City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102- 4689City and County of San FranciscoLegislation DetailsFile #: Version:4190845Name:Development Agreement - Laurel Heights Partners, LLC - 3333 California Street Project - California Street at Presidio AvenueStatus:Type:OrdinancePassedFile created:In control:9/3/2019Clerk of the BoardOn agenda:Final action:11/27/2019Enactment date:11/27/2019276-19Enactment #:Title:Ordinance approving a Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and Laurel Heights Partners, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, for the development of an approximately 10.25-acre site located at California Street at Presidio Avenue (3333 California Street), with various public benefits, including 25% affordable housing, a child care center comprised of approximately 14,665 square feet, and approximately 2.87 acres of privately owned, publicly accessible open space; making findings under the California Environmental Quality Act, and findings of conformity with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1(b); approving certain development impact fees for the project, and waiving certain Planning Code fees and requirements; confirming compliance with or waiving certain provisions of Administrative Code, Chapter 56; ratifying certain actions taken in connection with the Development Agreement, as described herein; and authorizing certain actions to be taken under the Development Agreement, as described herein.Sponsors:Catherine StefaniAttachments:1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. DRAFT Dev Agrmt, 4. Form 126, 5. Referral PC 080519, 6. Referral FYI 080519, 7. Leg Ver2, 8. Leg Dig Ver2, 9. Referral FYI 091119, 10. Referral PC 091119, 11. PC Transmittal 091219, 12. Hearing Notice 102119, 13. Updated Dev Agmt 101619, 14. OEWD MOU 072417, 15. Updated Dev Agmt 101719, 16. Comm Pkt 102119, 17. PLN PPT 102119, 18. Economic Impact Rpt 102119, 19. LVMA Letter 102119, 20. Leg Ver3, 21. Leg Dig Ver3, 22. Board Pkt 110519, 23. Dev Agmt 110719, 24. Board Pkt 111219, 25. Leg Ver4, 26. Leg Dig Ver4, 27. Supplemental CEQA Findings, 28. Board Pkt 111919, 29. Form 126 Final, 30. Leg Final, 31. Board Ord No. 271-24 112524
Action ByDateActionResultVer.ASSIGNED UNDER 30 DAY RULEPresident7/30/20191REFERRED TO DEPARTMENTClerk of the Board8/5/20191SUBSTITUTED AND ASSIGNEDPresident9/3/20192REFERRED TO DEPARTMENTClerk of the Board9/11/20192RESPONSE RECEIVEDPlanning Commission9/12/20192NOTICEDClerk of the Board10/11/20192AMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLELand Use and Transportation Committee10/21/20192PassREFERRED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION AS AMENDEDLand Use and Transportation Committee10/21/20193PassCONTINUED ON FIRST READINGBoard of Supervisors11/5/20193PassAMENDED, AN AMENDMENT OF THE WHOLE BEARING SAME TITLEBoard of Supervisors11/12/20193PassPASSED ON FIRST READING AS AMENDEDBoard of Supervisors11/12/20194PassFINALLY PASSEDBoard of Supervisors11/19/20194PassAPPROVEDMayor11/27/20194