City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102- 4689City and County of San FranciscoLegislation DetailsFile #: Version:7170349Name:Administrative Code - Owner Move-In Reporting RequirementsStatus:Type:OrdinancePassedFile created:In control:5/16/2017Land Use and Transportation CommitteeOn agenda:Final action:7/27/2017Enactment date:7/27/2017160-17Enactment #:Title:Ordinance amending the Administrative Code regarding owner move-in and relative move-in (“OMI”) evictions to require a landlord seeking to recover possession of a unit for an OMI to provide a declaration under penalty of perjury stating that the landlord intends to occupy the unit for use as the principal place of residence of the landlord or the landlord’s relative for at least 36 continuous months; require a landlord to provide the tenant with a form prepared by the Rent Board to be used to advise the Rent Board of any change in address; clarify the evidentiary standard for finding that an OMI was not performed in good faith; require a landlord to file documentation with the Rent Board regarding the status of an OMI, with a penalty for not filing such documentation, and requiring the Rent Board to transmit a random sampling of such documentation to the District Attorney; extend from three to five years the time period after an OMI during which a landlord who intends to re-rent the unit must first offer the unit to the displaced tenant; provide that a landlord who charges above the maximum allowable rent during the five-year period after an OMI is guilty of a misdemeanor; require the Rent Board to annually notify the unit occupant of the maximum rent for the unit for five years after an OMI, and authorize the occupant to sue for three times any excess rent charged; extend the statute of limitations for wrongful eviction claims based on an unlawful OMI from one year to five years; and making clarifying changes.Sponsors:Mark Farrell, Jeff Sheehy, Malia Cohen, London N. BreedAttachments:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Action ByDateActionResultVer.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULEPresident4/4/20171REFERRED TO DEPARTMENTClerk of the Board4/11/20171SUBSTITUTED AND ASSIGNEDPresident5/16/20172REFERRED TO DEPARTMENTClerk of the Board5/23/20172AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLELand Use and Transportation Committee6/5/20172PassCONTINUED AS AMENDEDLand Use and Transportation Committee6/5/20173PassAMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLELand Use and Transportation Committee6/12/20173PassCONTINUED AS AMENDEDLand Use and Transportation Committee6/12/20174PassAMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING NEW TITLELand Use and Transportation Committee6/26/20174PassREFERRED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION AS COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDEDLand Use and Transportation Committee6/26/20175PassAMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEBoard of Supervisors6/27/20175PassAMENDEDBoard of Supervisors6/27/20176FailPASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDEDBoard of Supervisors6/27/20176PassAMENDEDBoard of Supervisors6/27/20175Pass
AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEBoard of Supervisors7/11/20176PassPASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDEDBoard of Supervisors7/11/20177PassFINALLY PASSEDBoard of Supervisors7/18/20177PassAPPROVEDMayor7/27/20177