction of a project located at 1360-43rd Avenue in San Francisco (“Property”) with the MP Francis Scott Key 2 Associates, L.P. in order to construct a 100% affordable, 35-unit multifamily rental housing development affordable to low-income households with priority to educators and employees of the San Francisco United School District (SFUSD); 2) approving and authorizing an Amended and Restated Loan Agreement in an amount not to exceed $45,543,792 for a minimum loan term of 57 years (“Moderate Income Loan Agreement”) to finance the development and construction of a project located at the Property with MP Francis Scott Key 1, LLC. in order to construct a 100% affordable, 100-unit multifamily rental housing development affordable to moderate-income households with priority to educators and employees of the San Francisco United School District, and space for community-serving purposes; 3) ado   Action details Not available
220768 1 Standard Agreement - California Department of Housing and Community Development - California Housing Accelerator Program - Potrero Block B - $94,836,486ResolutionPassedResolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco to execute a Standard Agreement and other related documents, as defined herein, with the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) under the California Housing Accelerator Program which Standard Agreement includes an award of $94,836,486 as a loan to Potrero Housing Associates II, L.P. (“Developer”), as sole borrower, for construction of a development affordable to low- and moderate-income families at Potrero Block B, located at 1801-25th Street for a term of five years to commence upon execution of the Standard Agreement by HCD.   Action details Not available
220769 1 SOMA Pilipinas - Filipino Cultural Heritage District’s Cultural, History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategy ReportResolutionPassedResolution adopting the SOMA Pilipinas - Filipino Cultural Heritage District’s Cultural, History, Housing, and Economic Sustainability Strategy Report (CHHESS).   Action details Not available
220770 1 Issuance of Bonds - California College of the Arts - Not to Exceed $40,000,000ResolutionPassedResolution approving in accordance with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, the issuance of tax-exempt obligations by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000 to finance and/or refinance various capital facilities to be owned and/or operated by California College of the Arts.   Action details Not available
220771 1 Commemorative Street Name Designation - “Polytechnic Way” - 600 Block of Frederick StreetResolutionPassedResolution adding the commemorative street name “Polytechnic Way” to the 600 block of Frederick Street in recognition of San Francisco’s first public high school and its contribution to the education of thousands of San Franciscans from 1894 to 1972.   Action details Not available
220772 1 Urging a Coordinated Response to PCE Contamination on the Irving Street CorridorResolutionPassedResolution urging the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, San Francisco Department of Public Health, and other agencies to provide a comprehensive, coordinated response to tetrachloroethylene (PCE) contamination in the vicinity of the 2500 Irving Street block to ensure protections for occupants of neighboring homes and establishments.   Action details Not available
220773 1 Urging Recology Inc. to Immediately Appoint Employee Representatives to its Governing Board in Compliance with 2022’s Proposition FResolutionPassedResolution urging Recology Inc. to immediately appoint one or more employee representatives to its governing board, in collaboration with the Teamsters Local 350, in compliance with Section 290.4(d) of the June 2022 Refuse Collection and Disposal Ordinance, Proposition F.   Action details Not available
220774 1 Urging the Full Pardon of Salesh PrasadResolutionPassedResolution urging the Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, to grant Salesh Prasad, a full pardon to allow him to remain in the United States with his family and to continue contributing to his community.   Action details Not available
220775 1 Memorandum of Understanding - JPB Caltrain GovernanceResolutionPassedResolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Mateo County Transit District, and City and County of San Francisco relating to the governance of the Joint Powers Board (JPB).   Action details Not available
220776 1 Advanced Written Determination Regarding Statement of Incompatible Activities - Small Business Commission - William Ortiz CartagenaMotionPassedMotion finding that William Ortiz Cartagena’s proposal to apply for grants administered by the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (“OEWD”) and to seek assistance from OEWD relating to the non-profit on whose Board he serves on are not incompatible with the Statement of Incompatible Activities of the Small Business Commission, of which he is a member, subject to conditions.   Action details Not available
220777 1 Advanced Written Determination Regarding Statement of Incompatible Activities - Small Business Commission - Tiffany CarterMotionPassedMotion finding that Tiffany Carter’s proposal to apply for grants and contracts administered by the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (“OEWD”) and to seek assistance from OEWD relating to the growth of the restaurant she owns and to benefit the mission of SF Black Wallstreet LLC and SF Black Wallstreet Foundation are not incompatible with the Statement of Incompatible Activities of the Small Business Commission, of which she is a member, subject to conditions.   Action details Not available
220778 1 Findings to Allow Teleconferenced Meetings During Declared EmergencyMotionPassedMotion making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under California Government Code, Section 54953(e).   Action details Not available
220748 1 Hearing - Initiative Ordinance - Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code - Behested PaymentsHearingFiledHearing to consider the proposed Initiative Ordinance submitted by the Mayor to the voters for the November 8, 2022, Election, entitled "Ordinance amending the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code to modify the rules concerning behested payment solicitations, by 1) exempting payments less than $1,000; 2) providing that a person does not become an interested party due to the City issuing them a license, permit, or other entitlement for use, if the issuance was ministerial and in certain other situations; 3) providing that a person does not become an interested party by attempting to influence a legislative or administrative action; 4) authorizing the solicitation of payments directly to City departments, and from nonprofits with agreements approved by the City Attorney and Controller; 5) authorizing departments to solicit payments pursuant to their approved Racial Equity Action Plans; 6) establishing that certain solicitations from tenants, contractors, and parties to development agreements are not prohibited; and 7) making other clarifying changes."   Action details Not available
220749 1 Hearing - Initiative Ordinance - Golden Gate Park Underground Parking Facility; Golden Gate Park Concourse AuthorityHearingFiledHearing to consider the proposed Initiative Ordinance submitted by the Mayor to the voters for the November 8, 2022, Election, entitled "Ordinance amending the Golden Gate Park Revitalization Act of 1998 ("Proposition J") to state that the City may use public funds to acquire, operate, or subsidize public parking in the Golden Gate Park Concourse Underground Parking Facility ("Parking Facility"); directing the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority ("Concourse Authority") to commence dissolution proceedings; and, upon said dissolution, transferring jurisdiction of the Parking Facility and certain other property from the Concourse Authority to the Recreation and Park Department, repealing Proposition J in its entirety, and deleting references to the Concourse Authority from the Municipal Code."   Action details Not available
220779 1 Hearing - Update on the Street Level Drug Dealing Task ForceHearingFiledHearing to receive an update on the Street Level Drug Dealing Task Force and the six key recommendations the task force made to reduce the number of of harms related to street-level drug dealing in the South of Market, Civic Center, Tenderloin and Mid Market neighborhoods; and requesting the District Attorney's Office, Police Department, Department of Public Health, and Public Defender's Office to report.   Action details Not available
220750 1 Hearing - Initiative Ordinance - Park Code - Golden Gate Park Access and Safety ProgramHearingFiledHearing to consider the proposed Initiative Ordinance submitted by four or more Supervisors to the voters for the November 8, 2022, Election, entitled "Ordinance amending the Park Code to repeal and reauthorize the Golden Gate Park Access and Safety Program, which includes establishing new recreation and open space by limiting private vehicles on certain street segments in Golden Gate Park including on JFK Drive, making certain street segments one-way, establishing bicycle lanes, and urging additional changes to improve public access to Golden Gate Park; and making associated findings under the California Vehicle Code."   Action details Not available
220780 1 Hearing - Monkeypox ResponseHearingFiledHearing on the City's response to the monkeypox virus, including public education and outreach on how best to avoid contracting and spreading the virus, efforts to vaccinate at-risk groups against monkeypox, and coordination with the California Department of Public Health and Center for Disease Control; and requesting the Department of Public Health to report.   Action details Not available
220781 1 Hearing - Plan for Comprehensive Overdose PreventionHearingFiledHearing on the City's plan for comprehensive overdose prevention; and requesting the Department of Public Health to report.   Action details Not available
220782 1 Hearing - Community Needs Assessment 2022 Report - Department of Children, Youth and Their FamiliesHearingFiledHearing on Community Needs Assessment 2022 Report conducted by the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families towards the goal of understanding the gaps and needs that San Francisco's population of children, youth, disconnected transitional age youth, and families face in existing services and programs; identifying and highlighting programs, services, and community assets that promote resiliency; and reviewing the data highlighted will guide the development of the Services Allocation Plan which will describe how Children and Youth Fund dollars will be allocated for the 2024-2029 funding cycle; and requesting the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families to report.   Action details Not available
220783 1 Hearing - Committee of the Whole - Renewal and Expansion - Tourism Improvement District - September 13, 2022, at 3:00 p.m.HearingFiledHearing of the Board of Supervisors sitting as a Committee of the Whole on September 13, 2022, at 3:00 p.m., to consider the renewal of a business-based business improvement district known as the Tourism Improvement District, pursuant to the California Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (Streets and Highways Code, Sections 36600 et seq.) and City and County of San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code, Article 15; scheduled pursuant to Resolution No. 298-22 contained in File No. 220649, adopted on June 28, 2022.   Action details Not available
220743 1 Settlement of Lawsuit - Koreda Tan - $180,000OrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing settlement of two (2) grievances, one (1) anticipated grievance, Public Employment Relations Board charge, and lawsuit filed by Koreda Tan against the City and County of San Francisco for $180,000; Grievance ERD Ref. #08-19-3732 (20-day suspension); Grievance ERD Ref. #08-20-3882 (30-day suspension); PERB charge SF-CE-1810-M; the lawsuit was filed on December 3, 2019, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-19-581229, entitled Koreda Tan v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves an employment dispute.   Action details Not available
220745 1 Settlement of Lawsuit - Breonna Richard - $47,500OrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Breonna Richard against the City and County of San Francisco for $47,500; the lawsuit was filed on July 13, 2020, in U.S. District Court Northern District, Case No. 20-CV-04276-JSC; entitled Breonna Richard v. City and County of San Francisco, et al.; the lawsuit involves an alleged civil rights violation.   Action details Not available
220746 1 Settlement of Lawsuit - Kevin Lee - $35,000OrdinancePassedOrdinance authorizing settlement of the lawsuit filed by Kevin Lee against the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Department for $35,000; the lawsuit was filed on November 22, 2019, in San Francisco Superior Court, Case No. CGC-19-580969; entitled Kevin Lee v. City and County of San Francisco et al.; the lawsuit involves an employment dispute.   Action details Not available