00:00:27 >> good afternoon and welcome to
00:00:31 the May 14th, 2019 regular
00:00:32 meeting of the san francisco
00:00:34 board of supervisors.
00:00:37 Madame Clerk, please call the
00:00:38 roll.
00:00:39 >> thank you, Mr. President.
00:01:10 [Roll Call]
00:01:13 >> you have a quorum.
00:01:13 >> thank you.
00:01:14 Ladies and gentlemen, will you
00:01:16 please join me in the pledge of
00:01:25 allegiance.
00:01:44 [Pledge of allegiance]
00:01:45 >> on behalf of the board, I
00:01:50 would like to acknowledge the
00:01:51 staff at san francisco
00:01:58 government T.V. Who record each
00:02:00 of the meetings and make the
00:02:01 transcripts available to the
00:02:03 public online.
00:02:06 Madame Clerk, are there any
00:02:07 communications?
00:02:08 >> yes, I have two.
00:02:12 Dated May 6th, from supervisor
00:02:14 walton, and dated today from
00:02:14 supervisor ronen requesting to
00:02:15 be excused from today's meeting.
00:02:19 >> okay.
00:02:22 Can I have a motion to excused
00:02:23 supervisors ronen and walton
00:02:25 from today's meeting?
00:02:27 Motion made by supervisor viewer
00:02:27 and seconded by supervisor
00:02:30 peskin.
00:02:32 Without objection, supervisors
00:02:38 ronen and walton are excused.
00:02:39 Okay.
00:02:42 Next item.
00:02:43 Approval of the minutes.
00:02:45 >> special order at 2:00 P.M. Is
00:02:45 a the mayor's appearance before
00:02:48 the board.
00:02:49 The honorable mayor, london
00:02:52 breed, is present in the chamber
00:02:53 there being no question
00:02:54 submitted from supervisors, the
00:02:55 mayor May address the board for
00:02:56 up to five minutes.
00:02:57 >> okay.
00:03:02 , Madame Mayor, there are no
00:03:03 topics submitted by supervisors
00:03:07 today, we welcome you anyways to
00:03:08 hear whatever you want, but you
00:03:11 have a time limit, though.
00:03:11 Thank you.
00:03:16 >> thank you.
00:03:17 Good afternoon, everyone that is
00:03:19 here today.
00:03:20 I just wanted to talk a little
00:03:24 bit about conservatorship.
00:03:25 Right now on our streets we have
00:03:28 people who are struggling with
00:03:29 mental illness and substance use
00:03:30 disorder to the point where they
00:03:32 can't help themselves.
00:03:33 People who we all see and want
00:03:38 to help, but people who won't
00:03:39 and can't accept help.
00:03:40 That's why along with supervisor
00:03:44 mandelman and cosponsors,
00:03:46 supervisors brown and stefani,
00:03:47 we are proposing legislation to
00:03:50 bring care to those that our
00:03:51 current laws can't reach.
00:03:53 This is just one part of a
00:03:57 broader effort to strengthen our
00:03:58 mental health system.
00:03:59 This includes our new director
00:04:01 of mental health reform, whose
00:04:03 sole job is to look at the
00:04:07 system as a whole, and to
00:04:09 improve what's working, and to
00:04:10 fix what is not.
00:04:12 We have funded 100 new
00:04:14 behavioral health beds which
00:04:15 will help people transition out
00:04:19 of the hospital, including 14
00:04:20 new beds at the healing center,
00:04:25 72 new substance use recovery
00:04:27 beds, and 14 new beds at
00:04:27 hummingbird.
00:04:30 On top of that, yesterday we
00:04:32 announced that in this upcoming
00:04:34 budget, we are going to fund 30
00:04:36 more beds for people suffering
00:04:37 from mental health and substance
00:04:40 use disorder.
00:04:43 this is the most substantial of
00:04:43 investment at residential
00:04:46 treatment beds in a generation.
00:04:49 These step down beds paired with
00:04:51 wraparound services will allow
00:04:53 people to transition out of the
00:04:55 hospital and into residential
00:04:56 treatment, while also freeing up
00:04:58 more acute beds for people
00:05:00 brought to the hospital under
00:05:04 the on voluntarily --
00:05:05 involuntary 5150.
00:05:07 We are expanding resources, and
00:05:08 we will continue to fund
00:05:11 solutions, but it is not enough.
00:05:14 We need changes to our policies.
00:05:16 Governor brown signed S.B. 1045
00:05:18 in September, allowing us to
00:05:20 take action here locally and
00:05:21 through our conservatorship
00:05:23 program, and my staff began
00:05:23 doing outreach, working with
00:05:28 public health officials,
00:05:29 advocates, and other
00:05:30 stakeholders.
00:05:31 Then in October we introduce the
00:05:34 legislation to allow us to move
00:05:34 forward.
00:05:35 Since then, along with
00:05:36 supervisor mandelman and others,
00:05:38 we have been working on and
00:05:39 limitation plans so we can do
00:05:43 this the right way.
00:05:44 Six months after we introduce
00:05:47 the legislation, and after this
00:05:48 work, this item was finally
00:05:50 brought to committee.
00:05:52 While that was longer than I
00:05:54 anticipated, fine, I understand,
00:05:57 this is a complicated issue, but
00:05:58 then yesterday the committee
00:06:00 voted to delay the legislation,
00:06:01 and the committee members
00:06:04 expressed their opposition.
00:06:06 Yesterday at committee,
00:06:08 supervisor walton said that this
00:06:10 would bring more people into the
00:06:10 criminal justice system.
00:06:13 Let's be clear, when we bring
00:06:14 someone under a 5150 involuntary
00:06:18 hold to the hospital, we are
00:06:19 bringing a person who is in
00:06:20 crisis into care, and
00:06:24 unfortunately, under our current
00:06:27 system, without the law, we do
00:06:29 have a mental health system.
00:06:31 It is actually 850 bryant street
00:06:33 we should not confuse crisis
00:06:35 care with locking people up in
00:06:36 jail, and that will continue to
00:06:39 happen if you don't take action.
00:06:41 Supervisor haney, you previously
00:06:42 said, we have too many gaps in
00:06:46 our system in -- and that
00:06:47 arresting people is not the best
00:06:50 way to help those people
00:06:52 suffering with mental illness on
00:06:54 our streets, and I agree.
00:06:54 This legislation is about
00:06:58 filling those gaps and helping
00:07:00 people on our streets into care.
00:07:03 This is one solution to the
00:07:05 challenges that you all know we
00:07:07 are dealing with every single
00:07:10 day, and after six months, we
00:07:12 get opposition and additional
00:07:14 delays, enough already.
00:07:15 People in san francisco want us
00:07:16 to take action.
00:07:19 You all see what we see on the
00:07:21 streets every day, with people
00:07:21 suffering from mental illness,
00:07:24 and I hope none of you ever see
00:07:28 the day where you are faced with
00:07:31 a situation of a loved one who
00:07:33 sadly is living out on the
00:07:35 street, suffering from substance
00:07:36 use disorder, suffering from
00:07:37 mental illness, and there's
00:07:40 nothing that you can do about it
00:07:41 we have to make changes now if
00:07:43 we want to change what we are
00:07:46 dealing with in san francisco,
00:07:46 and supervisors, I'm here to ask
00:07:50 you today to pleas take action,
00:07:55 no more delays.
00:07:57 >> thank you, Madame Mayor for
00:07:58 joining us today.
00:08:00 This concludes our special order
00:08:01 , and this item shall be
00:08:02 filed.
00:08:11 >> thank you, have a good day.
00:08:12 >> okay.
00:08:15 , what I would like to do is go
00:08:16 back to talking about the board
00:08:17 minutes board minutes.
00:08:19 Are there any changes to these
00:08:22 meeting minutes?
00:08:24 Seeing none, can I have a motion
00:08:25 to approve the minutes as
00:08:28 presented?
00:08:29 Motion made by supervisor viewer
00:08:32 , and seconded by
00:08:36 supervisor stefani.
00:08:37 Without objection, those minutes
00:08:38 will be approved after public
00:08:46 comment.
00:08:58 Madame Clerk, please read the
00:09:02 consent agenda.
00:09:02 >> items one through three are
00:09:02 on consent.
00:09:03 They're considered to be routine
00:09:05 if a member objects, and I maybe
00:09:10 removed and considered
00:09:14 separately -- and an item May be
00:09:16 removed and considered
00:09:16 separately.
00:09:18 >> before we start, did ice
00:09:19 excuses supervisors?
00:09:19 >> yes.
00:09:20 >> okay.
00:09:26 Thank you.
00:09:27 Would anyone like to sever any
00:09:32 items from the consent agenda?
00:09:33 Seeing none, Madame Clerk,
00:09:35 please call the roll on items
00:09:36 one through three.
00:09:37 >> one through three...
00:10:09 [Roll Call]
00:10:09 >> there are nine imacs.
00:10:14 >> these ordinances are passed
00:10:14 unanimously.
00:10:16 Let's go to the regular agenda
00:10:18 and please call items four
00:10:20 through seven together.
00:10:20 >> items four through seven are
00:10:22 for resolutions that extend the
00:10:26 united states housing and urban
00:10:26 development.
00:10:30 Item four approves a community
00:10:35 develop and block grant, for
00:10:36 approximately $24 million for
00:10:38 the period beginning July 1st,
00:10:40 2019, through the date when all
00:10:43 the funds are expended.
00:10:43 >> okay.
00:10:47 Can we take these --
00:10:48 >> Mr. President, my apologies,
00:10:51 item five approves $1.5 million
00:10:52 grant and item six approves a
00:10:55 $7.5 million grant.
00:10:58 Item five is for the emergency
00:10:59 solutions grant program for an
00:11:01 unspecified period and item six
00:11:03 is for the fiscal year 19-20 --
00:11:08 for the period of 2019 through
00:11:10 2020 housing opportunities for
00:11:11 persons with aids program
00:11:13 through June 30th, 2024.
00:11:14 >> okay.
00:11:16 And you read item seven?
00:11:17 >> item seven is a
00:11:20 7 million-dollar grant from the
00:11:22 home investment partnership
00:11:24 program through June 30th,
00:11:24 2024.
00:11:25 >> thank you.
00:11:27 Can we take these items same
00:11:28 house, same call?
00:11:32 Without objection key, these
00:11:33 resolutions are adopted
00:11:34 unanimously.
00:11:35 >> items nine and nine together.
00:11:37 >> they pertain to the india
00:11:38 basin park project.
00:11:40 It is an in all resolution
00:11:48 authorizing regulate -- ... Item
00:11:49 nine is a resolution that
00:11:49 approves approximately
00:11:57 $4.9 million between the
00:11:59 recreation and park department
00:12:00 in the san francisco bay
00:12:01 restoration authority for
00:12:02 environmental remediation at 900
00:12:10 in us avenue -- 900 and it --
00:12:18 900 and us avenue.
00:12:20 >> you read eight and nine,
00:12:20 right?
00:12:20 >> yes.
00:12:23 >> can we take these items same
00:12:25 house, same call?
00:12:25 Without objection, the
00:12:26 resolution is adopted
00:12:28 unanimously.
00:12:30 Madame Clerk, please call the
00:12:30 next item.
00:12:32 >> item ten is a resolution to
00:12:33 declare the intention of the
00:12:35 board of supervisors to
00:12:36 establish a property-based
00:12:37 business improvement district
00:12:38 known as the downtown community
00:12:40 benefit district for a multiyear
00:12:43 assessment and all parcels of
00:12:43 land within the district to
00:12:46 approve the management district
00:12:48 plan, the engineer report, the
00:12:49 proposed boundaries and to set a
00:12:49 time and place for a public
00:12:54 hearing of the board of
00:12:56 supervisors on July 16th, 2019
00:12:58 , 3:00 P.M., and to direct
00:12:59 the environment of findings.
00:13:02 >> can we take this same house,
00:13:03 same call?
00:13:05 Without objection, this
00:13:06 resolution is adopted
00:13:06 unanimously.
00:13:07 >> please go item 11.
00:13:08 >> item 11 is an ordinance to
00:13:09 amend the ministries of code to
00:13:24 revise the hotel conversion
00:13:25 ordinance and to affirm the
00:13:26 secretive termination.
00:13:26 >> okay.
00:13:27 , colleagues, candice take this
00:13:27 same house, same call?
00:13:28 Without objection, with or
00:13:29 middens is passed on first
00:13:29 reading unanimously.
00:13:45 Please call the next item.
00:13:47 Colleagues, can we take this out
00:13:50 -- item same house, same call?
00:13:51 Without objection, this
00:13:52 ordinances passed on first
00:13:53 reading unanimously.
00:13:55 Please call the next item.
00:13:57 >> thirteen is a resolution to
00:13:58 declare the intention of the
00:14:00 board of supervisors to rename
00:14:00 gilbert street to jeff adachi
00:14:03 way.
00:14:05 >> colleagues, can we take this
00:14:08 same house, same call?
00:14:09 Without objection, this
00:14:10 resolution is adopted
00:14:11 unanimously.
00:14:13 Madame Clerk, please call item
00:14:14 number 14.
00:14:16 >> item 14 is an ordinance to
00:14:19 amend the administrative code to
00:14:20 establish and implement
00:14:20 procedures on the acquisition of
00:14:23 surveillance technology.
00:14:24 >> okay.
00:14:27 Supervisor peskin?
00:14:29 >> thank you, President Yee,
00:14:30 colleagues.
00:14:31 Let me start by thanking the
00:14:34 members of the rules committee,
00:14:35 chair ronen and supervisors
00:14:36 walton and mar for indulging me
00:14:41 with three hearings on the
00:14:42 ordinance that is before you
00:14:44 today and came out of committee
00:14:47 with a positive recommendation,
00:14:49 which we have been calling to
00:14:51 stops the secret surveillance
00:14:52 ordinance, and this is the
00:14:54 latest iteration of a policy
00:14:55 that has been amended quite a
00:14:57 bit along the way since it was
00:15:01 first introduced in January.
00:15:02 This is not a san francisco
00:15:04 first, as a matter of fact, I
00:15:06 think it will -- we will be the
00:15:08 seven city in northern
00:15:08 california.
00:15:10 It started in santa clara county
00:15:12 , and actually was the
00:15:12 subject of a statewide bill
00:15:16 introduced by state senator jury
00:15:17 held that hill that would
00:15:20 require technology use policies
00:15:22 of every municipality in the
00:15:23 state of california.
00:15:26 Unfortunately that senate bill
00:15:26 was the subject of intensive
00:15:30 lobbying by the law enforcement
00:15:31 lobby and was not ultimately
00:15:32 passed into law.
00:15:36 As I said in committee last week
00:15:37 , the title is a little bit
00:15:40 of a misnomer.
00:15:42 This is not really the stop
00:15:43 secret surveillance ordinance,
00:15:46 it is really an ordinance that
00:15:47 is about having accountability
00:15:50 around surveillance technology,
00:15:52 and with the narrow exception of
00:15:56 the facial recognition
00:15:57 technology, this is actually not
00:16:00 designed to stop the use of any
00:16:02 technologies that we currently
00:16:04 employ or May use in the future.
00:16:05 The fundamental thrust of the
00:16:07 law that is before you is to
00:16:09 ensure the safe and responsible
00:16:12 use of surveillance technology.
00:16:14 Put simply, this ordinance would
00:16:15 require city departments to
00:16:17 purchase access or use of
00:16:18 surveillance technology to
00:16:20 develop use policies for that
00:16:21 technology through a public
00:16:23 vetting process, and to make
00:16:24 those policies available on a
00:16:25 public website.
00:16:27 How long data is so stored
00:16:28 stored, who it is shared with,
00:16:32 who has access to it, and in the
00:16:33 rapidly evolving world of
00:16:36 extremely powerful, some
00:16:37 potentially very invasive
00:16:42 technologies that can go through
00:16:43 terabyte his of data and
00:16:45 fractions of a second, I think
00:16:45 this is a public policy
00:16:47 discussion worth having.
00:16:51 It was revealed a few years ago
00:16:53 in the context of black lives
00:16:54 matter protests that law
00:16:56 enforcement was using cell phone
00:16:58 stingrays, which amount on top
00:16:59 of vehicles and simulate towers
00:17:00 to collect information and
00:17:02 eavesdrop on everyone within a
00:17:04 certain radius of that vehicle.
00:17:06 It is not just law enforcement.
00:17:06 We have had recent public
00:17:11 debates about radiofrequency
00:17:12 identification chips.
00:17:15 Just a few weeks ago, the
00:17:15 examiner reported our own public
00:17:17 utilities commission is
00:17:22 investing in any technology
00:17:23 which would enable streetlamps
00:17:25 with video cameras and
00:17:28 microphones, potentially capable
00:17:29 of reporting street-level
00:17:29 conversations.
00:17:30 The american civil liberties
00:17:35 union reported that immigration
00:17:36 customs enforcement is accessing
00:17:38 location data from license plate
00:17:40 readers owned by major cities
00:17:41 across the country in order to
00:17:44 track and facilitate deportation
00:17:45 of immigrants.
00:17:46 In fact, many of our own city
00:17:49 departments, including the
00:17:51 M.T.A. And the sfpd and our
00:17:52 airport, they own license plate
00:17:54 readers and use them for a
00:17:56 number of absolutely benign
00:17:57 purposes.
00:17:59 But as policymakers, we have a
00:18:00 fundamental duty to safeguard
00:18:02 the public from potential abuses
00:18:03 of these rapidly evolving
00:18:04 technologies.
00:18:06 I want to be clear, this is not
00:18:09 an anti-technology policy.
00:18:10 There are many beneficial uses
00:18:14 of technology that we would not
00:18:16 want to prevent the city from
00:18:19 engaging in or using, or
00:18:19 acquiring.
00:18:21 License plate leaders -- readers
00:18:22 are used to enforce in force red
00:18:32 light camera laws.
00:18:33 As many neighbors have reminded
00:18:35 us via e-mail, security cameras
00:18:36 can play a critical role in
00:18:39 apprehending theft, violent
00:18:40 crime, in fact, that same
00:18:41 information can be made
00:18:43 available to public defenders to
00:18:44 ensure no one is wrongfully
00:18:47 commit -- convicted of crimes.
00:18:49 where we get into trouble,
00:18:51 though, is where these
00:18:52 technologies are used in ways
00:18:53 that are inconsistent with that
00:18:54 positive intent.
00:18:55 When personal information of
00:18:56 innocent members of the public
00:18:58 is shared with third parties in
00:18:59 ways that would make anyone
00:19:01 uncomfortable.
00:19:02 When marginalized groups,
00:19:04 whether because of the color of
00:19:05 their skin, their religion,
00:19:08 national origin, sexual
00:19:09 orientation, or gender identity
00:19:11 are tracked, harassed, subject
00:19:12 of violence.
00:19:15 If you take even a cursory look
00:19:16 at historical uses of
00:19:18 surveillance technology, it is
00:19:20 often these marginalized groups,
00:19:23 even back in the sixties,
00:19:25 artists and political dissidents
00:19:26 who were disproportionately
00:19:27 subject to the abuses of
00:19:29 surveillance.
00:19:31 There's also the much more
00:19:33 mundane, but insidious impact of
00:19:37 abuses of this technology, which
00:19:38 will make people feel
00:19:38 uncomfortable about moving
00:19:41 around in public.
00:19:43 With what I believe is right to
00:19:47 a modicum of anonymity.
00:19:50 Of not feeling like you are
00:19:51 constantly being watched,
00:19:52 recorded, and tracked.
00:19:55 The impact on society of this
00:19:56 type of constant surveillance
00:19:58 was a subject of a brilliant
00:20:00 piece which was part of the
00:20:00 impetus for this legislation in
00:20:01 the new york times by a chinese
00:20:06 author called feeling safe in
00:20:08 the surveillance -- surveillance
00:20:08 state.
00:20:09 For me, personally I think of
00:20:12 this as the difference between
00:20:12 wanting safe and secure
00:20:15 communities on the one hand, and
00:20:16 not wanting a surveillance state
00:20:18 on the other, in this
00:20:19 legislation attempts to find and
00:20:21 achieve that violent -- balance.
00:20:23 When I started office almost 20
00:20:25 years ago, I had a high degree
00:20:27 of scepticism around
00:20:31 technologies that I have
00:20:34 realized are important, security
00:20:35 cameras, or surveillance cameras
00:20:37 , depending and what you
00:20:37 call them.
00:20:42 Today, yesterday I was
00:20:42 advocating for additional
00:20:44 cameras in chinatown, but they
00:20:46 should be subject to that
00:20:48 transparency and use policies.
00:20:50 This is not about preventing
00:20:51 technology, but is about
00:20:53 preventing one technology, and I
00:20:55 will get to that in a second.
00:20:57 This is about saying, we can
00:21:00 have security without being a
00:21:00 security state.
00:21:03 We can have good policing
00:21:06 without being a police state,
00:21:07 and part of that is building
00:21:09 trust with the community based
00:21:13 on good community implementation
00:21:15 and not on big brother
00:21:15 technology.
00:21:16 I will tell you the general
00:21:19 public actually wants this type
00:21:20 of oversight.
00:21:22 The voters of san francisco said
00:21:23 as much last November when 70%
00:21:27 of voters approved opposition be
00:21:28 , the privacy first policy in
00:21:29 san francisco, instead of
00:21:31 policies to guide us as we
00:21:33 regulate to protect personal
00:21:34 information of san francisco
00:21:35 residents.
00:21:37 A recent poll by the aclu
00:21:38 revealed 75% of voters statewide
00:21:43 and in the area support a public
00:21:46 debate and a vote before any
00:21:47 technology is obtained in
00:21:54 government.
00:21:59 So why a ban on the use of
00:22:03 facial recognition technology?
00:22:08 I think we are all aware of this
00:22:09 , facial recognition
00:22:10 technology actually
00:22:11 misidentified 28 members of the
00:22:15 united states congress.
00:22:16 There are implicit biases in the
00:22:17 algorithms employed in this
00:22:21 technology which experts have
00:22:26 now determined misidentified
00:22:29 people of color and women at a
00:22:31 disproportionately high rate.
00:22:31 Even if the technology is
00:22:33 ultimately perfected, facial
00:22:36 recognition technology is
00:22:39 uniquely dangerous and
00:22:39 oppressive.
00:22:44 Unlike other technologies, we
00:22:45 cannot hide our faces or change
00:22:47 what we look like.
00:22:49 This technology, even when it is
00:22:51 accurate, is being used around
00:22:51 the world for mass surveillance
00:22:53 of minority groups work this
00:22:54 this is happening in western
00:23:03 china.
00:23:04 There have been charges that
00:23:07 this legislation has been rushed
00:23:09 as I said, it has been subject
00:23:11 to more hearings and more
00:23:13 amendments than most pieces of
00:23:14 legislation around here.
00:23:17 It has been the subject of a lot
00:23:20 of press, and again, we listened
00:23:23 and made many amendments.
00:23:24 Before I talk about some
00:23:27 additional amendments, I want to
00:23:28 thank President Yee and
00:23:29 supervisor stefani, and a number
00:23:32 of department heads for this
00:23:33 last batch of amendments, seven
00:23:34 of them that I have handed out
00:23:38 to all of you and the city
00:23:38 attorney.
00:23:40 I just wanted to thank first and
00:23:45 foremost the american civil
00:23:46 liberties union of northern
00:23:49 california, and the folks that
00:23:50 secured justice who were
00:23:54 instrumental in advancing these
00:23:55 policies here, as well as the
00:23:55 bay area.
00:23:58 I really want to thank my staff
00:24:01 who did all of the heavy lifting
00:24:04 for her work.
00:24:08 I thank you are all in receipt
00:24:11 of the letters of support and
00:24:12 advocacy for this legislation
00:24:13 that include the asian law
00:24:17 caucus, asian law alliance,
00:24:20 central legality, coalition on
00:24:21 homelessness, council on
00:24:23 american islamic relations,
00:24:25 color of change, data for black
00:24:27 lives, electronic frontier
00:24:30 foundation, freedom of the press
00:24:31 foundation, greenlining
00:24:32 institute, harvey milk lgbtq
00:24:38 democratic, indivisible S.F.,
00:24:39 national center on lesbian
00:24:40 rights, the media alliance, the
00:24:46 lawyers committee, san francisco
00:24:47 D.S.A., the san francisco public
00:24:50 defender ratios to -- racial
00:24:51 justice community, san francisco
00:24:54 department -- department club.
00:24:55 I want to thank them for their
00:25:02 support and advocacy.
00:25:03 I wanted to acknowledge all of
00:25:04 those organizations that have
00:25:05 been supportive of the
00:25:06 legislation.
00:25:10 I would like to speak to the
00:25:11 seven amendments.
00:25:15 The first one at page 6, lines
00:25:16 four through seven.
00:25:18 That was a suggestion of
00:25:18 supervisor yee that refines the
00:25:21 existing language around the
00:25:24 definition of what is a
00:25:24 protected class.
00:25:26 The second amendment is a
00:25:29 nonsubstantive reference to a
00:25:36 subsection.
00:25:42 The third amendment is to extend
00:25:43 the time for compliance from 120
00:25:47 days to 180 days which was a
00:25:48 request from supervisor stefani
00:25:51 and police chief bill scott.
00:25:51 The fourth amendment --
00:25:55 amendment at supervisor stefani
00:25:58 and the P.D.'s request allows
00:26:01 departments to continue use of
00:26:03 surveillance technology pending
00:26:03 board of supervisors
00:26:05 consideration of a surveillance
00:26:05 technology policy.
00:26:09 Amendment five, at the request
00:26:10 of the committee on information
00:26:15 technology will now have
00:26:17 discretion to extend the
00:26:18 deadline for compliance in a 90
00:26:19 day increments as opposed to the
00:26:22 clerk of the board.
00:26:25 Amendment number 6 changes the
00:26:26 date from a generally 15th to
00:26:30 February 15th of each year to
00:26:32 give more time for public
00:26:34 posting of policies and reports
00:26:35 and the final amendment,
00:26:38 amendment seven, which was the
00:26:39 request of the police department
00:26:41 was the extended deadline to
00:26:44 file circumstance reports from
00:26:46 45 days to 60 days.
00:26:47 I would like to remove those
00:26:48 amendments and thank my
00:26:52 cosponsors and rules committee,
00:26:54 and I am prepared to answer any
00:26:56 questions that my colleagues May
00:26:56 have.
00:26:56 >> thank you.
00:27:01 Supervisor stefani?
00:27:01 >> thank you.
00:27:04 I want to start out by thinking
00:27:05 supervisor peskin for bringing
00:27:05 this forward.
00:27:08 I want to say it is important to
00:27:09 have a policy conversation
00:27:10 around the dangers of facial
00:27:11 recognition balanced with any
00:27:14 public safety concerns.
00:27:15 Supervisor peskin did mention
00:27:17 that we are not the first, we
00:27:19 are actually the seventh and
00:27:20 each county has done things a
00:27:22 little bit differently, for
00:27:23 instance in santa clara, they
00:27:26 didn't do a full out ban on
00:27:28 facial recognition, but required
00:27:29 public oversight of all
00:27:29 surveillance.
00:27:33 Each county has tackled this
00:27:36 program -- problem a little bit
00:27:37 differently.
00:27:38 Obviously the abuse of
00:27:38 surveillance should be dealt
00:27:42 with, especially when it harms
00:27:43 marginalized communities, and it
00:27:45 is not used for its intended use
00:27:46 , which is to keep the public
00:27:47 safe.
00:27:49 I do want to thank supervisor
00:27:51 peskin and his legislative aide
00:27:53 who are working with us on the
00:27:56 amendments at supervisor peskin
00:27:56 mentioned that I will not go
00:27:56 into.
00:27:56 I do have some remaining
00:27:59 questions.
00:27:59 The latest amendments that came
00:28:04 out as committee don't answer
00:28:05 all my concerns.
00:28:06 If I can take a moment, I don't
00:28:10 know to whom I should address
00:28:12 these, and I will ask the
00:28:13 question, and maybe we can go
00:28:14 from there, but I do have some
00:28:16 questions around the
00:28:18 implementation and I would like
00:28:24 to start with the city attorney
00:28:25 's office, and I want to
00:28:26 make sure I understand the
00:28:30 legislation that all departments
00:28:34 have 180 days to submit how much
00:28:35 -- how they currently use
00:28:35 surveillance technology and
00:28:37 develop a policy for that
00:28:42 technology.
00:28:43 And then is that a different
00:28:44 policy for each technology at
00:28:48 each department?
00:28:50 For example, we have shots which
00:28:51 is an important technology at
00:28:52 the police department, license
00:28:57 plate leaders, would there be a
00:28:58 different technology for --
00:29:01 policy for each technology?
00:29:03 >> the requirement to submit a
00:29:06 technology policy for the
00:29:09 departments that are using --
00:29:11 currently using technology, and
00:29:14 also applies to any department
00:29:15 that, in the future, will be
00:29:18 seeking funding or approval,
00:29:20 budget approval or contracting,
00:29:24 that was seeking budget approval
00:29:25 or seeking to contract to
00:29:26 purchase new surveillance
00:29:28 technology.
00:29:29 In response to your second
00:29:35 question about whether
00:29:41 departments must submit a
00:29:43 proposed policy for each type of
00:29:45 technology, the answer is no."
00:29:47 department can submit an omnibus
00:29:50 policy that covers all the
00:29:55 technology that the department
00:29:57 uses or they could submit
00:29:58 piecemeal policies for each type
00:30:02 of technologies that uses.
00:30:04 >> if I May, for the President
00:30:06 To supervisor stefani, part of
00:30:09 the rationale, and this was
00:30:10 actually a suggestion of the
00:30:12 city administrator, of using the
00:30:13 committee on information
00:30:16 technology is so there can be
00:30:18 some standardization within and
00:30:24 across departments, so maybe
00:30:25 there are technologies that have
00:30:28 different use policies by the
00:30:29 nature of those individual
00:30:29 technologies.
00:30:31 Some data you May want to store
00:30:33 for a year, and other data you
00:30:37 May want to store for 90 days.
00:30:38 That might apply differently,
00:30:40 but the notion of giving it to
00:30:43 them was not only that you had a
00:30:44 number of subject matter experts
00:30:46 , but there could be some
00:30:46 standardization across and
00:30:48 within departments.
00:30:52 >> that leads to my other
00:30:53 question in terms of drafting
00:30:55 these policies, since they
00:30:56 really are the subject matter
00:30:57 experts.
00:31:03 -- experts.
00:31:09 >> the ordinance doesn't mandate
00:31:09 that process specifically.
00:31:10 The departments must submit to
00:31:14 them and they ultimately approve
00:31:20 the policies to the board.
00:31:22 It is possible, and I think the
00:31:23 ordinance leaves open the
00:31:26 possibility that they could
00:31:29 adopt a general template and
00:31:30 provide it to the department,
00:31:32 and then the departments could
00:31:33 use it to build their own policy
00:31:35 which they then submit for them
00:31:38 to submit to the board.
00:31:40 >> to be have any idea about how
00:31:42 many policies that we will have
00:31:43 to create for the outstanding
00:31:47 technology.
00:31:49 >> my office hasn't determined
00:31:50 how many departments are using
00:31:52 surveillance technology or
00:31:54 intend to.
00:31:56 >> do they have that information
00:32:00 >> I would defer to supervisor
00:32:01 peskin on that.
00:32:03 >> the or answer is, we don't
00:32:04 know.
00:32:05 That is precisely why this
00:32:08 legislation is important.
00:32:09 This will require every
00:32:09 department to tell us in the
00:32:11 public what they've got.
00:32:14 We do not know.
00:32:15 >> if they have an existing
00:32:19 contract with technology that is
00:32:25 in use right now, with a draft a
00:32:28 policy around that, and what if
00:32:29 that policy was not approved,
00:32:33 but we are in a contract?
00:32:34 >> if department is currently
00:32:36 using technology, they have to
00:32:38 draw -- have to draft a policy.
00:32:39 The policy have to -- has to go
00:32:40 to them and come up to the board
00:32:44 under the amendment does
00:32:44 supervisor peskin has proposed
00:32:51 today, if the board does not act
00:32:53 on the proposed surveillance
00:32:55 policy, the department can
00:32:56 continue to use their
00:32:56 surveillance technology.
00:32:58 If the board adopts a
00:33:02 surveillance policy that
00:33:04 prohibits the department from
00:33:05 using this particular technology
00:33:07 , then the department
00:33:09 will have to stop using that
00:33:09 technology.
00:33:10 >> okay.
00:33:11 When I asked the question about
00:33:13 how many policies we will have
00:33:14 to create an supervisor peskin
00:33:16 answer that they don't know,
00:33:17 that is exactly what we are
00:33:19 trying to get I am really
00:33:22 wondering if we need more staff
00:33:24 to advise us and develop initial
00:33:26 policies with regard to the
00:33:27 physical impact of this, if that
00:33:32 has been considered.
00:33:34 >> that is not a question that I
00:33:37 can answer, and the budget
00:33:38 analyst, when the ordinance was
00:33:39 initially introduced, they
00:33:40 determined that it did not have
00:33:43 physical impact and require
00:33:47 referral to a physical committee
00:33:50 >> I don't know if President Yee
00:33:51 , if the police department
00:33:54 his here, but I do have one
00:33:55 concern with regard to the
00:33:57 workload at the police
00:33:57 department.
00:33:58 Again, as supervisor peskin
00:34:00 mentioned, we don't know.
00:34:01 We are trying to find out.
00:34:03 I'm wondering whether or not,
00:34:04 given the fact we are still not
00:34:08 at our 1994 numbers, if there is
00:34:10 any police officers that we will
00:34:13 have to pull off patrols to help
00:34:14 implement this order.
00:34:15 >> is anyone here from the
00:34:17 police department?
00:34:18 >> I will say that.
00:34:21 That is precisely the reason we
00:34:22 projected them into this was to
00:34:24 reduce the strata burden across
00:34:27 departments.
00:34:31 >> would you like to come up and
00:34:41 say any additional comments?
00:34:43 >> good afternoon, supervisors.
00:34:45 I am the commander of the police
00:34:46 department investigation bureau.
00:34:48 To answer your question,
00:34:50 supervisor, we estimate it will
00:34:51 take somewhere between two and
00:34:56 four full-time employees to
00:34:59 assist us in any of the
00:35:01 contracts, the reviews, the
00:35:03 process over the next year and
00:35:03 beyond.
00:35:04 That should answer your question
00:35:05 >> okay.
00:35:09 , thank you, one last question
00:35:11 with a guard too many mobile.
00:35:14 In terms of the technology, they
00:35:15 are using, and again as
00:35:17 supervisor peskin said, we don't
00:35:19 know, and it is precisely why
00:35:20 one of the reasons is whether or
00:35:23 not it will limit meaning mobile
00:35:23 ability to keep riders and
00:35:29 operators safe.
00:35:30 >> is anyone from munimobile
00:35:31 here?
00:35:39 M.T.A.?
00:35:42 >> good afternoon, supervisors.
00:35:45 I am the chief security officer
00:35:47 for sfmta.
00:35:48 >> whether or not this
00:35:50 potentially limit munimobile's
00:35:51 ability to keep technologies and
00:35:53 writers and operators safe.
00:35:54 Whether or not you have done
00:35:56 that evaluation or whether or
00:35:56 not you know.
00:35:58 >> if the board does not approve
00:36:00 the policy that we create and we
00:36:02 have to shut down the thousands
00:36:04 of cameras on our munimobile
00:36:06 buses, then it will create an
00:36:07 unsafe environment not only for
00:36:09 the patrons, but also the
00:36:09 operators.
00:36:12 It all depends if the policy
00:36:13 that would come up with is
00:36:15 improved by the board.
00:36:24 >> thank you.
00:36:26 >> the thrust of this
00:36:28 legislation is not about getting
00:36:29 rid of technology.
00:36:31 It is about knowing and
00:36:33 departments knowing, and the
00:36:33 public knowing how that
00:36:36 technology is used.
00:36:37 I would imagine that when the
00:36:41 M.T.A. Goes on the policy goes
00:36:44 to the board and they say, we
00:36:46 store the information for 90
00:36:47 days, we share it with the
00:36:49 police department, the public
00:36:53 defender's office, we will
00:36:54 approve that policy.
00:36:55 If they say, for instance, we
00:37:00 also sell it to third-party
00:37:02 vendors, I would imagine we
00:37:03 would not be okay with that, or
00:37:05 if they say that they share it
00:37:08 with the federal government, we
00:37:11 might not be okay with that.
00:37:16 So this is attempting to revoke
00:37:18 that conversation and to make
00:37:19 departments actually have these
00:37:22 policies so they are not casual
00:37:24 things, and 170 violates that
00:37:26 policy, at least we know that, I
00:37:29 will make up an example, that
00:37:30 I.R.S. Agent who broke the law
00:37:34 when he released somebody's tax
00:37:36 returns, or when the data was
00:37:38 shared in a way that was an
00:37:39 aggregation of the use policy.
00:37:42 If you don't have a use policy,
00:37:43 then nobody is breaking any
00:37:44 rules.
00:37:44 I think that is the conversation
00:37:46 we want to have.
00:37:48 Of course, we will have security
00:37:51 cameras on our buses, we will
00:37:53 still have body worn cameras on
00:37:56 cops, we will still have license
00:37:58 plate readers on our buses, but
00:38:03 we will all know what we thought
00:38:08 >> supervisor brown?
00:38:09 >> thank you I don't know if
00:38:10 this is the city attorney
00:38:12 question through the President
00:38:17 Or is it supervisor peskin who
00:38:19 can answer this, but when I am
00:38:19 looking at the third-party
00:38:22 sharing, does this legislation
00:38:26 affect our ability to share data
00:38:28 with the state or federal
00:38:29 entities, particularly law
00:38:31 enforcement, and I know you
00:38:32 spoke a little bit to this, but
00:38:34 I just wanted to get a little
00:38:36 bit more detail on that.
00:38:38 >> there is nothing in the
00:38:39 legislation that prevents that.
00:38:41 Now we May, as a matter of
00:38:44 policy, want to do that in the
00:38:45 course of reviewing these
00:38:47 policies, but there is nothing,
00:38:49 the legislation is silent on
00:38:51 that matter.
00:38:55 >> and there is no agreement
00:38:56 with the state and federal
00:38:59 government?
00:39:04 Do we have anything like that?
00:39:05 >> deputy is it -- deputy city
00:39:08 attorney.
00:39:09 The ordinance does not address
00:39:12 what department can do with
00:39:12 information that those
00:39:16 departments receive through
00:39:17 their use of surveillance
00:39:17 technology.
00:39:20 It doesn't restrict them from
00:39:22 sharing with state or federal
00:39:23 governments or entering into
00:39:24 agreements for the city to share
00:39:28 its information with a federal
00:39:28 agency.
00:39:32 As supervisor peskin said, that
00:39:34 policy decision will be made
00:39:35 when the board ultimately
00:39:38 considers each department's
00:39:39 surveillance technology policy
00:39:40 ordinance.
00:39:45 The ordinance does restrict city
00:39:48 departments' ability to use
00:39:52 information from technology that
00:39:55 is given to them by third
00:39:57 parties in some ways, in order
00:39:59 to enter into an agreement for
00:40:00 the third-party government or
00:40:05 otherwise to receive, to
00:40:06 regularly receive information
00:40:08 from surveillance technology, a
00:40:10 department must first have a
00:40:11 surveillance technology approved
00:40:11 for this work.
00:40:19 >> thank you.
00:40:19 >> thank you.
00:40:21 Through the chair to the deputy
00:40:22 city attorney, can you talk a
00:40:25 little bit more -- because the
00:40:26 way I understood the response
00:40:27 from M.T.A. Was a little
00:40:29 different from the way I heard
00:40:29 you say it.
00:40:31 If we have not approve something
00:40:33 , they continue to use
00:40:34 their existing policies until we
00:40:35 have approval.
00:40:38 I just want to us understand the
00:40:39 affirmative versus the negative.
00:40:42 >> I think part of the confusion
00:40:46 May be that supervisor peskin
00:40:48 has proposed an amendment today
00:40:49 that shifts that process a
00:40:51 little bit.
00:40:56 Under supervisor --
00:40:56 >> which amendment.
00:41:04 >> it is amendment number 4.
00:41:08 >> as initially introduced, the
00:41:15 ordinance would have prohibited
00:41:18 departments from using existing
00:41:19 surveillance technology if the
00:41:21 board did not asked to approve
00:41:25 their policy proposal by a
00:41:25 certain date.
00:41:27 >> that was their previous?
00:41:28 >> right.
00:41:31 Under supervisor peskin's
00:41:32 proposed amendment, if a
00:41:34 department currently has
00:41:37 surveillance technology, but up
00:41:40 until a month from now when this
00:41:40 ordinance becomes effective, the
00:41:43 department May continue to keep
00:41:44 and use that surveillance
00:41:49 technology until the board back
00:41:50 -- asked to adopt a surveillance
00:41:53 policy and then --
00:41:55 >> I just wanted to clarify,
00:41:57 because I understood the
00:41:57 response from the M.T.A., they
00:42:00 have an existing system, they
00:42:02 have an existing policy and they
00:42:04 will be asked like every other
00:42:05 department, to submit a new
00:42:07 policy, at which time we will --
00:42:10 but up until that time, they
00:42:12 continue to use their existing
00:42:13 technology.
00:42:14 Is that right?
00:42:15 >> they continue to use existing
00:42:18 technology that they possess at
00:42:19 the time that the ordinance
00:42:20 becomes effective.
00:42:22 Six months from now, if they
00:42:23 want to purchase a new piece of
00:42:25 technology, they will need an
00:42:30 approved policy before that.
00:42:35 >> okay.
00:42:37 I wanted to ask was sponsored to
00:42:39 speak a little bit because of my
00:42:40 experience with the M.O.U.
00:42:41 Between the police department
00:42:43 and the school district when it
00:42:47 came to an interpretation of
00:42:47 circumstances.
00:42:49 I would just like you to talk a
00:42:51 little bit about that and your
00:42:52 interpretation of what that
00:42:55 means.
00:42:55 >> it is a provision in the
00:43:02 ordinance that allows the use
00:43:04 during a circumstance which
00:43:05 means an emergency involving
00:43:07 imminent danger or death or
00:43:08 serious physical injury to any
00:43:09 person that requires the
00:43:10 immediate use of surveillance
00:43:14 technology or the information it
00:43:14 provides.
00:43:17 For instance, or public
00:43:20 utilities commission, if there
00:43:23 is a fire in the upcountry, and
00:43:28 they want to use drones, which
00:43:30 they don't have, that would fit
00:43:34 the definition of a circumstance
00:43:36 they could use that for the
00:43:41 duration of that period of time.
00:43:55 >> I appreciate that.
00:43:55 >> I do think it was an
00:43:59 important point made by
00:44:00 supervisor stefani, as well as
00:44:04 President E. In terms of the
00:44:04 amendments you offered and you
00:44:05 accepted.
00:44:06 I appreciate that.
00:44:07 I think the right balance is to
00:44:08 understand this will require
00:44:11 more work on behalf of all the
00:44:11 individuals involved, but it is
00:44:21 important to bring back to life.
00:44:22 I think when you are on the end,
00:44:24 or come from a community that
00:44:27 has historically been one that
00:44:32 is called out or let's say,
00:44:33 identified as some that can be
00:44:36 an imminent threat depending on
00:44:38 the biases of the people that
00:44:39 have that technology, or have
00:44:41 the technology to make that
00:44:43 definition, I think it is
00:44:45 important that we set a strong
00:44:46 message that with all of the
00:44:47 changes in the technology that
00:44:49 we might not even understand
00:44:51 today, what it is important that
00:44:53 policy brings light to that,
00:44:55 well the same time, balancing
00:44:57 the need for public safety.
00:44:58 We have seen the positive
00:44:59 impacts in our own community,
00:45:01 and I think this strikes the
00:45:03 right balance to allow that to
00:45:05 continue, but it the at the same
00:45:06 time, understanding how that
00:45:12 this technology could be abused
00:45:13 and targeted towards specific
00:45:14 communities.
00:45:16 So I appreciate that, and I will
00:45:17 be supporting this ordinance
00:45:17 today.
00:45:22 >> thank you.
00:45:23 >> thank you.
00:45:25 I think it is a very important
00:45:25 ordinance.
00:45:27 I think about the erosion and
00:45:28 privacy that we have all
00:45:31 experienced through technology
00:45:33 and technological developments
00:45:36 over the last 20 or 30 years.
00:45:37 The presumptions and assumptions
00:45:38 that our grandparents would have
00:45:39 had about their privacy rights
00:45:43 and what what we experience
00:45:47 today and our ability to affect
00:45:48 -- protect our own information
00:45:52 and protect ourselves from
00:45:53 corporate and public interest.
00:45:54 It is dramatically different.
00:45:57 And I think one of the tasks of
00:45:58 the 21st century is to be for
00:46:00 governments to restore some of
00:46:05 the lost privacy that has gone
00:46:06 by the wayside but through
00:46:09 technological development.
00:46:12 I commend supervisor peskin for
00:46:13 tackling what is difficult, what
00:46:16 May be a challenge for the city
00:46:18 to get its hands on, but I think
00:46:21 absolutely it is the right thing
00:46:22 to do.
00:46:23 I also think that in terms of
00:46:24 our willingness to engage with
00:46:30 folks to -- folks to engage in
00:46:30 significant changes in this, I
00:46:37 think these changes might shift
00:46:39 the balance and it will require
00:46:41 chasing after some of these
00:46:41 departments over the next few
00:46:44 years to get real information
00:46:47 out of them about what their
00:46:49 technologies are, and really get
00:46:51 those policies established.
00:46:52 I do think those are thoughtful
00:46:54 changes, and I'm grateful for
00:46:57 them, and I'm looking forward to
00:46:58 voting for this ordinance.
00:46:59 Thank you.
00:47:00 >> thank you.
00:47:01 I will make a comment before a
00:47:03 call on supervisor stefani again
00:47:06 I want to thank supervisor
00:47:09 peskin for bringing this forward
00:47:13 it is only fair that we know
00:47:17 what city departments do with
00:47:20 this technology.
00:47:21 Wasn't that long ago that we
00:47:31 were asking emerging we were
00:47:32 asking emerging companies, what
00:47:34 do you do with this information?
00:47:35 I do not think it is any
00:47:36 different.
00:47:36 I think we will have that
00:47:41 standard for the public and I
00:47:44 think we as a government entity
00:47:44 should also adhere to those
00:47:48 standards of being transparent
00:47:51 about how we use these things.
00:47:54 I for one, and when I read the
00:47:58 original legislation, the
00:47:59 general vision of what it is
00:48:01 trying to do, I totally agree
00:48:05 with in terms of saying, okay,
00:48:07 we have existing, we don't know
00:48:10 what to do with it right now
00:48:11 exactly, we don't know who has
00:48:12 what, and in the future, if
00:48:25 there are new types of
00:48:25 technology that people want to
00:48:26 use or departments want to use,
00:48:27 then we should have the right,
00:48:28 the public has the right to know
00:48:31 what we do with this information
00:48:34 you are not necessarily
00:48:41 weakening the usage.
00:48:42 You're basically telling people
00:48:55 what you were doing.
00:48:56 I would consider a cosponsor and
00:48:56 I'm glad I did.
00:48:57 This is something that we need
00:48:57 to do.
00:48:58 I will be supporting the
00:48:58 amendments.
00:48:59 Thank you for including these
00:48:59 amendments.
00:49:00 Some of the amendments that we
00:49:01 brought up came from the
00:49:01 community who had concerns, and
00:49:04 I'm glad we are able to address
00:49:05 those concerns.
00:49:05 Supervisor stefani?
00:49:10 >> thank you print.
00:49:13 I'm definitely convinced that
00:49:14 the surveillance should not be
00:49:16 abused in any way.
00:49:18 I think the amendments a
00:49:19 supervisor peskin was willing to
00:49:20 agree to definitely moves me
00:49:22 closer to possibly supporting
00:49:25 this legislation.
00:49:27 I'm not yet convinced.
00:49:28 i still have some outstanding
00:49:30 questions about whether or not
00:49:34 we can use information that will
00:49:35 keep the public safe in a way
00:49:36 that is making me comfortable
00:49:39 enough to vote for this at this
00:49:40 point.
00:49:40 I worry about politicizing these
00:49:48 decisions in a way that May not
00:49:48 be seen now, but could be in the
00:49:49 future.
00:49:50 This is not undermined.
00:49:53 What I think it is a very
00:49:54 well-intentioned piece of
00:49:55 information by supervisor peskin
00:49:57 , who I consider to be
00:49:59 extremely wise and I think that
00:50:00 this is a situation where we
00:50:01 could show people in san
00:50:04 francisco that we could
00:50:05 respectfully disagree with one
00:50:06 another.
00:50:07 I will not be supporting this
00:50:07 today.
00:50:11 Thank you.
00:50:12 >> okay.
00:50:13 Colleagues, I think we have a
00:50:18 motion to amend the ordinance by
00:50:19 supervisor peskin, is there a
00:50:23 second?
00:50:25 Seconded by supervisor fewer.
00:50:27 >> I have an eighth amendment
00:50:29 that I failed to make in
00:50:31 subsection h. At page 12, lines
00:50:35 15 talked us 17.
00:50:37 >> say that again, please.
00:50:38 >> subsection h. At page 12,
00:50:46 lines 15 to 17, to add that
00:50:47 nothing shall restrict a
00:50:49 department's use of surveillance
00:50:53 technology involving city
00:50:55 employees, contractors, and
00:50:55 volunteers.
00:50:56 That was done at the behest of
00:50:57 the department of human
00:50:59 resources.
00:51:02 >> okay.
00:51:06 We have eight amendments that
00:51:06 have been presented.
00:51:07 There is a motion by supervisor
00:51:10 peskin.
00:51:11 Is this still okay?
00:51:15 Are you seconding this?
00:51:15 All right.
00:51:17 Without -- do you want roll call
00:51:19 or are there any objections to
00:51:20 the amendments?
00:51:22 No objections to the amendments.
00:51:25 The motion to amend this has
00:51:26 passed.
00:51:27 Colleagues, on this ordinance as
00:51:31 amended, can we have roll call,
00:51:32 please?
00:51:32 >> supervisor mar...
00:51:59 [Roll Call]
00:52:00 >> there is one know with
00:52:01 supervisor stefani in the
00:52:02 descent.
00:52:06 >> thank you, colleagues.
00:52:07 >> this ordinance is passed on
00:52:08 first reading.
00:52:13 Madame Clerk, can we go to our
00:52:13 2:30 P.M. Item?
00:52:15 >> yes, we have supervisor
00:52:19 peskin, supervisor haney, and
00:52:22 supervisor mandelman.
00:52:25 >> what is the item?
00:52:27 >> the 2:30 P.M. Commendation
00:52:27 period.
00:52:27 >> thank you.
00:52:29 Supervisor peskin?
00:52:33 >> thank you.
00:52:37 Today I have the pleasure of
00:52:37 honoring my good friend and
00:52:38 neighbor and affordable housing
00:52:41 champion, gail gilman, who is
00:52:44 retiring for the executive
00:52:45 director at the supportive
00:52:46 housing nonprofit C.A.C.
00:52:50 Community housing partnership.
00:52:51 After 17 years of service to
00:52:53 said organization.
00:52:54 I have known gail for over a
00:52:56 decade, not just in her role at
00:53:00 C.H.P., but as a north beach
00:53:02 dennison and the arts and
00:53:02 culture scene there with her
00:53:06 husband, larry, that we all
00:53:07 affectionately called Mr.
00:53:09 Z-letter, and they are
00:53:16 inextricably entwined at 12
00:53:19 adler place.
00:53:22 The museum, the bar, she is an
00:53:29 incredible hostess who comes up
00:53:32 with platters of antipasto and
00:53:33 plans and barbecue every year in
00:53:33 celebration of richard simmons'
00:53:36 birthday.
00:53:37 I think at the last unionized
00:53:39 local two bar in the city and
00:53:40 county of san francisco outside
00:53:43 of the hotel.
00:53:44 I also saw what she was able to
00:53:46 do with C.H.P. When she took
00:53:53 over from our now head of the
00:53:54 department of homelessness, jeff
00:53:56 kaczynski, where she double the
00:53:59 agency's capacity, and turned it
00:54:00 into an affordable housing
00:54:00 powerhouse.
00:54:03 I remember when she took on
00:54:05 bringing stave -- safe and
00:54:05 stable housing to wraparound
00:54:10 services to district two, which
00:54:11 was no easy task with the rehab
00:54:13 of the king edward the second
00:54:15 hotel, and at that time, having
00:54:19 supportive housing for youth in
00:54:20 the marina neighborhood was
00:54:21 quite controversial and
00:54:25 contentious, but gail did not
00:54:26 back down.
00:54:30 She and her co-champion, cheryl
00:54:32 adams, took on the task of
00:54:33 educating the community about
00:54:34 the transformative power of
00:54:35 affordable housing.
00:54:37 I think it was a defining moment
00:54:40 for the city because here we are
00:54:40 , ten years later, where
00:54:42 every neighborhood is looking
00:54:45 how to emulate what happened at
00:54:50 king edward the second.
00:54:52 Gail has also been at the
00:54:53 forefront of an evolving
00:54:54 movement to create step up
00:54:56 housing and a continual --
00:54:58 continuum of care in our
00:54:59 pipeline so residents living in
00:55:00 some of our most deeply
00:55:02 affordable housing can
00:55:03 eventually move into more stable
00:55:06 housing options and have a
00:55:07 chance for permanent housing
00:55:08 with more amenities.
00:55:10 She didn't just transform the
00:55:12 formal housing conversations
00:55:13 city wide.
00:55:14 She really transforms C.H.P.
00:55:18 Under her leadership, staff were
00:55:21 given free reign to really
00:55:22 invest in community organizing
00:55:23 around equity and workforce
00:55:25 issues, whether it was
00:55:27 supervisor kim's fair chance act
00:55:28 , or free city college, she
00:55:30 strove to make the connection
00:55:32 between equity and housing and
00:55:33 jobs and education.
00:55:36 She has never been shy about
00:55:37 saying that her staff were
00:55:38 empowered to organize around
00:55:39 social justice issues, and
00:55:42 encourage her tendons to engage
00:55:43 in all levels of civic and
00:55:46 social advocacy because it was
00:55:48 there lives that were being
00:55:48 impacted, and many of those
00:55:51 people are in here today.
00:55:55 She was later appointed to the
00:55:57 building inspection commission,
00:55:59 which she, after reading every
00:56:00 page of the public trust
00:56:02 doctrine and the port code,
00:56:06 parlayed into a position in our
00:56:07 port commission where she ably
00:56:09 represents the entire city and
00:56:11 county and also district three
00:56:11 of the northeastern waterfront.
00:58:20 [Please Stand by]
00:58:21 >> thank you for honouring gail.
00:58:22 I want to thank you, gail, for
00:58:22 what we went through with edward
00:58:23 the ii when I worked elliot
00:58:24 pierre, you brought housing in
00:58:26 district 2 and we dealt with a
00:58:29 community that had issues and we
00:58:29 overcame that.
00:58:30 It was because of your
00:58:32 leadership that we were able to
00:58:33 work with the community and it's
00:58:37 such an incredible part of
00:58:56 district 2.
00:58:56 I'll Miss You.
00:58:57 >> supervisor hainey.
00:58:58 >> thank you, I wanted to thank
00:58:58 you for your extraordinary
00:58:59 service.
00:58:59 Many of the che buildings are in
00:59:00 district 6.
00:59:00 I had the opportunities to visit
00:59:01 many and just to see how much
00:59:02 you care about the residents and
00:59:21 the entire community that che
00:59:21 has built.
00:59:22 I've seen their leadership and I
00:59:22 told supervisor pe certain
00:59:23 ksin, just the
00:59:24 community you built, and will
00:59:24 continue for a long time and I
00:59:25 want to thank you for what
00:59:26 you've done.
00:59:26 I know you'll continue to be one
00:59:27 of our greatest champions more
00:59:46 affordable housing and
00:59:46 regardless whether we're the
00:59:47 director, we'll call on you for
00:59:48 your support, so thank you for
00:59:48 your service.
00:59:49 >> supervisor memdelman.
00:59:49 >> I will pile on.
00:59:50 I just want to add to my
01:00:09 colleague's congratulations in
01:00:09 chp and your friendship and I'm
01:00:10 excited to see what your next
01:00:10 act bring.
01:00:11 >> supervisor safaye.
01:00:12 >> yes, gail, great job and one
01:00:13 of the things and maybe others
01:00:13 mentioned this, but I know it's
01:00:14 been some really hard work for
01:00:15 you to be a female in an
01:00:15 industry dominated by male, your
01:00:17 male counterparts and you fought
01:00:19 vigorously on behalf of your
01:00:24 industry and I think you lead
01:00:25 admirably.
01:00:27 I know you're not going anywhere
01:00:31 but we honour the great work
01:00:31 you've done.
01:00:33 >> before we have gail speak and
01:00:36 everybody make sure you turn off
01:00:38 your cell phone.
01:00:41 Gail, the floor is yours.
01:00:44 >> well, first of all, I want to
01:00:45 thank every member of this board
01:00:46 of supervisors.
01:00:49 I worked with all of you and I
01:00:50 am clearly touched.
01:00:53 I'm a hard person to bring to
01:00:55 tears but one thing that make
01:00:57 the tears flow is when I look
01:00:59 out at the many resident leaders
01:01:00 who chose to join me this
01:01:01 afternoon.
01:01:03 They're the people I'm truly
01:01:06 proudest of and over a decade of
01:01:08 leading community housing
01:01:09 partnership.
01:01:10 While I'm going
01:01:12 going to live under a
01:01:15 rock and I'm in my seat until
01:01:17 June 30th, I really appreciate
01:01:19 this and with last week being
01:01:20 affordable housing week,
01:01:23 supervisor peskin and all of you
01:01:26 chose to honour me today.
01:01:27 Affordable housing and
01:01:29 homelessness are issues we're
01:01:30 tackling everyday and I want to
01:01:32 continue to be a resource to all
01:01:35 of you and your staff and teams
01:01:37 and how we can have solutions to
01:01:39 put of course questionty
01:01:45 equity first.
01:01:47 We need to listen to the voices
01:01:49 of people who have experienced
01:01:51 it day-by-day as we deal with
01:01:52 this crisis.
01:01:53 I almost am honoured to serve
01:01:55 the sitting and county of san
01:01:57 francisco as a park commission
01:01:59 which I am excused from today.
01:02:01 I got clearance a week ago.
01:02:03 And I just want to thank all of
01:02:07 my staff, the President Of chp's
01:02:10 board is here, greg miller,
01:02:11 thank the board and directors
01:02:12 for everything they've given to
01:02:13 me.
01:02:17 it will be hard to get go, but I
01:02:19 will and I'll be watching from
01:02:23 afar, the success of chp and
01:02:25 holding all of you accountable
01:02:27 to solve the homeless crisis
01:02:30 facing the city and my home
01:02:30 supervisor, thank you.
01:02:34 We'll have more time to drink,
01:02:35 it's specs now.
01:02:37 Thank you so much.
01:02:38 Announcement and
01:02:44 I want to shout out to my
01:02:45 husband who has been suffering
01:02:47 of the last 17 years working so
01:02:49 hard and is possibly excited for
01:02:51 me to work less.
01:02:52 He's still figuring it out.
01:02:56 But I want to acknowledge my
01:03:02 husband who with me today.
01:03:23 (Applause).
01:03:33 >> next up is supervisor mendle
01:03:33 mendl eman.
01:03:50 >> it eric whitington here.
01:04:04 Come on up, eric.
01:04:09 Well, today, I am so happy to
01:04:12 honor the glenn beck.
01:04:12 Pair.
01:04:13 [Cheers and
01:04:16 [Cheers and applause]
01:04:19 >> in 1999, er
01:04:22 ic
01:04:25 ric opened this
01:04:28 brick and mortar shop.
01:04:29 I'll wait for a second until
01:04:49 folks pile in and out.
01:04:52 In 2008, eric moved the shop
01:04:53 around the corner where it
01:04:56 remains today and one of
01:04:59 district 8's most beloved
01:04:59 institutioned.
01:05:01 Glenn park residents a
01:05:03 visitedders fled there for
01:05:05 special selection of literature,
01:05:06 music, art, children's book,
01:05:08 used lps and more.
01:05:11 Honouring the spirit of the name
01:05:14 sake's charlie parker, aka bird,
01:05:24 and a poet samual beckett.
01:05:26 They have organized free
01:05:28 programming, including poets,
01:05:29 author and creatives, new and
01:05:32 old, famous and emerging from
01:05:33 near and far to share their art
01:05:35 with the glenn park's community.
01:05:39 Live jazz on friday in 2002 was
01:05:51 another long-standing tradition.
01:05:53 There was creative work this the
01:05:56 san francisco bay area for a
01:05:57 neighborhood audience and future
01:05:57 generations.
01:06:00 It is thanks to the hard work of
01:06:02 eric and his staff, the project
01:06:05 sponsors and tireless support of
01:06:07 the community that bird and
01:06:09 beckett thrived for two decades.
01:06:12 At a time when san francisco is
01:06:14 losing too many cultural and
01:06:16 community centers and beloved
01:06:17 businesses are displaced, it's
01:06:20 important to fight to preserve
01:06:22 and support brick and mortar
01:06:24 shops like bird and beckett.
01:06:27 I'm proud to represent a
01:06:28 district so committed to that
01:06:30 fight and represent our glenn
01:06:32 park neighbors committed to
01:06:35 sustaining bird and beckett as a
01:06:37 vital institution for many years
01:06:41 to come and with that, eric,
01:06:44 would you like to say a few
01:06:46 words.
01:06:47 >> supervisors, members of the
01:06:49 board.
01:06:53 , thank you for today's
01:06:53 condemnation.
01:06:55 We're glad to have been able to
01:06:57 book shop successfully while
01:07:01 serving glenn park, san
01:07:03 francisco and the musicians,
01:07:04 poesets and
01:07:07 poets and we want to provide
01:07:08 that community service for
01:07:10 another 20 years if we can.
01:07:12 We want do more each year going
01:07:14 forward to support the musicians
01:07:17 and the poets and other artists
01:07:20 we see as core constituency and
01:07:22 provide slept
01:07:23 excellent audience and
01:07:28 we want to be a conduit to get
01:07:29 reliable economic support of
01:07:31 their efforts.
01:07:33 I would be delighted in ten
01:07:35 years we all feel the art's
01:07:38 culture is flowering, whereas we
01:07:41 now cat imagine.
01:07:43 If in 20 years, we can point to
01:07:46 concrete ways in which artists
01:07:49 become better equipped to live
01:07:51 significantly and live without
01:07:52 risking and sometimes
01:07:53 sacrificing their individual
01:07:54 health and well-being.
01:07:56 I welcome the opportunity to sit
01:07:57 down with any of you on the
01:08:00 board that have, you know web
01:08:01 specific ideas to explore new
01:08:05 ways to make that possible.
01:08:09 The artists are very marginally
01:08:13 compensated and it's an
01:08:15 expensive city and there are
01:08:18 many impediments to them staying
01:08:21 here and keeping the culture
01:08:21 healthy.
01:08:24 So I have opportunity -- I have
01:08:26 ideas, of course, but I know
01:08:29 each of you has put great idea
01:08:31 into developing programmes that
01:08:32 point in that direction and I
01:08:33 hope we'll be able to
01:08:35 collaborate to make some of the
01:08:36 things move forward.
01:08:38 So thanks for your time and
01:08:39 attention and good will and hard
01:08:40 work.
01:08:42 You're to be commended, not
01:08:44 condemned for working month in
01:08:46 and month out to keep the city's
01:08:48 culture alive and vibrant.
01:08:52 So thank you for the opportunity
01:08:53 to recognise the wonderful staff
01:08:54 for their work and there are a
01:08:57 few of them here, michael and
01:08:59 loretta, making it all flow and
01:09:04 jenna in her absence here and
01:09:06 angie down the way and to the
01:09:07 community of glenn park, the
01:09:09 patrons of the store that really
01:09:11 kick in and make it work.
01:09:15 We do what we can and we need
01:09:17 some practical support at the
01:09:19 city level so that the artists
01:09:22 can continue to live here and
01:09:23 work.
01:09:24 Thanks a lot.
01:10:00 [Cheers and applause]
01:10:01 Our last commendation is from
01:10:04 supervisor hainey.
01:10:05 >> thank you.
01:10:07 Today during the holy month of
01:10:12 ram
01:10:14 ra
01:10:17 ramadan, I would like to
01:10:19 recognise the yemini american
01:10:21 association.
01:10:24 San francisco continues to be an
01:10:25 incredibly diverse city, one
01:10:27 that welcomes immigrants here
01:10:28 from all over the world.
01:10:29 Among them are people who were
01:10:31 leaders doctors, lawyer and
01:10:32 craft's people in their
01:10:34 homelands, people who are at
01:10:35 times fleeing persecution,
01:10:37 violence or unstable governments
01:10:39 and leaving all they knew behind
01:10:44 to start over and start a new
01:10:46 future for their husband.
01:10:48 Not only are they getting used
01:10:50 to a new way of life but they
01:10:52 have to do so no one of the most
01:10:55 expensive cities in the wore.
01:10:56 World.
01:10:58 The community has forged a
01:10:59 strong and growing presence in
01:11:01 san francisco, coming together
01:11:03 with each other and as well as
01:11:05 their neighbours fortunatelying
01:11:06 support and solidarity.
01:11:09 Two months ago the yemini
01:11:11 President Stood in this room and
01:11:12 told the immigrant right's
01:11:13 commission that to him, san
01:11:15 francisco is a city of freedom.
01:11:20 He said that we are known for
01:11:21 helping priorities and he wanted
01:11:24 to bring the yemini community to
01:11:30 our attention.
01:11:35 In doing so, he and his
01:11:38 counterparts not only brought a
01:11:40 problem an issue but identified
01:11:43 one of the issues of the yemini
01:11:44 organization which is to raise
01:11:46 awareness of the issues facing
01:11:46 their community.
01:11:51 The yemini american association
01:11:53 serves between the local schools
01:11:54 and other government
01:11:56 institutions and provides a
01:11:59 variety of cultural and social
01:12:00 services.
01:12:02 The association encourages
01:12:03 participation in the democratic
01:12:06 process by helping yemini
01:12:08 americans to vote and providing
01:12:09 educational workshops on legal
01:12:11 rights and have formed alliances
01:12:13 with other civil rights and
01:12:16 labor groups such as local 87
01:12:17 and their dedication to
01:12:18 providing representation and
01:12:19 support for ye measures
01:12:23 mini families and
01:12:25 building local kinship can be
01:12:26 seen in local fundraising
01:12:26 efforts.
01:12:30 In addition to raising money for
01:12:31 families affected by the civil
01:12:35 war, they raised funds to help
01:12:37 california ns after
01:12:40 ns after the
01:12:41 devastating fires.
01:12:43 They ensure the community has
01:12:46 access to decision-makers and a
01:12:55 voice in city hall.
01:12:57 They played a key role in
01:13:01 organizing a recent visit by
01:13:05 myself and the mayor to a local
01:13:07 mosque as well as bringing city
01:13:12 hall it's first iftar
01:13:13 celebration.
01:13:19 They have served the american
01:13:20 yemini association, we're
01:13:22 grateful for you you do and
01:13:24 we're honored to have the
01:13:28 President Of the yemini
01:13:30 association to accept on their
01:13:30 behalf.
01:13:31 Pair operator
01:13:38 [Cheers and applause]
01:13:39 >> hello everyone.
01:13:41 On behalf of our community, I
01:13:47 would like to thank supervisors
01:13:51 for organizing our organization.
01:13:54 And also, I would like to thank
01:13:57 the mayor of london bridge and
01:14:00 the city official for who give
01:14:05 the opportunity to have the
01:14:06 first night in san francisco
01:14:09 city hall, which mean a lot to
01:14:10 us and this historical moment.
01:14:11 Thank you so much and we keep
01:14:12 doing the same thing.
01:14:14 Thank you.
01:14:46 (Applause).
01:14:49 >> so Madam Clerk, let's go and
01:14:54 call items 15 and 16 together.
01:14:56 >> items is a and 6 are too
01:14:58 mayoral appointments to the
01:14:59 successor agency commission
01:15:01 commonly known as the commission
01:15:02 on community investment and
01:15:03 infrastructure.
01:15:05 Item 15 is the mayor's
01:15:11 reappointment of mara rozales
01:15:12 and item 16 is the mayor's
01:15:16 appointment of desi danganun for
01:15:20 a four-year term ending 2022.
01:15:22 >> Madam Clerk, please call
01:15:26 roll.
01:16:01 (Roll called).
01:16:04 There are eight ayes.
01:16:10 There are seven ay session, my
01:16:16 apol.
01:16:16 Aapology.
01:16:17 >> lead go to roll call.
01:16:19 Up to introduce new business is
01:16:25 supervisor marr.
01:16:29 >> thank you, Madam Clerk.
01:16:32 Today I'm asking the bla to
01:16:34 analyze an upper policy
01:16:35 recommendations on housing
01:16:37 production in our city and how
01:16:38 well it alines with the growth
01:16:41 of the workforce at different
01:16:42 income levels.
01:16:45 In our urgent efforts to solve
01:16:47 the housing crisis, our focus
01:16:51 has been paid to simplistically
01:16:52 increasing housing supply
01:16:53 generally and not enough on
01:16:55 understanding how housing demand
01:16:57 has been driven by a rapid and
01:16:58 unseen job growth and whether
01:17:00 the housing being produced a
01:17:03 meeting the needs of our growing
01:17:05 workforce in a way that
01:17:06 addressing the affordability
01:17:08 challenges, particular of low to
01:17:10 moderate income workers.
01:17:11 We lack data and a clear
01:17:13 understanding of this
01:17:14 fundamentally important
01:17:14 relationship.
01:17:18 We have a responsibility to
01:17:20 facilitate the housing across
01:17:22 all economic segments in our
01:17:23 community.
01:17:25 In order to plan for housing
01:17:26 across all economic segments for
01:17:28 all workers, we need to know who
01:17:30 we are planning housing for,
01:17:32 what are their job and what are
01:17:33 their income levels.
01:17:36 The report from the bla will
01:17:38 analyze the job's housing fit
01:17:40 comparing the housing units
01:17:42 produced with the jobs produced
01:17:45 by industry and income level for
01:17:46 the previous ten years and also
01:17:47 looking forward.
01:17:49 San francisco has been
01:17:50 successful requiring an using
01:17:52 data from our annual housing
01:17:54 inventory reports to inform our
01:17:57 policies and we can go further.
01:18:00 The data from this job's housing
01:18:02 fit analysis will help to inform
01:18:04 future development project and
01:18:05 economic development decisions.
01:18:06 We must talk about the
01:18:08 relationship of our economic
01:18:10 policies on housing needs to
01:18:13 plan for vibrant, thriving and
01:18:15 complete communities and that
01:18:17 analysis will help with this
01:18:17 conversation.
01:18:18 The rest I submit.
01:18:20 >> thank you, supervisor.
01:18:22 >> supervisor peskin.
01:18:25 >> thank you, Madam Clerk,
01:18:25 colleagues.
01:18:27 On behalf of supervisor walton,
01:18:29 I am introducing a resolution in
01:18:31 support of california state
01:18:39 assembly bill 388, limone on
01:18:40 supervisor walton's behalf.
01:18:42 I'm introducing a resolution in
01:18:45 california state bill 388 along
01:18:49 with my cosponsor, supervisor
01:18:50 peskin.
01:18:53 The effects of alzheimer's and
01:18:54 don't
01:18:58 dementia are terrible and I see
01:19:00 how terrible this is.
01:19:02 I lost my mentor and surrogate
01:19:04 father to the disease and the
01:19:06 harder we work to combat
01:19:07 alzheimer's, the sooner well
01:19:09 have a cure and save lives.
01:19:13 Alzheimer's disease is the third
01:19:17 leading cause of death in
01:19:23 impacting californians.
01:19:25 By 2025, california will see an
01:19:27 nurse in 30 in alzheimer's and
01:19:31 other dementias due to our aging
01:19:32 population.
01:19:35 We spent $2.3 trillion as a
01:19:37 nation on treating alzheimer's
01:19:40 and other forms of dementia and
01:19:43 that is why I'm proud to support
01:19:45 ab388, as it would require the
01:19:46 state department of public
01:19:49 health to implement the action
01:19:51 agenda items in the brain
01:19:54 initiative and coordinate an
01:19:57 initiative on the signs and
01:19:58 symptoms of other initiatives.
01:20:01 They will take the active steps
01:20:02 in improving patient outcomes as
01:20:04 well as rue
01:20:07 reducing costs in eight
01:20:08 counties to help us address this
01:20:09 disease.
01:20:12 I urge the board of supervisors
01:20:14 to combat alzheimer's and all
01:20:18 forms of dementia and then,
01:20:21 also, supervisor walton, and I
01:20:22 were introducing a resolution to
01:20:26 support a new organizational
01:20:28 from you're to support the
01:20:32 future of cal train and state's
01:20:33 policy with regard to the future
01:20:36 of cal-train's governance and
01:20:38 then on my behalf, I submit.
01:20:41 >> thank you, supervisor.
01:20:43 Supervisor safaye.
01:20:44 Thank you.
01:20:52 >> sort of score stephanie.
01:20:53 Supervisor yi.
01:20:55 >> I am introducing a hearing
01:20:56 request regarding an issue of
01:20:57 police staffing.
01:20:59 As many of you know, I have been
01:21:03 raising the issue of adequate
01:21:04 police staffing for years.
01:21:07 In June of 2018, almost one year
01:21:10 ago, the budget and legislative
01:21:12 analysts provided a board with a
01:21:14 performance audit of the san
01:21:16 francisco police department so
01:21:17 we could better understand.
01:21:20 Number one, how the police are
01:21:23 deploying police staff that is
01:21:24 funded by the general fund and
01:21:28 number two, how uniform staff is
01:21:29 allocated to administrative
01:21:31 versus patrol duties.
01:21:32 One major finding and
01:21:34 recommendation of that audit was
01:21:37 that light of an increase of
01:21:39 property crime in our city, with
01:21:42 this accompanying public demand
01:21:45 for more officers on the
01:21:50 streets, the sfpd has many
01:21:51 administrative positions as
01:21:52 possible.
01:21:55 This is the best practice
01:21:58 recognised by major law
01:21:59 enforcement associations
01:22:02 including the association of
01:22:06 chief's of police and adopted by
01:22:07 major law enforcement officers
01:22:08 in the country.
01:22:10 San francisco's ratio of sworn
01:22:13 officers to civilian's staff
01:22:15 remains higher than the national
01:22:17 average or its peers.
01:22:22 While there is a need for sworn
01:22:23 officers in certain
01:22:25 administrative and non-patrol
01:22:27 position, there are also
01:22:29 opportunities that we have not
01:22:31 taken advantage of.
01:22:34 To produce costs and operational
01:22:36 efficiencies for the department.
01:22:37 Department.
01:22:39 I ask the controllers office to
01:22:41 provide us with an analysis of
01:22:42 the civilization efforts made so
01:22:45 far in which I expect to be
01:22:46 completed shortly.
01:22:48 I have also tasked the
01:22:50 department to work with experts
01:22:53 in the field, to provide the
01:22:54 board and public with a report
01:22:58 about the staffing needs in a
01:23:00 manner by which the sfpd
01:23:02 determines the staffing level
01:23:04 throughout the different
01:23:06 divisions.
01:23:08 I understand and expect a final
01:23:10 report to be produced by the
01:23:13 officer and even if it is not
01:23:16 complete in time for our
01:23:17 budgetary decision, I expect a
01:23:19 preliminary update to be
01:23:21 presented at this hearing on
01:23:21 staffing.
01:23:24 Every year, during budget time,
01:23:26 this board is asked to support
01:23:36 the departmental budgets.
01:23:37 This is important when it comes
01:23:40 to the nuts and bolts of running
01:23:41 our city smoothly.
01:23:43 For example, if public works
01:23:44 doesn't have enough resources,
01:23:47 that impacts the level and
01:23:48 quality of service that we are
01:23:50 providing to our residents,
01:23:51 businesses and visitors.
01:23:55 At the same time, we have to be
01:23:57 vigilant that we are being
01:23:58 efficient with taxpayer dollars
01:24:00 and making the very best use of
01:24:02 these resources to get the most
01:24:04 value possible for our
01:24:05 residents, businesses and
01:24:08 visitors.
01:24:13 This hearing will be asking for
01:24:14 presentations from the
01:24:16 resource's department and police
01:24:18 department regarding how they
01:24:23 are recruiting new officers,
01:24:25 graduation rates from academy
01:24:28 classes, attrition numbers,
01:24:29 demographic of the department
01:24:32 versus the city and our
01:24:33 department's right of retention
01:24:34 of trained officers.
01:24:36 President
01:24:38 As we seek to increase the
01:24:41 number of officers affecting the
01:24:43 city, sfpd should have a
01:24:45 civilization plan in place as a
01:24:47 key component of the effort to
01:24:51 maximize the number of duty
01:24:52 officers providing direct public
01:24:54 safety services and this should
01:24:56 give us, as a basis to determine
01:25:00 if we need to adjust the
01:25:04 charters mandate of 1971,
01:25:07 full-duty officers.
01:25:09 So I want to thank my colleagues
01:25:11 for cosponsoring this hearing
01:25:12 request.
01:25:16 They are supervisors stephanie,
01:25:19 furer, brown and marr.
01:25:26 So that's one thing.
01:25:29 I also want to talk about the
01:25:34 office of the emerging
01:25:35 technology.
01:25:36 In April last year I passed a
01:25:38 legislation that formed a
01:25:42 working group using guying guiding
01:25:44 principles for a permitting
01:25:46 process for emerging
01:25:47 technologies.
01:25:51 The importance of this must not
01:25:52 be underestimated.
01:25:57 I support technology as it has
01:25:58 contributed to improvements but
01:26:01 or residents are not guinae pigs
01:26:03 for adventure capitalists to
01:26:06 experiment on and our public
01:26:08 infrastructure not a
01:26:09 free-for-all space.
01:26:11 We have learned harsh lessons
01:26:14 when regulations have not been
01:26:17 in place and it beens so
01:26:19 powerful we were unable to set
01:26:21 parameter for their operations.
01:26:23 Less than a year ago scooters
01:26:25 were dumped all over the city
01:26:28 and sfmta scrambled for a
01:26:28 permitting process.
01:26:31 As the hub of innovation, we
01:26:32 cannot continue to be forced to
01:26:34 legislate for a single invention
01:26:37 in order to protect our
01:26:38 resident's safety.
01:26:40 The emergent technology working
01:26:42 crew met six times over several
01:26:44 months and I am proud of the
01:26:46 large and diverse few of experts
01:26:49 and advocates that contributed
01:26:51 to the body.
01:26:53 This is why today, I will be
01:26:57 calling on the city attorney to
01:26:59 draft legislation, creating the
01:27:04 office of emergency technology.
01:27:08 A multi -- billion dollar tech
01:27:10 corporation publically funded
01:27:13 infrastructure that pays
01:27:14 disproportionately little for or
01:27:18 replacing jobs to enrich itself.
01:27:20 San francisco welcomes and
01:27:21 encourages emerging
01:27:21 technologies.
01:27:23 But as a city, we must ensure
01:27:26 that the detailings provide a
01:27:31 net common good, measured in
01:27:33 identifiable way and they are
01:27:34 safe and appropriate and this
01:27:39 will be the streamlined through
01:27:43 the office of emerging
01:27:43 technology.
01:27:47 I just want to mention one more
01:27:51 thing that as many of you know,
01:28:08 district 7 has a particapatory
01:28:11 programme and we have seniors
01:28:12 that grew.
01:28:14 This year, 26 projects that were
01:28:16 proposed by district 7
01:28:19 7 residents
01:28:19 will be awarded.
01:28:22 In addition to the 650,000
01:28:25 allocated to budgeting, I will
01:28:28 be using fund
01:28:40 funds for the projects.
01:28:43 it includes safety if school
01:28:46 zones and trail users and we
01:28:49 will be activating two place
01:28:51 leases and four neighborhoods
01:28:53 with great resilience and
01:28:54 disaster preparedness and supply
01:28:57 and then, new green spaces at
01:29:00 two of the district 7 schools.
01:29:02 Activation and events in
01:29:03 merchant corridor.
01:29:06 So you could see that this
01:29:08 programme actually supports a
01:29:10 range of activities in the
01:29:11 district.
01:29:13 I'm really proud that there were
01:29:15 so many participants in this
01:29:16 year's effort.
01:29:18 The rest I submit.
01:29:20 >> thank you, Mr. President.
01:29:21 Supervisor brown.
01:29:22 >> thank you.
01:29:24 >> supervisor furer.
01:29:27 >> thank you, Madam Chair.
01:29:28 Colleagues, it is my honour to
01:29:30 introduce a resolution today
01:29:33 with President Yi in support of
01:29:34 hr6, the american dream and
01:29:38 promise act of 2019.
01:29:41 More than 1.1 million
01:29:43 hard-working men and women stand
01:29:49 to lose status in this drive country
01:29:52 unless congress takes a stance.
01:29:59 The cpd and defer and departure
01:30:00 who has been canceled by the
01:30:01 trump administration.
01:30:04 There are daca participants who
01:30:08 served in the military and more
01:30:14 than 320,000tps
01:30:22 320,000 tps paying
01:30:22 tributes.
01:30:26 More than 300,000 tp isn't
01:30:29 holding could be uprooted this
01:30:30 year, according to those from
01:30:36 south sudan in May, haiti in
01:30:38 July and el salvador in
01:30:39 September.
01:30:41 It could cause far-reaching harm
01:30:42 in industries across the
01:30:43 country.
01:30:46 Termination of tps would lead to
01:30:48 an estimated $45 billion
01:30:50 reduction in growth domestic
01:30:52 product and $69 billion
01:30:54 reduction in tax contributions
01:30:56 and an estimated 1 billion
01:30:58 employer costs.
01:31:00 The american dream of 2019 will
01:31:02 provide protections from the
01:31:04 deportation and offer a
01:31:05 well-earned path to permanent
01:31:07 residency, to hard-working
01:31:09 people who have played by the
01:31:11 rules for decades.
01:31:17 I would like to thank soup store the
01:31:19 supervisors for signing on as
01:31:21 cosponsors and I hope we can
01:31:22 count on all of you for your
01:31:23 support.
01:31:25 Today I introduced a final
01:31:29 budget resolution for
01:31:30 consideration.
01:31:31 Last week the budget and finance
01:31:33 held a hearing on clean and
01:31:35 green streets, support for small
01:31:36 business and funding for the
01:31:38 minimum compensation ordinance
01:31:40 increase for nonprofit workers
01:31:43 and today we submit a resolution
01:31:46 for the major's budget
01:31:47 development in each of the
01:31:47 areas.
01:31:49 Finally, colleagues, I am so
01:31:51 proud today to be introducing
01:31:56 the first ever office of rear racial
01:31:58 equity for san francisco with my
01:32:01 colleagues, supervisor valley
01:32:01 brown.
01:32:03 There have been many leaders to
01:32:06 advance the commitment including
01:32:08 supervisors john avalos, jane
01:32:11 kim and malia cohen and today
01:32:17 we're creating an office to
01:32:20 institutionalize for disparities
01:32:23 for black people, native
01:32:26 american arab people and latino
01:32:29 ins in the san francisco area.
01:32:31 When I came here it was shocking
01:32:33 there was no discussion about
01:32:35 racial disparity in the public
01:32:38 policy debates or how decisions
01:32:41 were made, of how decisions we
01:32:45 made would positively or next
01:32:48 impact
01:32:50 those of colour.
01:32:53 This is a long-time coming.
01:32:54 The mission of the office is to
01:32:56 advance a racial equity
01:32:58 framework and repair harm done
01:33:00 by local policy decisions that
01:33:04 have created, upheld or
01:33:06 exasperated racial disparities
01:33:07 in san francisco.
01:33:08 The office will achieve this
01:33:10 goal to policy analysis,
01:33:11 development, data collection as
01:33:13 well as support and
01:33:13 accountability.
01:33:15 It will provide a check-point
01:33:17 for city departments and for the
01:33:19 board of supervisors as we
01:33:21 discuss policy to ensure we are
01:33:22 considering the impact of policy
01:33:30 on communities of colour.
01:33:33 A shout-out for the diligent
01:33:33 work.
01:33:36 I want to thank director cheryl
01:33:39 davis to realize this
01:33:40 legislation and special
01:33:47 recognition to the human right's
01:33:50 commission through their
01:33:53 guidance throughout the pros.
01:33:55 And thank you to our cosponsors
01:33:55 for your support.
01:34:00 If I May allow Madam Clerk and
01:34:02 Mr. President, allow my
01:34:05 cosponsor, supervisor brown, a
01:34:05 few homes.
01:34:06 Thank
01:34:08 homes.
01:34:12 Moments.
01:34:15 >> I wanted to add my name
01:34:19 supporting the congressional
01:34:24 resolution for daca and tbs.
01:34:25 >> supervisor brown.
01:34:26 >> thank you, President.
01:34:30 I want to thank my colleague for
01:34:32 really rolling up her sleeves on
01:34:33 this.
01:34:34 We talked about this in the city
01:34:36 and to have someone as a
01:34:38 champion of supervisor furer
01:34:41 take that lead with me is just
01:34:41 an honour.
01:34:45 I also want to thank our staff,
01:34:50 chelsea and shakira, you are
01:34:52 amazing women.
01:34:53 Britney, the human right's
01:34:54 commission and director cheryl
01:34:56 davis for the work they've done
01:34:57 with this.
01:34:58 It's just so thought and
01:34:59 thorough.
01:35:01 Simply put, we need meaningful
01:35:03 action to close the racial gap
01:35:04 in san francisco.
01:35:06 As a woman of an indigenous
01:35:08 heritage and the supervisor of
01:35:09 district that has been the
01:35:11 beating heart of the
01:35:12 african-american community in
01:35:13 san francisco for decades, I'm
01:35:15 excited to work with community
01:35:18 and my colleagues to make this
01:35:21 much-needed office a reality.
01:35:23 Really realizing our dreams of
01:35:26 racial equity is not something
01:35:27 left behind from the civil
01:35:29 right's movement of the past.
01:35:31 We need real data and policy
01:35:34 solutions now to solve this
01:35:37 moral and social economic
01:35:39 imperative at the present.
01:35:40 We must hold ourselves
01:35:44 accountable, to dismantle the
01:35:47 unjust systems and reconcile our
01:35:47 harmful history.
01:35:49 In the next few week, we will be
01:35:51 going out to the in the
01:35:54 community to see
01:35:55 how we can strengthen this
01:35:56 legislation.
01:36:01 I want to acknowledge my work
01:36:07 from this famous poet, langston
01:36:08 hughes.
01:36:11 He says equality is the air we
01:36:11 breathe.
01:36:14 There's never been a quality for
01:36:19 me in the homeland.
01:36:20 Unfortunately, for people of
01:36:21 native colour in sanfrancisco,
01:36:22 they cannot breathe.
01:36:25 It's just an unfulfilled
01:36:26 american dream.
01:36:28 I'm committed to supporting
01:36:30 racial equity so we May uplift
01:36:33 and impower our communities of
01:36:36 colour and fulfill our vision of
01:36:40 a more fair and conclusive
01:36:40 vision.
01:36:42 I would like to thank my
01:36:44 colleagues for signing on today.
01:36:44 Thank you.
01:36:53 >> thank you, supervisor brown.
01:36:56 Supervisor hainey.
01:36:57 >> I'm introducing a long
01:36:59 overdue update to the job's
01:37:01 housing linkage fee pep
01:37:02 .
01:37:05 When the city started its first
01:37:07 highrise, it recognised the need
01:37:08 to link office development to
01:37:10 fees to off -- set the impacts of
01:37:11 development.
01:37:12 Tout
01:37:18 a job's housing impact and
01:37:19 transportation were created as a
01:37:20 result of development.
01:37:28 A completed nexus study is
01:37:31 needed to justify impact fees to
01:37:34 mitigate those needs and sets
01:37:36 the maximum fee allowed.
01:37:38 It's been legally successful in
01:37:40 funding more affordable housing.
01:37:43 In 2015, the fee generated
01:37:46 $30 million and in 2016, it
01:37:47 generated 60 million.
01:37:51 But a quarter century since the
01:37:53 nexus study, the fee is based on
01:37:55 old data on the number of
01:37:57 workers per square feet, the
01:37:59 cost of construction and demand
01:38:02 more affordable housing.
01:38:04 The fee is to meet today's
01:38:06 housing needs but hasn't been
01:38:09 updated, nor has the city
01:38:11 released an updated report in 22
01:38:11 years.
01:38:13 Other fees are updated
01:38:14 legislatively, periodically, but
01:38:16 our job's housing fee is
01:38:16 outdated.
01:38:18 The city is expected to release
01:38:21 a new nexus study soon which
01:38:22 will provide a legal
01:38:23 justification for what is like
01:38:26 lick a much higher fee but with
01:38:27 can't wait longer.
01:38:29 Advocates have been asking for
01:38:31 new studies for years and we
01:38:33 will update the new legislation
01:38:36 when the study comes out but for
01:38:38 now we have to maximize what is
01:38:38 allowable.
01:38:41 The job's housing ratio is out
01:38:43 of whack and we're seeing
01:38:46 booming job growth but falling
01:38:48 short in affordable housing.
01:38:52 From the balanced report, we
01:38:54 know that office densities have
01:38:56 increased by 12% since 1997 and
01:38:58 the cost of construction has
01:39:01 increased by approximately 183%.
01:39:02 This legislation today will
01:39:05 raise the fee to reflect rising
01:39:07 costs of construction.
01:39:09 The need is obvious and urgent
01:39:11 and in district 6, the pipeline
01:39:13 and affordable housing is over
01:39:15 $3 million.
01:39:18 In 2018, the city priced 65
01:39:20 affordable housing units.
01:39:22 Everyday, we all hear about the
01:39:26 people who are camped no one --
01:39:28 or families camped no one or
01:39:31 two-bedroom home, teachers
01:39:32 moving further out of the city
01:39:34 because they can't afford to
01:39:35 live here and people waiting for
01:39:37 permanent housing and seniors at
01:39:39 risk for becoming homeless.
01:39:42 I know many of you have been
01:39:43 waiting to preserve but we don't
01:39:46 have enough funds.
01:39:48 We can create more balance and
01:39:51 get thousands of seniors and
01:39:52 low-wage workers into stable and
01:39:53 secure housing.
01:39:55 This legislation will allow us
01:39:58 to raise to the maximum amount
01:39:59 we're allowed under the 1997
01:40:02 study as we wait for the new
01:40:04 nexus study to be released.
01:40:07 Thank you to my colleagues for
01:40:08 cosponsing and community members
01:40:10 calling for an increased fee for
01:40:10 years.
01:40:12 Secondly, I'm putting forward a
01:40:16 resolution in support of
01:40:19 california senator halli mitch's
01:40:21 bill 464 known as the california
01:40:23 dignity and pregnancy and
01:40:24 childbirth act.
01:40:26 The goal of the bill is to
01:40:29 reduce improve
01:40:34 implicit biased with
01:40:35 care.
01:40:36 The bill is incredibly important
01:40:38 and can't be signed into law
01:40:39 fast enough.
01:40:41 As research has shown been there
01:40:46 are grave despaircies with
01:40:47 maternal healthcare and
01:40:50 specifically for african
01:40:52 american and children.
01:40:53 Across the united states black
01:40:55 children are twice as likely to
01:40:57 die as white babies and black
01:40:59 mothers are four times as likely
01:41:01 as their white counterparts to
01:41:03 die of complications due to
01:41:05 labor.
01:41:05 Embarrassingly, in san
01:41:07 francisco, these numbers are
01:41:08 even worse.
01:41:09 The department of public health
01:41:11 noted in san francisco, black
01:41:15 babies are dying at a rate five
01:41:18 times of white babies and black
01:41:21 babies account for 23% of an
01:41:21 infant deaths.
01:41:24 What makes this situation
01:41:25 particularly publicsome when
01:41:28 controlling for the mitigating
01:41:31 effects of wealth, we see the
01:41:32 same disparities.
01:41:35 Welcome who are educated in the
01:41:38 wealthiest neighbors have worse
01:41:40 birthing outcomes.
01:41:42 Racial discrimination and
01:41:43 implicit biased are the reasons
01:41:46 why black mothers have such bad
01:41:49 birthing outcomes.
01:41:51 In as board of equalization
01:41:54 chair malia cohen launched the
01:41:57 dula programme in collaboration
01:41:58 with the public health and
01:42:00 sister web, we must ensure all
01:42:02 people who access maternal
01:42:04 health services must receive the
01:42:06 care and attention they deserve
01:42:09 and that all maternal healthcare
01:42:11 providers complete an initial
01:42:13 basic biased training, as well
01:42:16 as a refresher course every two
01:42:18 years requiring hospitals to
01:42:19 provide information on how to
01:42:24 file a discrimination complaint
01:42:26 if the patient feels they were
01:42:28 discriminated against on race,
01:42:30 gender, jenner orientation,
01:42:32 language, nationality or
01:42:33 immigrant status.
01:42:34 It would require the department
01:42:36 of public health to track and
01:42:38 publish data on ma tern death
01:42:41 and severe morbidity disagree
01:42:42 gated
01:42:54 disagreegate identity.
01:42:57 I urge our board in following
01:42:59 suit for this piece of less.
01:43:15 The rest I submit.
01:43:18 >> he was born in san francisco
01:43:22 in 1922, jose served in world
01:43:23 war ii.
01:43:25 During the 1950s, he became one
01:43:26 of san francisco's best known
01:43:30 drag performers singing
01:43:32 full-blown operas in north
01:43:32 beach.
01:43:38 At the time, police raids were
01:43:42 routine and jose had to give up
01:43:44 his dream of becoming a teacher
01:43:47 and this inspired him to pin
01:43:48 be one
01:43:51 of the lgbt right's activists
01:43:52 early.
01:43:54 He would promote a
01:43:56 ground-breaking sense of gay
01:43:57 pride and positive gay identity
01:43:59 in his performances.
01:44:01 in 1961, jose became the first
01:44:03 known openly gay candidate for
01:44:04 public office in the world by
01:44:05 running for the san francisco
01:44:06 board of supervisors.
01:44:08 Although he did not win his
01:44:10 election, he received over 5,000
01:44:11 votes, coming in ninth in a
01:44:15 field of 32 candidates,
01:44:18 demonstrating a gay voting
01:44:22 block.
01:44:26 Harvey milk supported him in his
01:44:28 successful run of supervisors in
01:44:30 1977.
01:44:35 In 1964, jose proclaimed himself
01:44:36 emporer of san francisco and
01:44:38 protecter of mexico and founded
01:44:40 the imperial court of san
01:44:41 francisco.
01:44:42 Today the court system is one of
01:44:44 the largest lgbtq organizations
01:44:46 in the world with 68 courts
01:44:47 around the united states, canada
01:44:48 and mexico.
01:44:50 The imperial court of san
01:44:52 francisco raises up to $100,000
01:44:53 annually for a variety of
01:44:55 charities including the
01:44:57 gay-straight alliance, san
01:45:01 francisco suicide prevention.
01:45:06 He passed away and to honour
01:45:12 him, he
01:45:17 we want to induct him into
01:45:18 the hall of fame.
01:45:21 Founder of the stewart milk and
01:45:22 city college of san francisco
01:45:24 board of trustees.
01:45:25 Though jose was not successful
01:45:26 to the board of supervisors, the
01:45:28 trail he blazed for all of the
01:45:31 queer politicos he would follow
01:45:32 and all rights in san francisco
01:45:34 and around the world, make him
01:45:36 deserving of induction into the
01:45:37 hall of fame.
01:45:39 The resolution will put this
01:45:40 board on record as supporting
01:45:43 his induction so his memory and
01:45:45 incredible work will serve for
01:45:46 generations to come.
01:46:04 i want to thank my supervisors.
01:46:06 The rest I submit.
01:46:07 >> Mr. President, that
01:46:08 concludes introductions of new
01:46:09 business.
01:46:12 >> ok, thank you, Madam Clerk.
01:46:19 So colleagues, it's not quite
01:46:22 4:00 for our special item there,
01:46:25 so will go to public comments
01:46:26 right now until 4:00.
01:46:28 Madam Clerk.
01:46:30 >> at this time, the public May
01:46:31 address the entire board of
01:46:32 supervisors for up to two
01:46:34 minutes on the subject matter,
01:46:36 jurisdiction of the board, to
01:46:39 include the mayoral appearance
01:46:42 of April 9th meeting and items
01:46:44 21-30 on adoption without
01:46:47 reference to committee calendar.
01:46:50 A public comment is not allowed
01:46:54 to comment at a committee.
01:46:55 Please direct your remarks to
01:46:57 the board as a whole and not to
01:46:58 individual supervisors or the
01:46:59 audience.
01:47:02 If you would like to display a
01:47:04 document on the overhead
01:47:05 projector, place it down and
01:47:07 remove it when you would like
01:47:09 the screen to return to live
01:47:17 coverage of the meeting.
01:47:18 >> this has been a painful
01:47:20 experience for me coming through
01:47:24 telling you to stop give
01:47:25 ing money
01:47:25 to high tech company.
01:47:28 I remember I cal coo
01:47:31 calculated
01:47:33 $217 billion given to high-tech
01:47:35 companies and when I question
01:47:37 you, you sit up there and tell
01:47:39 me you're giving them a break.
01:47:40 They don't need no break.
01:47:41 The people that need a break is
01:47:43 the people that's coming up
01:47:45 here, disabled, in wheelchairs,
01:47:48 that's homeless, a combination
01:47:49 of homeless and mental
01:47:51 disabilities and the other 50%
01:47:54 is finally police.
01:47:56 It's about time and I want to
01:47:58 show you what just happened
01:48:01 because of all of this tax-free
01:48:06 money.
01:48:09 This is often example of how
01:48:10 they've taking advantage of you
01:48:13 and the whole state of
01:48:18 california.
01:48:22 This is one of the examples of
01:48:23 skyscrapers they're building
01:48:28 with the God damn tax-free money
01:48:30 and this should have been built
01:48:31 by high tax companies.
01:48:33 You call them tech giants.
01:48:35 I'll see how big of a giant you
01:48:37 are when I practice fellow law
01:48:40 and I go after you for tax
01:48:41 evasion and blank fraud and
01:48:43 because you so high tech, I take
01:48:45 it you probably do wildfire,
01:48:49 too, with the transfer you're
01:48:50 doing.
01:48:52 >> about this guy speaking up
01:48:55 for city college, he staffed he
01:48:58 was 11.$5 million in debt.
01:48:59 Turns out further review
01:49:02 pertaining to current event,
01:49:04 he's $32 million in debt.
01:49:05 We can't be providing free
01:49:07 college and paying for the lack
01:49:08 of incorporate
01:49:12 ability to pay for
01:49:37 themselves.
01:49:39 >> so what's with all these
01:49:41 complaints before the task
01:49:41 force?
01:49:42 Rather than what you would like
01:49:43 people to believe, I'm not just
01:49:46 doing it to be a pain in
01:49:48 people's back side but because
01:49:52 it's the law and a law badly
01:49:54 neglected by most boards and
01:49:55 commissions, particularly this
01:49:55 one.
01:49:57 Almost all of these are related
01:50:01 to a single group.
01:50:04 And that is the friends of the
01:50:05 san francisco public library.
01:50:07 This is a group of private
01:50:09 individuals who raise money,
01:50:12 supposedly, to support the
01:50:14 library, what it really is is a
01:50:15 scam and a fraud and I have said
01:50:17 this to the library commission
01:50:20 and they have not position
01:50:23 peeped one
01:50:25 word in objection to those
01:50:26 claims.
01:50:27 When the san francisco public
01:50:28 library brought this to the
01:50:32 board of soup stores, former
01:50:35 soup store leland yi refused to
01:50:36 approve it because too little of
01:50:38 the money raised by the group
01:50:39 would go to the library.
01:50:43 The library entered into this
01:51:16 scheme regardless.
01:51:19 So 10% to the library and 90%,
01:51:21 nobody can say where it goes.
01:51:24 I can tell you where some of it
01:51:36 nt, to luis sarao.
01:51:52 >> thank you, next speaker.
01:51:53 >> supervisors, this is my first
01:51:59 time here in my life.
01:52:06 I'm here since 1982.
01:52:11 I was security officer in asi.
01:52:15 Today, I have to tell you you
01:52:20 are all well educated.
01:52:22 You know what is initiative.
01:52:24 You know what is right and what
01:52:38 is wrong.
01:52:41 My name is the naming of the
01:52:43 chinatown.
01:52:46 Don't put anyone's name there,
01:52:50 like rose pak, right.
01:52:51 Forget about that.
01:52:57 I assure you the only name is
01:52:58 chinatown.
01:53:02 It represent over 100 years of
01:53:06 chinese culture and the railroad
01:53:29 workers are from china.
01:53:31 Where is your passion?
01:53:34 Do you know what is truthfulness
01:53:38 and if you want to put rose pak
01:53:41 name on it, I'm telling you, I
01:53:53 was a supervisor.
01:54:11 >> thank you for your comments.
01:54:13 Mr. President, the speaker's
01:54:19 time is concluded.
01:54:29 >> thank you.
01:54:30 >> supervisors, let me say a
01:54:33 little bit about the central
01:54:33 south bay.
01:54:39 It started with $600 million and
01:54:41 now cost over a billion and a
01:55:25 half.
01:55:29 I heard one supervisor today
01:55:34 talking about disparity and a
01:55:37 lot affecting people of colour.
01:55:40 And the supervisors, too.
01:55:55 But do you know that 5% of
01:55:57 $12 billion is spent by the san
01:55:59 francisco community's commission
01:56:00 without you folks knowing a
01:56:01 thing.
01:56:05 There are people getting 300,000
01:56:06 grants to open cafes.
01:56:09 Would you want to have seven,
01:56:11 eight cafes on third street and
01:56:13 the poor people don't have a
01:56:17 dollar to buy a cup of coffee?
01:56:20 This type of disparity I have to
01:56:21 analyze, especially with the
01:56:23 missing supervisor, for whatever
01:56:31 reason from district 10.
01:56:37 Thank you very much.
01:56:40 >> good afternoon, listening
01:56:42 audience, way beyond listening
01:56:43 to this broadcast.
01:56:47 My name is ace on the case and I
01:56:51 want to get on to supervisor
01:56:53 furur and the fifth district
01:56:55 that this beautiful legislation
01:56:57 they put together to go down in
01:56:57 history.
01:56:59 My name is ace and I'm on the
01:56:59 case.
01:57:01 A statement to the
01:57:04 to
01:57:09 to
01:57:14 to the community haters,faces and places is all part of
01:57:17 my cases and I'm here to say,
01:57:19 ladies and gentlemen, this
01:57:20 little phrase from here on out,
01:57:22 but let's go back to this
01:57:23 beautiful legislation that's
01:57:25 been put out here, going down in
01:57:25 history.
01:57:29 I mean, this legislation is even
01:57:33 up there where peskin, removing
01:57:36 that name of justin herman for
01:57:36 us black folk.
01:57:40 This is the tool I've been
01:57:42 waiting for without migration.
01:57:44 See because I'm the czar and who
01:57:49 gave me that was then mayor
01:57:51 nusome and we have the queen
01:57:54 that is our mayor and fred
01:57:55 blackwell at the san francisco
01:57:57 foundation.
01:57:58 So you don't mind if I can't put
01:58:00 all this together.
01:58:01 We going to have some for
01:58:02 generations to come.
01:58:06 Thank you, supervisors.
01:58:09 And supervisor, brown, you got
01:58:10 down last night.
01:58:12 Let me just say this in my
01:58:14 closing moments, you will see me
01:58:17 at all of these public hearings,
01:58:18 subcommittees and putting out
01:58:21 the word or have you heard?
01:58:23 I'm not tickled pink right now.
01:58:27 I'm tickled black and how about
01:58:27 that?
01:58:28 There's nothing racial about
01:58:30 what I got say from here on out
01:58:32 because I have to live for my
01:58:34 kid and their kids and their
01:58:35 kids' kids.
01:58:40 My name is ace damnit, and I'm
01:58:43 on this case.
01:58:45 >> Madam Clerk, it's 401, so
01:58:58 let's go to our 4:00 special
01:58:59 order.
01:59:00 >> wee moving
01:59:03 we're moving for a motion for
01:59:07 the board of supervisors to sit
01:59:09 as a committee of a whole for
01:59:11 jokeses of
01:59:16 lighted properties.
01:59:18 The costs having been paid for
01:59:21 by the city and county out of
01:59:24 abatement fund and item 18 is
01:59:26 the resolution to approve a
01:59:28 report submitted bit director of
01:59:30 public works for inspection
01:59:32 and/or repair of blighted
01:59:36 properties.
01:59:37 >> audience, the public out
01:59:39 there, we're going into our
01:59:41 special order, 4:00 special
01:59:43 order and it will take more than
01:59:45 a few minutes.
01:59:47 So you can either stand there
01:59:49 and remain in line or you can
01:59:51 sit down and get back in line
01:59:54 later, ok?
01:59:57 So colleagues, we are now
02:00:00 convening as a committee as a
02:00:02 whole and open the hearing of
02:00:03 assessments costs committed by
02:00:05 the director of public works on
02:00:06 blighted properties.
02:00:08 We will first hear from the
02:00:15 department of public works.
02:00:17 >> good afternoon, I represent
02:00:21 the public work's graffiti unit.
02:00:24 Chapter 80, the community
02:00:27 preservation and blight
02:00:29 reduction act.
02:00:32 The code requires public works
02:00:34 to notify property owners to
02:00:35 make corrections.
02:00:37 It is the obligation of the
02:00:38 property owner to maintain the
02:00:40 property free of graffiti and
02:00:41 blight.
02:00:43 Public works notifies property
02:00:46 owners by physical postings,
02:00:47 regular mail and certified mail
02:00:49 when blight is posted.
02:00:52 The notice of violation provides
02:00:54 information on how to contact
02:00:56 the gra
02:01:00 graffiti unit and request
02:01:02 and tension if more time is
02:01:03 needed.
02:01:05 We include dates, stamped colour
02:01:11 photos to indicate extend ant extent and
02:01:14 location and we include a
02:01:15 question sheet.
02:01:17 For every notice of violation,
02:01:18 the gra tea
02:01:22 graffiti unit will research
02:01:25 property ownership to send
02:01:27 courtesy mays to property
02:01:32 owners, property representatived
02:01:35 or tenants, alerting them on
02:01:36 their property and requirement
02:01:38 to clean it up.
02:01:39 Public work's record show the
02:01:42 majority of the prop owners
02:01:44 abate gra tea tea on time.
02:01:46 If not abated within the allowed
02:02:07 time, a fee is incur.
02:02:09 Since there is an outstanding
02:02:11 balance, public works is
02:02:11 requesting that these
02:02:13 assessments be added to the
02:02:15 property tax bill through this
02:02:18 board hearing.
02:02:21 The outstanding fees are to
02:02:24 recoupe abatement to the general
02:02:25 fund.
02:02:31 Thank you.
02:02:33 >> I see nobody on roster.
02:02:33 Thank you.
02:02:36 What we want to do is open up
02:02:37 for public comment.
02:02:39 If you are a member of the
02:02:41 public who would like to speak
02:02:46 on items 17 and 18, please come
02:02:50 up to the podium.
02:02:53 But do not want to provide
02:02:54 public testimony.
02:02:56 You will have the opportunity to
02:02:58 speak both with department staff
02:02:59 outside of the chamber to
02:03:25 resolve issues.
02:03:28 We're going to
02:04:13 (Speaking foreign language).
02:04:14 >> homeless people are sleeping
02:04:16 and who is going to pay for
02:04:17 that?
02:04:18 You sit up there and you have
02:04:21 city clean doing the same type
02:04:24 of your employees is doing and
02:04:26 your employees is making
02:04:30 big-time, large amount of money,
02:04:32 60, 70, $80,000 a year and city
02:04:36 cleaners doing the same time of
02:04:36 work.
02:04:40 You have a poop squad you're
02:04:45 paying 186 God
02:04:45 goddam thousand
02:04:46 dollars a year.
02:04:49 That's a violation of title 7 of
02:04:51 the united states cold service,
02:04:53 the U.S. Attorney generals and
02:04:55 that's federal employment
02:04:58 discrimination law, 2,000
02:04:59 eseries.
02:05:02 All those people that work at
02:05:04 city clean doing the same work
02:05:07 as your employees with medical
02:05:09 insurance, annuity insurance and
02:05:11 a retirement plan is eligible to
02:05:15 sue you on a class action level
02:05:17 because the law is
02:05:17 unconstitutional.
02:05:21 You got a situation endured by
02:05:23 one set of employee but not
02:05:27 other set down the same God damn
02:05:28 work and you going to ask for
02:05:31 more money, that's disgusting.
02:05:32 What you got to say about that?
02:05:34 Let me tell you something else.
02:05:39 For you to sit up there and pay
02:05:42 somebody $186,000 a year to work
02:05:47 around with a broom and dust pan
02:05:49 and sweep shit off the sidewalk
02:05:52 and got still employees who
02:05:55 doing the same kind of work and
02:05:58 get paid a little more than
02:06:02 minimum wage is an insult.
02:06:54 What you got to say about that?
02:06:57 >> when I called and asked them
02:07:00 why we get
02:07:03 getting a citation, you
02:07:04 have to go to hearing because it
02:07:06 will be attached to your
02:07:09 property tax bill and I don't
02:07:49 think it's fair.
02:07:53 >> members of the board of
02:07:54 supervisors, whether you realize
02:07:56 it or not, when I come here, I
02:07:57 just don't sit here and wait for
02:07:59 my time to speak, I listen to
02:08:01 what's going on and on this
02:08:06 agenda item, I don't think any
02:08:06 member of the public, other than
02:08:07 the persons assessed these fines
02:08:09 have any idea how much money
02:08:09 we're talking about.
02:08:11 You're talking about
02:08:14 appropriating city funds to pay
02:08:16 the department to clean up gra
02:08:17 tea
02:08:20 graffiti but we have no idea as
02:08:21 members of the public how much
02:08:23 money we're talking about.
02:08:27 Is it $50 or 500?
02:08:29 Knowing the city it's probably
02:08:33 some completely outrageous
02:08:34 amount.
02:08:37 What happens it's attached to a
02:08:38 person's tack
02:08:41 tax bill?
02:08:43 Does that money get rebated to
02:08:44 the city and the original source
02:08:46 of the funds.
02:08:47 You never give us details.
02:08:49 It's not that the public doesn't
02:08:52 know but the fact they've gotten
02:08:54 to the point most of us don't
02:08:54 trust you.
02:08:57 You know, you deal with this
02:08:59 money, as if it's your own.
02:09:01 You treat it like it's something
02:09:03 that the public has no right to
02:09:04 know.
02:09:06 That list of orders of
02:09:07 determination, most of them had
02:09:10 to do with me trying to get
02:09:10 public records from different
02:09:13 city departments to find out how
02:09:14 much they spent on certain
02:09:15 things and you would be amazed
02:09:56 at the squirming that they do to
02:09:56 to.
02:09:58 >> public comment is now closed.
02:10:00 The hearing has been heard and
02:10:02 will be filed.
02:10:03 We will now reconvene as the
02:10:05 board of supervisors.
02:10:08 To the members of the public,
02:10:09 thank you for being here today
02:10:11 and the department of public
02:10:13 work's staff will be right
02:10:16 outside of the chamber doors.
02:10:18 And you could discuss with them
02:11:14 your outstanding issues.
02:11:19 (Speaking foreign language).
02:11:27 Now good afternoon, last time
02:11:30 when I was here, we brought the
02:11:33 videos about, around 200
02:11:37 businesses and 199 signatures
02:11:42 about naming the subway station
02:11:44 after rose pak.
02:12:18 (Speaking foreign language).
02:12:21 >> today I want to show the
02:12:22 posters about support about
02:13:19 chinatown station.
02:13:22 >> rose pak doesn't deserve it.
02:13:36 (Speaking foreign language).
02:13:38 As a resident from district 3, I
02:13:40 don't understand why they need
02:13:43 to use rose pak to name the
02:13:45 chinatown subway station.
02:13:49 It will hurt the business and
02:13:51 hurt the residents.
02:13:56 (Speaking foreign language).
02:13:58 >> the business we visited, most
02:14:00 of them want to say thank you to
02:14:01 us because we voiced their
02:14:04 thoughts out.
02:14:15 (Speaking foreign language).
02:14:17 >> some of the businesses have
02:14:20 been here more than 10, 20 years
02:14:28 and those rose pak pretty well.
02:14:41 (Speaking foreign language).
02:14:43 >> some business owners not own
02:14:44 sign petitions but also help us
02:14:46 to let other business owners
02:14:48 sign it and we need to be
02:14:50 together and against it.
02:15:02 (Speaking foreign language).
02:15:04 >> some business owners said you
02:15:06 can just stand at the front door
02:15:08 of the business and let the
02:15:09 people passing by sign the
02:15:09 petition.
02:15:14 Put.
02:15:16 >> I brought 15 second videos
02:15:18 today to play it.
02:15:19 >> sorry, your time is up.
02:15:24 >> next, please.
02:15:32 Network speaker.
02:15:36 >> good afternoon, President And
02:15:36 supervisors.
02:15:38 I would like to bring your
02:15:40 attention to the chinatown
02:15:42 reaction to the idea of naming
02:15:43 this subway station after rose
02:15:44 pak.
02:15:46 Most of them are very against
02:15:50 it.
02:15:52 I will share recordings with you
02:15:54 in chinese and I will translate.
02:16:10 The first one is Mr. Lee.
02:16:26 (Speaking foreign language).
02:16:27 >> it represents a place and
02:16:28 cannot represent this place.
02:16:31 We need to protect the concept
02:16:31 of chinatown.
02:16:35 It's a broad concept.
02:16:36 Nobody cannot substitute and
02:16:39 represent this concept.
02:16:48 The next one is drury company.
02:17:11 (Speaking foreign language).
02:17:13 >> to improve the public and not
02:17:16 to use rose pak or play politic.
02:17:19 Just to use a good naming for
02:17:21 the subway station will be fine.
02:17:23 Why didn't you want to use
02:17:24 something like rose pak?
02:17:26 This person does not even
02:17:28 deserve to receive the honor of
02:17:43 receiving a street after her?
02:17:45 >> next speaker, please.
02:17:46 >> hello, supervisors.
02:17:47 I'm doria.
02:17:53 Today I'm here to represent the
02:17:56 correlation of naming after rose
02:17:56 pak.
02:18:01 She was not an honorable person.
02:18:03 Here is evidence to prove that
02:18:06 she does not deserve the hounder
02:18:10 to have chinatown central subway
02:18:11 station named after her.
02:18:12 Let us share information with
02:18:15 you from the fbi investigation,
02:18:17 which is now available online.
02:18:21 Number one, according to fbi's
02:18:29 investigation report, rose pak.
02:18:31 She bought a house in rodeo,
02:18:33 california in 1991.
02:18:35 Nine months later, she bought
02:18:38 another house in oakland and she
02:18:41 claimed herself as a low-income
02:18:43 but do you know any other
02:18:45 low-income person could afford
02:18:49 buying two homes within nine
02:18:49 months?
02:18:51 And then in May of 2002, she
02:18:53 bought her third house.
02:18:55 This time she bought a
02:18:57 below-market rate unit at the
02:19:02 brand new bridgeview condominium
02:19:05 at heavily discounted price.
02:19:07 One person testified it was fbi.
02:19:11 People are aware of her
02:19:13 improperly obtaining the
02:19:15 condominium unit, but since,
02:19:18 they all needed her political
02:19:19 support.
02:19:21 They are reluctant to have the
02:19:22 matter investigated.
02:19:25 Rose pak was not entitled to
02:19:27 obtain the unit since she
02:19:29 proposed to be a single unit.
02:19:32 Whereas the unit is a
02:19:34 two-bedroom, two band room unit
02:19:35 intended for families, end
02:19:35 quote.
02:19:38 She had a long-track record of
02:19:40 deceiving authorities to further
02:19:41 her on interests.
02:19:44 So please do not name any public
02:19:49 facilities after rosepak, thank
02:19:55 you.
02:19:56 Next speaker.
02:19:57 >> good afternoon, President And
02:19:59 board of supervisors.
02:20:04 I'm an immigrant from vietnam.
02:20:05 I've been in san francisco for
02:20:07 more than 25 years.
02:20:09 I have many friends in chinatown
02:20:11 and they're concerned about
02:20:14 naming the chinatown subway
02:20:17 station at rose pak.
02:20:54 My colleague feel the same way.
02:20:58 Being recorded by Miss Rose pak,
02:21:03 recording how she gave presents
02:21:05 within invite him and his wife
02:21:07 with business leaders.
02:21:13 On one of her many occasions.
02:21:14 (Please stand by).
02:23:13 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:23:14 >> Voice of Translator: she says
02:23:14 she is single, but she got a
02:23:18 two-bedroom, two bathroom house.
02:23:20 That is not reasonable, it does
02:23:20 not make sense.
02:23:29 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:23:30 >> Voice of Translator: the
02:23:32 cheap housing is a pretty big
02:23:32 issue in san francisco.
02:23:35 people like us, the real low
02:23:37 income residents cannot buy the
02:23:39 houses, the cheap houses.
02:23:45 Like port-mac.
02:23:46 >> Voice of Translator: rose
02:23:52 peck took all advantages.
02:23:53 >> Voice of Translator: please
02:23:53 consider this carefully.
02:24:02 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:24:03 >> Voice of Translator: please
02:24:04 don't flatter this corrupt
02:24:06 person to be a great person and
02:24:19 the resident won't allow it.
02:24:20 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:24:21 >> Voice of Translator: to name
02:24:22 the subway station after this
02:24:23 immoral person is a shame to our
02:24:25 city.
02:24:32 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:24:33 >> Voice of Translator: the
02:24:34 whole city will feel shame about
02:24:39 it.
02:24:40 >> Voice of Translator: --
02:24:41 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:24:41 >> Voice of Translator: please,
02:24:42 all supervisors.
02:24:48 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:24:49 >> Voice of Translator: listen
02:24:50 to public opinion and do not do
02:24:51 the wrong thing.
02:25:03 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:25:04 >> Voice of Translator: to make
02:25:05 the wrong choice will be a saint
02:25:06 -- a shame to the whole city and
02:25:10 all the residents.
02:25:11 >> Voice of Translator: please
02:25:12 consider this carefully.
02:25:14 Thank you.
02:25:15 >> thank you.
02:25:26 Next speaker, please.
02:25:28 >> good afternoon, honourable
02:25:30 President Yee, board of
02:25:30 supervisors.
02:25:32 My name is peter loo.
02:25:34 I have been living in san
02:25:35 francisco over 40 years.
02:25:38 I want to give you an example
02:25:39 why this is a bad idea to honor
02:25:42 rose peck.
02:25:45 In February of 2002, the center
02:25:46 of justice and accountability in
02:25:48 san francisco filed a federal
02:25:53 lawsuit against the mayor of
02:25:54 beijing and the President Of
02:25:55 President Of beijing olympic
02:25:58 committee for his responsibility
02:26:02 in overseeing severe human
02:26:04 rights abuses against chinese
02:26:06 and international petitioners
02:26:14 under their claim.
02:26:16 He was served with a lawsuit at
02:26:19 san francisco airport on his way
02:26:20 to salt lake city to observe the
02:26:25 2002 game.
02:26:25 This case has nothing to do with
02:26:29 rose peck.
02:26:31 That as the chinese consulate
02:26:34 local agents, she jumped right
02:26:34 in.
02:26:35 Rose peck and her chambers of
02:26:41 commerce made a brief in an
02:26:43 attempt to interfere with this
02:26:45 legal case.
02:26:50 Foreign agents registration act
02:26:53 requires persons acting as
02:26:54 agents of foreign principals to
02:26:59 make public disclosure.
02:27:01 She did not register herself as
02:27:02 a foreign agent.
02:27:03 That is why she is called an
02:27:07 unregistered chinese -- chinese
02:27:08 communist party agent.
02:27:11 She had attended national
02:27:12 congress from the communist
02:27:14 party of china in beijing.
02:27:15 The national conquest is the
02:27:20 highest body of china.
02:27:22 Naming the subway station of
02:27:24 rose peck is like honoring a
02:27:25 secret agent from the chinese
02:27:26 communist party.
02:27:31 We in san francisco do not --
02:27:42 >> next speaker.
02:27:43 >> good afternoon, supervisors.
02:27:44 My name is jason.
02:27:46 I am a real estate agent.
02:27:50 I'm also talking about this
02:27:55 station naming issue of the rose
02:27:55 park.
02:27:57 According to the F.B.I. Report,
02:28:00 the bridgeview condominium was
02:28:05 illegally constructed by a
02:28:05 company.
02:28:09 They are a san francisco
02:28:09 resident that does commercial
02:28:14 retail and residential projects.
02:28:15 According to the F.B.I.
02:28:19 Investigation, rose park was the
02:28:20 person in charge of the project
02:28:22 and other projects.
02:28:28 In return, she obtained a
02:28:30 brand-new, two bedroom, two bath
02:28:31 condo by using the advantage
02:28:32 under the affordable housing
02:28:35 program by the minister in san
02:28:37 francisco.
02:28:40 Today, when I was here I talked
02:28:45 about affordable homes.
02:28:49 I think this is -- a lot of
02:28:56 people cared about that, so
02:29:00 about the story of rose park.
02:29:03 Then after October 21st, 2008,
02:29:08 with someone else, no new
02:29:09 progress was caught found in the
02:29:13 F.B.I. Report for one year.
02:29:16 In December 1st, 2009, being
02:29:17 F.B.I. Investigation had an
02:29:20 update that requested to close
02:29:26 the case.
02:29:27 This left a lot of questions.
02:29:28 What happened here, and who
02:29:33 stopped the investigation?
02:29:34 Who is upset about exposing her
02:29:37 relationship with the san
02:29:41 francisco political circle and
02:29:45 the true story of rose park.
02:29:49 >> thank you for your comments.
02:29:53 Next speaker, please.
02:30:09 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:30:10 >> Voice of Translator: good
02:30:11 afternoon, President E. And
02:30:11 supervisors.
02:30:15 I live -- I am an accountant.
02:30:16 I took a day off.
02:30:20 To voice my strong objection.
02:30:55 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:30:56 >> Voice of Translator: last
02:30:56 week I visited some new
02:30:59 businesses and other businesses
02:31:01 about little more than 30
02:31:02 businesses, and got more than 70
02:31:05 signatures and put up posters to
02:31:10 20 businesses about the support
02:31:11 using chinatown as the name of
02:31:15 the subway station, but not rose
02:31:16 peck.
02:31:17 And the businesses rush here to
02:31:36 sign the petitions.
02:31:37 >> Voice of Translator: she
02:31:40 cannot represent chinatown.
02:31:43 She does not deserve the honor
02:31:45 to username for a subway station
02:31:47 and rose peck is a two-faced
02:31:47 person.
02:31:51 Some said she is an agent of
02:31:52 chinese commute -- coming nest
02:31:52 party.
02:32:08 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:32:09 >> Voice of Translator: for
02:32:11 people who grew up in a freedom
02:32:13 society, to sign the petition or
02:32:15 to put up the posters is not
02:32:16 weird at all.
02:32:19 For us, who grew up in a
02:32:24 totalitarian autocratic society,
02:32:25 which is totally different.
02:32:34 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:32:35 >> Voice of Translator: in order
02:32:36 to get to the freedom, I came to
02:32:37 the U.S.
02:32:42 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:32:43 >> Voice of Translator: I
02:32:45 understand the fears that coming
02:32:45 to the party bring to the
02:32:47 residents and people.
02:32:52 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:32:53 >> Voice of Translator: people
02:32:54 are a scare -- are scared of the
02:32:58 power holders.
02:32:59 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:33:00 >> Voice of Translator: they
02:33:01 don't have their own freedom of
02:33:03 thought, speech.
02:33:09 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:33:10 >> Voice of Translator: against
02:33:13 it means loss of property, loss
02:33:17 of freedom, even loss of life.
02:33:25 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:33:26 >> Voice of Translator: our
02:33:27 parents, our grandparents, all
02:33:29 suffered from this, and they
02:33:32 suffered a lot.
02:33:37 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:33:37 >> Voice of Translator: the
02:33:39 people I visited, more than 90%
02:33:40 came from this.
02:33:53 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:33:54 >> Voice of Translator: it is
02:33:55 brave for them to sign our
02:33:58 petitions in hand up posters.
02:34:00 It also shows --
02:34:00 >> thank you for your comments.
02:34:07 Neck speakers.
02:34:11 -- next speakers.
02:34:16 >> good afternoon supervisors.
02:34:18 I have been living in chinatown
02:34:20 for over 70 years.
02:34:24 I am a local to supervisor
02:34:26 peskin.
02:34:34 I oppose the name to be used to
02:34:41 represent central subway station
02:34:42 I found not only the chinatown
02:34:46 merchants, but older.
02:34:47 And many of the younger
02:34:50 generations don't like the idea
02:34:51 of naming it.
02:34:53 Here I would like to share one
02:34:59 of the recordings with you.
02:35:02 She is a city college student,
02:35:04 and she says her stepfather is a
02:35:05 community leader in chinatown.
02:35:14 Please listen.
02:35:15 >> it is the President Of an
02:35:19 association, and right behind
02:35:19 the station.
02:35:22 I watched them start building
02:35:24 and kicking out the residents
02:35:26 over there, which is super
02:35:29 unfair just to build a station.
02:35:31 At least have the station named
02:35:33 after chinatown if you're going
02:35:34 to kick out chinatown residents.
02:35:37 It is like watching how
02:35:38 chinatown used to be like ten
02:35:40 years ago, and having it
02:35:44 progress more into the american
02:35:45 culture, stuff like that.
02:35:48 I think it is only fair to name
02:35:52 the station after this location.
02:35:54 >> board of supervisors, please
02:35:55 listen to your people.
02:36:02 Respect our views, and be a true
02:36:03 representative for them.
02:36:07 Please, especially Mr. Peskin,
02:36:07 drop the resolution to name
02:36:10 after rose peck.
02:36:11 One of my friends told me a
02:36:13 story --
02:36:14 >> thank you for your comments.
02:36:24 Next speaker.
02:36:26 Next speaker, please.
02:36:29 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:36:30 >> Voice of Translator: good
02:36:34 afternoon, supervisors.
02:36:38 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:36:39 >> Voice of Translator: I'm 72
02:36:39 years old.
02:36:45 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:36:45 >> Voice of Translator: when I
02:36:47 was in china, I suffered from
02:36:50 severe illnesses and that's why
02:36:53 I was introduced by a friend to
02:36:57 this.
02:37:01 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:37:01 >> Voice of Translator: under
02:37:02 the ruling of the communist
02:37:04 party of china, there were a lot
02:37:06 of lies and deceit.
02:37:07 It was difficult to believe in
02:37:08 others.
02:37:18 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:37:19 >> Voice of Translator: at first
02:37:21 I had little doubt when I came
02:37:22 here.
02:37:23 Later I discovered that this
02:37:28 exercise was very beneficial to
02:37:28 my mind and body, my health
02:37:41 improved.
02:37:46 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:37:46 >> Voice of Translator: I did
02:37:47 not pay a penny, and I can come
02:37:47 and go as I wish.
02:37:49 If the practice is not that good
02:37:50 , how can people in more
02:37:52 than 100 countries in the world
02:37:56 act is this.
02:38:13 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:38:14 >> Voice of Translator: they
02:38:14 feared the number of
02:38:16 practitioners would surpass the
02:38:19 number of his army members, and
02:38:20 he insisted on the political
02:38:21 crackdown overnight.
02:38:22 It was a nightmare across the
02:38:25 country.
02:38:28 Millions of people, millions of
02:38:29 families experienced this
02:38:31 persecution, and many innocent
02:38:31 people lost their life.
02:38:40 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:38:41 >> Voice of Translator: however,
02:38:43 in order to pleas the chinese
02:38:45 communist party to obtain
02:38:47 business deals, rose peck lost
02:38:49 her conscience and acted as an
02:38:50 agent for the chinese consulate
02:38:55 to suppress us.
02:39:01 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:39:02 >> Voice of Translator: in the
02:39:04 chinese american community, she
02:39:05 helped the chinese consulate to
02:39:08 spread propaganda and lies about
02:39:09 us, instigate hatred towards us,
02:39:11 and to direct pro communist
02:39:14 party media to defame us.
02:39:31 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:39:32 >> Voice of Translator: so that
02:39:33 caused a lot of misunderstanding
02:39:35 from people in chinatown to
02:39:35 others.
02:39:37 I myself experienced why many
02:39:41 people in chinatown were in the
02:39:42 square.
02:39:44 The people in chinatown were
02:39:46 misinformed, throwing stones at
02:39:48 me, and there was also persons
02:39:49 even sitting on my hands when I
02:39:51 was meditating.
02:39:55 Lang port-mac --
02:40:11 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:40:12 >> Voice of Translator: the
02:40:13 crimes against humanity is no
02:40:15 different from the nazis.
02:40:17 I have experience very political
02:40:19 movements in the history of the
02:40:20 chinese communist party.
02:40:22 They all use up again do and
02:40:26 intimidation to use people.
02:40:28 You must recognize that people
02:40:29 like rose peck were infiltrating
02:40:31 the community.
02:40:35 >> thank you for your comments.
02:40:36 >> I will stop the public
02:40:37 comments for a second to go back
02:40:46 to item number 18.
02:40:47 I believe the department of
02:40:53 public works staff has returned
02:40:53 with an updated report on
02:40:59 properties, and I see from the
02:41:02 updated report that six
02:41:09 properties were removed, correct
02:41:10 >> joseph representing the san
02:41:12 francisco public works.
02:41:14 President E., members of the
02:41:16 board, puryear instructions, we
02:41:17 met and conferred with property
02:41:18 owners and parties who appeared
02:41:21 before us to see the overdue
02:41:22 notices.
02:41:26 Those locations are 376th
02:41:28 street, 1721 15th
02:41:33 street, 2807 straight and
02:41:35 two notices on that location,
02:41:41 and then 2144 market, 293747
02:41:42 straight 19 locations remain on
02:41:43 the list for assessment on the
02:41:46 property tax roll.
02:41:48 The public works team is here to
02:41:50 answer any questions you May
02:41:50 have.
02:41:51 Thank you.
02:41:52 >> thank you.
02:41:53 I don't see any questions.
02:41:55 Colleagues?
02:41:56 Can we have a motion to amend
02:42:01 the report contained in item 18,
02:42:03 and remove the eye properties
02:42:06 identified by department staff?
02:42:07 Motioned by supervisor viewer
02:42:10 and seconded by supervisor mar.
02:42:12 Without objection, the report
02:42:15 for item 18 is amended.
02:42:16 Colleagues, without objection,
02:42:17 the resolution is adopted
02:42:18 unanimously.
02:42:19 >> we need roll call, the house
02:42:22 has changed.
02:42:23 >> for the amendments?
02:42:25 >> for the resolution as adopted
02:42:29 >> colleagues, let's take roll
02:42:33 call on the resolution.
02:43:01 [Roll Call]
02:43:01 >> okay.
02:43:03 , the resolution is adopted with
02:43:04 a vote of seven aye with the
02:43:11 amended report.
02:43:15 I think we can resume our
02:43:17 general public comments at this
02:43:17 point.
02:43:18 If you would like to make
02:43:29 comments, come on up, please.
02:43:29 >> I have been a resident in san
02:43:35 francisco over 36 years.
02:43:40 I was disgusted because she sold
02:43:46 her soul to the communist party
02:43:47 to assist the chinese consulate
02:43:53 to suppress members.
02:43:57 I have friends who escaped from
02:43:59 china.
02:44:03 Their family were torn apart
02:44:10 because of china's religious
02:44:11 persecution.
02:44:14 Yet rose peck helped the chinese
02:44:18 communist party to extend the
02:44:23 persecution to the U.S.
02:44:27 Chinese newspapers reported on
02:44:33 November 23rd 2001 that
02:44:38 according to willie brown, who
02:44:42 witnessed china with rose peck.
02:44:45 President Johnson was very happy
02:44:46 , he was extremely happy
02:44:54 that we, as a city, made in
02:44:59 effort on this matter.
02:45:00 He is especially pleased with
02:45:03 the work done by the chinese
02:45:06 chamber of commerce and rose
02:45:07 peck.
02:45:14 In their effort to work against
02:45:18 passing the resolution.
02:45:20 Rose peck was eager to represent
02:45:25 communist china's interest in
02:45:26 exchange for a business deal.
02:45:31 She was a person with no
02:45:31 conscience.
02:45:32 She would be condemned by
02:45:36 history.
02:45:37 If you want to amend the
02:45:40 chinatown station --
02:45:40 >> thank you for your comments.
02:45:55 Next speaker, please.
02:45:55 >> good afternoon, President And
02:45:58 supervisors.
02:46:00 Today I would like to talk about
02:46:07 the proposal of the naming of
02:46:08 chinatown subway station for
02:46:12 rose peck.
02:46:13 The media reported about rose
02:46:16 peck's involvement in
02:46:22 money-laundering and voter fraud
02:46:27 and the supervisor, aaron peskin
02:46:31 himself filed 37 pages and a
02:46:32 report to the ethics commission
02:46:33 to investigate that.
02:46:35 I would like to play this for
02:46:35 everyone.
02:46:50 Thank you.
02:46:51 >> people are brave enough and
02:46:56 honest enough to actually name
02:46:59 names and there are names of
02:46:59 individuals, but behind those
02:47:02 individuals are actually
02:47:05 entities that are even more
02:47:07 powerful than those individuals.
02:47:09 One of the great things that the
02:47:09 united states of america is
02:47:11 people should not be afraid to
02:47:11 talk.
02:47:14 I am not afraid to speak.
02:47:15 Let me name names.
02:47:20 The names are somebody who has
02:47:22 been a gatekeeper in the
02:47:22 chinese-american community for
02:47:25 many years.
02:47:26 She is well known in the press,
02:47:29 and her name is rose peck, but
02:47:32 it is just not about her, it is
02:47:33 interests that she represents,
02:47:35 because she has been able to
02:47:41 work with people to get undue
02:47:42 influence in gaining city
02:47:47 contracts, in gaining land use
02:47:48 approvals to build new buildings
02:47:52 in san francisco, it is really
02:47:54 about political influence, or
02:47:57 how political influence works.
02:47:57 >> thank you for your comments.
02:48:05 Next speaker.
02:48:09 >> good afternoon.
02:48:14 I am a mother of three and I
02:48:17 wanted to express my opposition
02:48:19 to the chinatown station being
02:48:20 named after her because I
02:48:22 believe that that is an honor
02:48:24 that should be reserved for an
02:48:28 honorable person who has had a
02:48:29 positive impact on the community
02:48:30 she is not that person.
02:48:36 According to an F.B.I. Report,
02:48:37 people testified that she was
02:48:40 not low income as she claimed,
02:48:42 not only did she not qualify for
02:48:46 B.M.R. Housing, the interviewees
02:48:49 said, quote, she is believed to
02:48:51 have bank accounts everywhere,
02:48:51 including macau.
02:48:54 The same F.B.I. Report reported
02:48:59 a case on September 8th, 2004
02:49:00 by the san francisco chronicle,
02:49:03 and I will share a paragraph for
02:49:03 you.
02:49:07 Quote, and the 2004 campaign for
02:49:10 the board of supervisors in
02:49:11 district three, eugene wong
02:49:15 alleged that he was threatened
02:49:16 by walter wong who has close
02:49:18 ties with the chinatown chamber
02:49:22 of commerce and is a supporter
02:49:26 of aaron peskin, walter wong
02:49:29 told eugene wong that he would
02:49:30 face a severe effort by an
02:49:33 unnamed group that would wreck
02:49:35 his career as an immigration
02:49:35 attorney if he does not withdraw
02:49:39 from the race.
02:49:42 She has a track record of
02:49:43 smearing and threatening
02:49:44 political candidates who are not
02:49:46 in line with her.
02:49:47 Her name would stain our
02:49:49 beautiful city and should not be
02:49:50 seen on any public facilities.
02:49:54 Thank you.
02:49:54 >> thank you for your comments.
02:49:59 Next speaker.
02:50:10 >> good afternoon.
02:50:19 [Indiscernible]
02:50:21 >> please bring the sfmta here,
02:50:22 talk with them and take
02:50:23 medallions back and give us our
02:50:27 money back.
02:50:29 i will keep coming, keep coming
02:50:30 until -- the problem will not
02:50:31 follow.
02:50:35 We are begging of you, take the
02:50:36 medallion back and give us our
02:50:36 money back.
02:50:39 Thank you very much.
02:50:39 >> thank you for your comments.
02:50:44 Next speaker.
02:50:49 >> good afternoon.
02:50:50 I'm speaking on behalf of the
02:50:55 medallion holders.
02:50:58 Sfmta -- I'm sorry.
02:51:01 You have seen a picture of a
02:51:06 taxi business.
02:51:07 It is very shocking to us.
02:51:17 Medallion -- there's no opposed
02:51:18 restriction on uber.
02:51:21 Sfmta are liars.
02:51:21 They have stigmatized our
02:51:24 medallions with uber.
02:51:26 They are sucking our blood every
02:51:27 year.
02:51:28 We cannot survive in this
02:51:28 atmosphere.
02:51:31 They should not --
02:51:35 [Indiscernible]
02:51:35 >> will be making medallion
02:51:40 payments.
02:51:42 This kind of situation is hard
02:51:42 for us to handle.
02:51:45 Time is running out.
02:51:49 Our situations have worsened.
02:51:55 [Indiscernible]
02:51:56 [Indiscernible]
02:52:02 Buyback is important.
02:52:05 We need to buyback our
02:52:07 medallions and fund money to us.
02:52:08 >> thank you for your comments.
02:52:11 Next speaker.
02:52:14 >> hello, everybody.
02:52:19 Thirty years driver, I am here
02:52:20 last weekend.
02:52:24 We are not -- things need to get
02:52:26 resolved about this M.T.A. And
02:52:30 this medallion.
02:52:33 They forced us to buy them.
02:52:35 I was in there for years and
02:52:36 years.
02:52:38 They change the law for their
02:52:38 own.
02:52:39 How about my promise?
02:52:43 The promise to me.
02:52:45 You go fall -- followed follow
02:52:49 the rules and regulations.
02:52:50 And after you sell the medallion
02:52:53 to me, who is getting punished,
02:52:54 me or them?
02:52:55 Who has to stand up for this
02:52:56 promise?
02:53:00 These guys have a wife, they
02:53:02 have kids, they have a daughter,
02:53:03 they go to university.
02:53:06 These people get upset.
02:53:08 They get home and they need to
02:53:11 talk to their family, like you
02:53:12 guys.
02:53:13 They share their daytime, their
02:53:13 situation.
02:53:18 Please.
02:53:23 He shares with his kids.
02:53:25 With this pressure, with this
02:53:26 sickness, he is seeing all this
02:53:29 suffering.
02:53:29 I get up at 4:00 A.M. In the
02:53:32 morning.
02:53:35 I am not happy for my life.
02:53:38 I don't decide that.
02:53:43 I have to get a free medallion,
02:53:44 and remember, they say they by
02:53:46 method out -- the medallion back
02:53:49 if they are not running good, if
02:53:52 something happened, even I don't
02:53:54 want it to arrive.
02:53:55 This is there promise.
02:53:58 Please move up to do something
02:53:59 good for these guys.
02:54:00 Thank you very much.
02:54:01 >> thank you for your comments.
02:54:07 Next speaker.
02:54:08 >> good afternoon.
02:54:11 My name is ali and dave I day we
02:54:12 are getting worse and worse
02:54:17 because there is no business
02:54:17 where expenses every month we
02:54:20 have to come up and we have to
02:54:25 give that to them, and we are in
02:54:30 a situation where you can create
02:54:32 an emergency state because we
02:54:34 cannot get that much money.
02:54:36 i have five kids, and living in
02:54:38 the barrett -- in the area is
02:54:39 too expensive to take care of
02:54:40 your kids plus you don't have a
02:54:43 job.
02:54:44 I wish they could hire us to
02:54:46 work for them.
02:54:49 Until that issue is settled with
02:54:49 the medallion and with the
02:54:52 problems settled there should be
02:54:53 a freeze.
02:54:55 Let us make money and feed our
02:54:56 kids so I wish we could get them
02:54:58 to hire us as cabdrivers if they
02:55:03 want to keep us.
02:55:04 It is old school now.
02:55:07 Nobody knows taxis getting into
02:55:10 that and getting the right to
02:55:11 make some money.
02:55:13 I feel like I request that.
02:55:15 If they hire us and stop making
02:55:19 this money, and it is a side
02:55:20 effect.
02:55:23 They need to solve the problem.
02:55:23 We need to survive because
02:55:29 otherwise people are saying it
02:55:30 is beautiful, give me liberty,
02:55:33 or give me the debt because
02:55:34 that's the point we are on right
02:55:35 now.
02:55:36 I preach all of you --
02:55:38 appreciate all of you guys.
02:55:39 Please do something.
02:55:40 Thank you so much.
02:55:41 >> thank you for your comments.
02:55:50 Next speaker.
02:55:50 >> hello.
02:55:53 I buy the medallion a long time
02:55:58 ago and I'm supposed to be
02:55:59 getting three medallions.
02:56:01 I did not get my choice in the
02:56:03 city of san francisco.
02:56:07 Sfmta, they forced us to buy and
02:56:10 then they gave us a promise,
02:56:10 their word.
02:56:12 We have to keep up with them and
02:56:15 we have to drive, how long we
02:56:17 can drive, and we if we are not
02:56:18 able to drive, we have to bring
02:56:21 the medallion back, they can
02:56:26 give us our money back.
02:56:32 We need a better life but if
02:56:39 sfmta made us feel this way
02:56:39 because of uber and we are
02:56:44 asking for the supervisors of
02:56:50 san francisco to help us please
02:56:52 and they will give us money back
02:56:54 and take our medallion back.
02:56:57 Thank you very much.
02:56:58 >> thank you very much.
02:57:02 Next speaker.
02:57:07 >> hello, I am also one of the
02:57:08 medallion holders who bought the
02:57:11 medallion, by not my choice, if
02:57:17 you cannot release the others,
02:57:20 you should deregulate us because
02:57:24 we feel like, you know, we are
02:57:26 under a colonized city.
02:57:27 We are following what they ask
02:57:30 us to do, and they are not doing
02:57:32 what they are asking us to do.
02:57:33 They do what they want to do.
02:57:40 So you can check with S.F. Oh,
02:57:42 there are six drivers who
02:57:43 already died while they are
02:57:44 waiting for their fair at the
02:57:46 airport during the line of duty.
02:57:48 This is going to be more and
02:57:51 more drivers that will happening
02:57:52 because it takes the stress.
02:57:57 I don't know how you guys are
02:58:02 watching and sitting back.
02:58:05 It is already ten years.
02:58:07 We are playing the game in the
02:58:08 city of san francisco.
02:58:09 It is something called the city
02:58:12 of innovation, but, I don't know
02:58:15 I don't know if it is true or
02:58:15 not.
02:58:16 Please help us.
02:58:17 Something should be changed.
02:58:21 If you cannot regulate them,
02:58:22 please deregulate us.
02:58:23 Give us back our money.
02:58:26 Thank you.
02:58:27 >> thank you.
02:58:33 Next speaker, please.
02:58:40 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:58:41 >> Voice of Translator: hello,
02:58:41 supervisors and President.
02:58:44 my name is mike, I am a tourist
02:58:51 guide in san francisco.
02:58:53 Like port-mac.
02:58:54 >> Voice of Translator: I used
02:58:57 to be a tourist touring around
02:58:57 chinatown.
02:58:58 >> Voice of Translator: chinatow
02:59:00 n has won over 179 years history
02:59:05 lang port-mac.
02:59:06 >> Voice of Translator: chinatow
02:59:08 n plays a very important role in
02:59:09 the history and culture of
02:59:11 chinese immigrants.
02:59:19 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:59:20 >> Voice of Translator: chinatow
02:59:22 n's store and restaurants and
02:59:23 scenic spots attract more
02:59:24 visitors then the golden gate
02:59:34 bridge.
02:59:34 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:59:35 >> Voice of Translator: from the
02:59:36 perspective of the tourist,
02:59:37 chinatown station would be the
02:59:44 most confident name.
02:59:44 >> Voice of Translator: people
02:59:45 will know when they are when
02:59:47 they see the name.
02:59:52 [Speaking Foreign Language]
02:59:53 >> Voice of Translator: if we
02:59:55 name a subway station after a
02:59:57 person's name it will bring a
02:59:58 lot of concerns and troubles to
03:00:06 the tourists.
03:00:11 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:00:12 >> Voice of Translator: for
03:00:14 example, if the civic center
03:00:16 subway station was named after a
03:00:16 person's name, it will bring
03:00:19 confusions to people who are
03:00:20 from other states or foreign
03:00:31 countries.
03:00:32 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:00:33 >> Voice of Translator: I hope
03:00:33 you guys can use chinatown to
03:00:36 name the subway station.
03:00:38 It will help the people, who are
03:00:39 from other states in and foreign
03:00:39 countries.
03:00:44 Thank you so much.
03:00:44 >> thank you.
03:00:55 next speaker, please.
03:00:57 >> good afternoon, supervisors.
03:00:59 My name is mary chen.
03:01:06 I am a resident of district six
03:01:07 in san francisco.
03:01:12 I really feel that the naming of
03:01:12 rose rose pack would only bring
03:01:19 shame to chinatown in san
03:01:19 francisco, so I decided to join
03:01:23 the coalition against naming
03:01:25 after rose pack, and volunteer
03:01:33 my time over the weekend.
03:01:40 I visit my friends about 40
03:01:42 business owners in chinatown.
03:01:46 More than 30 of them are against
03:01:50 naming after rose pack, and we
03:01:52 want to name the subway station
03:01:56 of chinatown station.
03:01:57 This shows that the business
03:02:02 owners in chinatown want to have
03:02:05 the name of chinatown station.
03:02:07 This is the voice of people of
03:02:12 chinatown.
03:02:16 I would like to ask the
03:02:17 supervisor of chinatown, would
03:02:20 you please leave the business
03:02:23 owners in chinatown and listen
03:02:25 to their worries, and respect
03:02:27 their choices.
03:02:31 As a voter of six districts, I
03:02:36 would like to also ask the board
03:02:37 board, especially my district
03:02:41 supervisor, to support the
03:02:46 chinatown merchants and
03:02:48 residents choice and not name
03:02:53 rose pack for any public
03:02:54 structure.
03:02:57 Thank you.
03:02:57 >> thank you.
03:03:03 Next speaker, please.
03:03:05 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:03:06 >> Voice of Translator: good
03:03:09 afternoon for the President And
03:03:14 board of supervisors.
03:03:15 >> Voice of Translator: I have
03:03:15 been in the district for nearly
03:03:21 five years.
03:03:22 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:03:23 >> Voice of Translator: during
03:03:23 these five years, our family
03:03:31 members go through --
03:03:32 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:03:33 >> Voice of Translator: I heard
03:03:34 the subway station would be
03:03:43 named after rose pack.
03:03:44 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:03:45 >> Voice of Translator: we want
03:03:46 to know what the opinion is of
03:03:52 chinese merchants in chinatown.
03:04:18 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:04:18 >> Voice of Translator: those
03:04:21 are our pictures.
03:04:27 We posted in the merchant.
03:04:28 >> are you translating?
03:04:35 Lang port-mac.
03:04:36 >> Voice of Translator: we had
03:04:39 to get signatures for the
03:04:42 merchants.
03:04:48 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:04:49 >> Voice of Translator: over 118
03:04:52 merchants post the newspaper
03:04:54 against the naming of the subway
03:05:04 station.
03:05:04 >> Voice of Translator: only a
03:05:05 few business owners who are not
03:05:17 present there.
03:05:17 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:05:18 >> Voice of Translator: we want
03:05:20 to know if the business owners
03:05:21 agree with the naming of
03:05:21 chinatown.
03:05:29 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:05:30 >> Voice of Translator: they
03:05:30 told us some of the followers
03:05:33 went to the chinese chamber of
03:05:38 commerce.
03:05:46 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:05:47 >> Voice of Translator: these
03:05:49 people have close relationship
03:05:50 with the chinese communist party
03:05:54 and the government, so they want
03:05:59 to help those people.
03:06:11 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:06:12 >> Voice of Translator: most of
03:06:13 them are opposed to use her name
03:06:16 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:06:17 >> Voice of Translator: many of
03:06:18 the merchants also experienced
03:06:25 are angry to these men.
03:06:29 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:06:30 >> Voice of Translator: they are
03:06:30 angry about who is going to use
03:06:45 this name.
03:06:52 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:06:52 >> Voice of Translator: they
03:06:55 cannot represent the merchants.
03:07:00 Lang port-mac --
03:07:04 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:07:05 >> Voice of Translator: I hope
03:07:06 the board of supervisors will
03:07:06 consider to use the chinatown
03:07:09 name.
03:07:16 >> thank you, next speaker.
03:07:22 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:07:25 >> good afternoon, supervisors.
03:07:26 I am a scientist.
03:07:27 Today I will bring to you to
03:07:32 your attention rose pack and her
03:07:49 chinese commerce --
03:07:52 >> collecting signatures against
03:07:53 people participating in the new
03:07:55 year parade.
03:08:13 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:08:26 [Speaking Foreign Language]
03:08:26 >> Voice of Translator: she gave
03:08:28 a couple of dollars to homeless
03:08:31 men to a foundation.
03:08:36 Later on you see the reporter
03:08:36 caught the signature twice.
03:08:40 And no one knew they would be
03:08:42 the mayor five years later.
03:08:52 And also it was misled.
03:08:53 This doesn't allow her to do
03:09:00 that.
03:09:02 Beware, I am against naming the
03:09:09 new bart station after her.
03:09:10 >> thank you.
03:09:10 Comments.
03:09:26 Next speaker, please.
03:09:30 >> tom gilbert tee, chinatown is
03:09:32 chinatown all over the bay area
03:09:37 and the tourist world.
03:09:37 Citizens are trying to bring
03:09:39 their government back home.
03:09:41 Our taxis need and deserve
03:09:45 retribution.
03:09:46 They are asking this board to
03:09:48 make up for the negligence of
03:09:50 the mayor's office.
03:09:51 They are trying to bring this
03:09:53 government back home.
03:09:57 Last week I referred to my wife,
03:09:58 the first three years in north
03:10:03 korea, it was bombed to
03:10:04 smithereens.
03:10:04 The removal of presidents in
03:10:07 iran and what amala -- and
03:10:11 guatemala.
03:10:12 We have the bay of pigs.
03:10:12 The first President Of the congo
03:10:17 , popular and legally
03:10:19 elected and was shot down by the
03:10:19 C.I.A. Because he was not pro-
03:10:29 U.S.A. Enough bay of pigs, they
03:10:37 of tonkin, vietnam, chile,
03:10:40 afghanistan, iraq, libya,
03:10:49 honduras, now like north korea
03:10:50 we have yemen.
03:10:52 And now you're trying to remove
03:10:53 venezuela and iran.
03:10:55 Basically it is a system that
03:10:56 needs change.
03:10:58 We need big changes.
03:10:59 And we need to build where
03:11:01 people live at the ends of the
03:11:05 freeway and at bart, instead of
03:11:08 bringing them back here.
03:11:11 Do we need higher salesforce
03:11:14 towers here?
03:11:15 I don't think so.
03:11:18 How about building new cities at
03:11:19 the end of the bullet train in
03:11:22 the valley?
03:11:25 Land is cheaper, value is better
03:11:26 for everybody.
03:11:27 In san francisco, navigation
03:11:32 systems that let --
03:11:39 >> thank you.
03:11:40 >> thank you.
03:11:44 >> before the next speaker
03:11:44 approaches, are there any other
03:11:44 members of the public would like
03:11:44 to address the board during
03:11:44 general public comment --
03:11:45 comment?
03:11:48 Please line up right now.
03:11:50 Next speaker, please.
03:11:52 >> hi, everyone.
03:11:58 I am here to be against naming
03:11:59 chinatown after rose pack.
03:12:01 many of us take time off -- take
03:12:03 time off today to come here and
03:12:08 to bring our voice forward.
03:12:10 I think we provide a lot of
03:12:11 evidence and the facts, and I
03:12:18 hope those evidence and facts
03:12:19 are reported about it.
03:12:22 When you think about this, why
03:12:25 are people against this one?
03:12:26 Why so many voices?
03:12:27 I just wanted you guys to know
03:12:29 to think about this.
03:12:30 When you vote yes, or when you
03:12:31 vote no.
03:12:33 When we bring so many of these
03:12:34 facts to you, think about this.
03:12:39 We really don't want to name
03:12:44 this such person, with no honor
03:12:47 with this name in chinatown.
03:12:48 Every time we go to chinatown
03:12:50 and when we see her name, we
03:12:50 think this way.
03:12:56 We feel so bad.
03:13:00 I think this is a shame for us.
03:13:06 Today I just wanted to mention
03:13:07 that for honor and public
03:13:10 service record, what if we bring
03:13:16 those effects forward?
03:13:18 What if rose pack is a chinese
03:13:18 spy?
03:13:21 Think about it this way.
03:13:21 Thank you.
03:13:21 >> thank you.
03:13:27 Next speaker, please.
03:13:27 >> hello.
03:13:28 As you are all aware, the
03:13:30 circular iron on our streets
03:13:32 only consider a veritable can of
03:13:35 worms and shows expired pipes
03:13:38 that are leaking.
03:13:38 The network is likely
03:13:42 compromised in the board should
03:13:43 not continue to neglect the
03:13:44 responsibilities towards public
03:13:48 safety, and that of our property
03:13:49 while engaging in small site
03:13:52 acquisition and demand a
03:13:52 monopoly over local rights and
03:13:57 interests.
03:13:57 If we cannot conduct future
03:14:01 emergencies owing to inadequate
03:14:02 preparation of consequence of
03:14:03 your inaction, there is
03:14:06 potential for displacement,
03:14:08 particularly during elections.
03:14:09 You must hard in the
03:14:10 infrastructure and restore
03:14:11 integrity of the public utility
03:14:14 at once.
03:14:15 We exploit pg and e. For
03:14:20 ruptured parts and speak of
03:14:20 piercing the shield of corporate
03:14:23 responsibility.
03:14:25 It is your conduct that is
03:14:27 better than pge -- pg and a
03:14:31 judge of board of directors.
03:14:32 The estimated rate of pipe
03:14:35 replacement at present is at
03:14:36 pace that could take 30 years or
03:14:38 longer.
03:14:41 The plumbing in neighborhoods is
03:14:45 precivil war area.
03:14:46 You collect no less than
03:14:47 2 billion in property tax
03:14:50 annually on a quarter of a
03:14:52 trillion dollars in property
03:14:53 value, is it too much to ask
03:14:57 they take this responsibility
03:14:58 more seriously.
03:15:00 It would be wasteful, however to
03:15:02 issue a 30 year bond to pay for
03:15:04 the repair or upgrade of a
03:15:07 system.
03:15:08 It would be negligent to fully
03:15:16 address -- you should mitigate
03:15:16 reliabilities and better protect
03:15:20 your assets and allow for bid
03:15:23 his -- british petroleum his
03:15:24 that serves as a constant
03:15:25 reminder of what a plumbing
03:15:26 problem could cost you in the
03:15:27 long run.
03:15:36 It will be a little --
03:15:39 >> okay.
03:15:41 Seeing no other persons lining
03:15:43 up for public comment, public
03:15:44 comment is now closed.
03:15:47 Madame Clerk, I would like to
03:15:55 refer back to roll call, please.
03:15:56 [Roll Call].
03:15:57 >> thank you, President Yee,
03:15:59 Madame Clerk, colleagues, I want
03:16:00 to take a brief moment to thank
03:16:05 all of you for your patience
03:16:07 over the last couple of weeks as
03:16:08 we have heard public comment
03:16:10 with regard to a resolution that
03:16:15 I introduced that many of you
03:16:16 cosponsored, and I appreciate
03:16:17 the public comments that we are
03:16:18 getting, and I want to say
03:16:21 something for you and the public
03:16:26 to hear, which is that I
03:16:27 personally had a very
03:16:28 complicated relationship with
03:16:33 her, and she was very
03:16:34 complicated as a person.
03:16:38 She is no longer with us, but I
03:16:41 absolutely believe that with all
03:16:44 of that complexity and despite
03:16:48 our complicated relationship,
03:16:49 she do tremendous things, not
03:16:53 only for chinatown, but for the
03:16:54 asian-american community in san
03:16:56 francisco, particularly the
03:16:57 chinese-american community in
03:16:58 san francisco, that I think is
03:17:01 worth our city taking note of
03:17:03 and acknowledging, and that
03:17:06 coming from this particular
03:17:10 supervisor who was, at times,
03:17:12 the best of friends, and at
03:17:14 times the worst of enemies of
03:17:16 her, I think says something.
03:17:18 This item that I introduced,
03:17:18 which is an item, as you know,
03:17:24 urging the M.T.A., they have
03:17:25 received a lot of public comment
03:17:26 , and will continue to
03:17:28 receive a lot of public comment,
03:17:31 and it's day will come in these
03:17:33 chambers, what I wanted to thank
03:17:34 all of you for your patience.
03:17:39 I realize that these are
03:17:39 interesting times that we are
03:17:43 living in, and I do want to say
03:17:43 that many of the things that I
03:17:50 said are true, and many of them
03:17:51 were said at a time when she and
03:17:54 I were on opposite ends of
03:18:01 heartfelt political differences
03:18:02 in the city and county of san
03:18:02 francisco.
03:18:04 With that, I don't want to get
03:18:05 the city attorney angry at me,
03:18:08 so I will stop talking, but we
03:18:10 will have a hearing in do course
03:18:12 , that is precisely why we
03:18:14 have not yet heard it.
03:18:15 Thank you, colleagues.
03:18:18 >> okay.
03:18:21 Madame Clerk, I think I guess
03:18:25 what we need to do now is call
03:18:28 for adoption without committee
03:18:31 agenda, items 21 through 30.
03:18:31 >> items 21 through 30 word
03:18:35 introduced and a unanimous
03:18:44 report is required.
03:18:44 Any supervisor May require a
03:18:45 super -- a resolution on first
03:18:46 reading to go to committee.
03:18:46 Irresolution on second committee
03:18:48 would be eight votes to approve.
03:18:50 >> okay.
03:18:55 Colleagues, are there any items
03:18:58 you would like to sever?
03:19:00 Supervisor brown?
03:19:02 >> yes, I would like to sever
03:19:05 item 24.
03:19:11 >> twenty-four.
03:19:15 >> supervisor mandel mandelman?
03:19:15 >> I believe supervisor peskin
03:19:16 and I need to sever item 27.
03:19:22 >> yes.
03:19:23 >> and I will sever item number
03:19:24 25, Madame Clerk.
03:19:29 >> thank you.
03:19:35 >> okay.
03:19:42 So why don't we vote on and
03:19:46 severed items, 21, 22, 23, 26,
03:19:54 28, 29, 30, and I have lost
03:19:56 track of who is in and out, so
03:19:57 let's go ahead and do roll call.
03:20:22 [Roll Call]
03:20:23 >> there are nine aye.
03:20:27 >> these motions are approved
03:20:29 and the resolutions are adopted
03:20:36 unanimously.
03:20:38 Madame Clerk, please call item
03:20:38 number 24.
03:20:40 >> it is a resolution to
03:20:41 recognize May fifth as the
03:20:42 national day of awareness for
03:20:43 honoring missing and murdered
03:20:48 indigenous women.
03:20:48 >> okay.
03:20:49 Supervisor brown?
03:20:51 >> yes, thank you.
03:20:54 I am submitting amendments on
03:20:57 item 24 on supervisor ronen's
03:21:00 behalf.
03:21:02 She was excused today because of
03:21:02 illness.
03:21:05 I also cosponsored this with
03:21:06 supervisor ronen, and I thank
03:21:09 you have amendments, and I would
03:21:13 like to read the amendment.
03:21:15 It is a reference to the indian
03:21:19 relocation act for the native
03:21:20 american community in san
03:21:22 francisco to acknowledge the
03:21:24 work of san francisco and how
03:21:25 they are taking progressive
03:21:29 steps in the restoration of
03:21:29 american indian traditions and
03:21:30 policies and address the
03:21:37 challenges that we are
03:21:38 continuing to face, including a
03:21:39 sovereign sovereign body
03:21:39 institutes and getting
03:21:42 cooperations to as fpd and in
03:21:43 the case of jessica alba.
03:21:47 Thank you.
03:21:47 >> supervisor mar?
03:21:49 >> I would like to be added as a
03:21:49 cosponsor, please.
03:21:52 >> thank you.
03:21:56 >> supervisor madwoman?
03:21:58 >> as what I supervisor fewer.
03:21:59 >> I already signed on and I
03:22:00 just want to confirm.
03:22:05 Thank you very much.
03:22:06 >> and supervisor yee, I would
03:22:06 like to be added, also.
03:22:11 >> thank you.
03:22:12 >> me as well.
03:22:13 And I think supervisor peskin,
03:22:14 as well.
03:22:17 >> thank you.
03:22:19 >> is everybody in this room?
03:22:21 >> is that the whole board?
03:22:21 Yes.
03:22:24 Okay.
03:22:27 So there has been a motion to
03:22:27 make an amendment.
03:22:31 Is there a second?
03:22:32 Seconded by supervisor fewer.
03:22:33 Can I take these amendments
03:22:37 without objection?
03:22:38 And we then can take the same
03:22:42 house, same call to adopt the
03:22:46 resolution as amended.
03:22:51 So it is adopted.
03:22:51 That will bring us to item
03:23:00 number 25.
03:23:04 This is my item and --
03:23:07 >> Mr. President, shall I read
03:23:08 the item?
03:23:12 >> is a resolution to create a
03:23:14 daylighting plan and
03:23:15 systematically implement parking
03:23:16 restrictions that intersection
03:23:18 corners to improve traffic
03:23:19 safety and requesting a report
03:23:22 from the sfmta.
03:23:23 >> colleagues, I have already
03:23:27 spoken on this item.
03:23:29 I spoke about this item when I
03:23:29 introduced it.
03:23:31 I really want to respect your
03:23:32 time, but I do want to think my
03:23:35 cosponsors, supervisors
03:23:42 mandelman, brown, mar, stefani,
03:23:43 ronen, and haney hany, and thank
03:23:48 you for cosponsoring.
03:23:49 Colleagues, can we take this
03:23:51 item same house, same call?
03:23:54 Okay.
03:23:55 This resolution is adopted
03:23:58 unanimously.
03:23:59 Right now what I would like to
03:24:03 do is -- can you please read
03:24:06 item number 27, Madame Clerk?
03:24:08 >> twenty-seven is a resolution
03:24:10 to nominate supervisor aaron
03:24:12 peskin or in the alternative,
03:24:13 supervisor mandelman for the
03:24:14 north coast central seat on the
03:24:16 california coastal commission.
03:24:19 >> can I have a motion to excuse
03:24:26 supervisors peskin and mandelman
03:24:32 made by supervisor around.
03:24:33 Roll call, please.
03:24:58 [Roll Call]
03:24:58 >> there are eight aye.
03:25:04 >> colleagues -- seven.
03:25:10 Seven, yeah,.
03:25:11 >> colleagues, can we take this
03:25:13 item same house, same call?
03:25:13 Okay.
03:25:22 It is adopted.
03:25:25 Madame Clerk, please read -- I
03:25:30 believe we are to the point
03:25:31 where we will read the memorial
03:25:34 is if we have any.
03:25:35 >> Mr. President, I have no in
03:25:37 memoriam his to read tonight.
03:25:38 >> colleagues, that brings us to
03:25:39 the end of the agenda.
03:25:42 Is there any other for the
03:25:44 business before us today?
03:25:45 >> that concludes our business
03:25:46 for today.
03:26:07 >> we are adjourned.