City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102- 4689City and County of San FranciscoLegislation DetailsFile #: Version:3160585Name:Charter Amendment - Dignity FundStatus:Type:Charter AmendmentPassedFile created:In control:5/24/2016Clerk of the BoardOn agenda:Final action:7/19/2016Enactment date:Enactment #:Title:Charter Amendment (Third Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to: 1) establish the Dignity Fund to support Seniors and Adults with Disabilities; 2) require an annual contribution by the City to the Fund including an annual baseline amount of $38 million, increasing by $6 million for fiscal year 2017-2018, and increasing by $3 million a year for the next 9 years until fiscal year 2026-2027, and continuing at that amount, adjusted annually for changes in aggregate discretionary City revenues, for the next 10 years until fiscal year 2036-2037; 3) establish a planning process for expenditures from the Fund; 4) create an Oversight and Advisory Committee; 5) set an expiration date of June 30, 2037; and, 6) change the “Commission on Aging” to the “Aging and Adult Services Commission” and update its responsibilities, at an election to be held on November 8, 2016.Sponsors:Malia Cohen, Eric Mar, Norman Yee, John Avalos, David Campos, London N. Breed, Jane KimAttachments:1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral CEQA 060316, 4. Referral Ctrl 060316, 5. Referral Mandated 060316, 6. Comm Pkt 062316, 7. Dept Response Ctrl 062016, 8. Dept Response CEQA 062216, 9. Leg Ver2, 10. Leg Dig Ver2, 11. Comm Pkt 063016, 12. Dept Response Ctrl 062916, 13. Dept Response CEQA 063016, 14. Leg Ver3, 15. Leg Dig Ver3, 16. Comm Pkt 070616, 17. Dept Response Ctrl 070516, 18. Board Pkt 071216, 19. Board Pkt 071916, 20. Leg Final, 21. Elections Submission 072516
Action ByDateActionResultVer.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULEPresident5/24/20161REFERRED TO DEPARTMENTClerk of the Board6/3/20161RESPONSE RECEIVEDController6/20/20161RESPONSE RECEIVEDPlanning Department6/22/20161AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLERules Committee6/23/20161PassCONTINUED TO CALL OF THE CHAIR AS AMENDEDRules Committee6/23/20162PassREFERRED TO DEPARTMENTClerk of the Board6/24/20162RESPONSE RECEIVEDController6/29/20162Rules Committee6/30/20162Rules Committee6/30/20163RESPONSE RECEIVEDPlanning Department6/30/20162RESPONSE RECEIVEDController7/5/20163RECOMMENDEDRules Committee7/6/20163PassAMENDEDBoard of Supervisors7/12/20163FailAMENDEDBoard of Supervisors7/12/20163FailAMENDEDBoard of Supervisors7/12/20163FailCONTINUEDBoard of Supervisors7/12/20163PassORDERED SUBMITTEDBoard of Supervisors7/19/20163Pass