City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett
San Francisco, CA 94102-
City and County of San Francisco
Legislation Details
File #:
Petitions and Communications
File created:
In control:
Board of Supervisors
On agenda:
Final action:
Enactment date:
Enactment #:
Petitions and Communications received from July 22, 2021, through September 2, 2021, for reference
by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on
September 7, 2021.
Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to
disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.
Personal information will not be redacted.
From the Department of Public Health, submitting updates to Health Order No. C19-15d and C19-07y.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (1)
From the Office of the Mayor, making appointments and re-appointment to the following bodies. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (2)
Appointment pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100(18)
• Recreation and Park Commission
o Vanita Louie - term ending June 27, 2025
o Larry Griffin - term ending June 27, 2025
Appointment pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100(18)
• Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board
o Kion Sawney - term ending August 1, 2023
Appointment pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100(18)
• War Memorial Board of Trustees
o Honorable Quentin L. Kopp - term ending January 2, 2025
Appointment pursuant to Charter, Section 13.110(d)
• Redistricting Task Force
o Matthew Castillon
o Rev. Arnold Townsend
o Lily Ho
Reappointment pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100(18)
• Civil Service Commission
o Francis Xavier “F.X.” Crowley - term ending June 30, 2025
From concerned citizens, regarding Supervisor Mar’s Great Highway Mobility Study. 33 letters. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (3)
From concerned citizens, regarding a Landmark Designation for Lincoln Park formerly known as City
Cemetery. 14 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (4)
From concerned citizens, regarding the release of reserved funds to fund the new trash can design
and deployment. 5 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (5)
From concerned citizens, regarding a proposed project at 5 Leland Avenue and 2400 Bayshore
Boulevard. 165 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6)
From concerned citizens, regarding a Hearing on the approval of a Conditional Use Authorization for a
proposed project at 5801 Mission Street. File No. 210801. 160 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7)
From concerned citizens, regarding the reinstatement of all transit lines by the Municipal
Transportation Agency. 13 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (8)
From the Recreation and Park Department, submitting an Implementation Plan status report for the
4th Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020-2021 required by Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 157-99 Lead
Poisoning Prevention. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9)
From the California High-Speed Rail Authority, submitting a revision to its Draft Environmental Impact
Report for the San Francisco to San Jose section of the California High-Speed Rail project. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (10)
From the Department on the Status of Women, submitting the 2021 Family Violence in San Francisco
Report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (11)
From the Office of the City Administrator; Contract Monitoring Division, submitting the Local Business
Enterprise Participation Quarterly Report for Quarter 3 of Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (12)
From the Office of the City Controller, Budget & Analysis Division, submitting a report on Emergency
Response Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13)
From the San Francisco Department of Public Health, submitting the 2021 Mental Health San
Francisco First Annual Implementation Plan pursuant to Board of Supervisors Ordinance No. 300-19.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (14)
From Alaric Degrafinried, Acting Director, Public Works, regarding a request for the release of funds to
support the prototyping of the City’s new trash can designs. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From Serina Calhoun, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Planning Code to provide a
density limit exception for Corner Lots in RH (Residential, House) zoning districts and to permit up to
four dwelling units per lot. File No. 210564. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16)
From Amy Mack, regarding community-initiated beautification projects. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From Denise Louie, regarding California Natural Resources Agency’s Advancing 30x30 and
Protecting Biodiversity report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18)
From Ritik Chandra, regarding all certified and accredited paramedics to initiate temporary psychiatric
holds subject to state law procedures and requirements. Copy:Each Supervisor. (19)
From Amelio Schembari, regarding fees for driving in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20)
From the Chinese Historical Society of America, regarding the establishment of a Sunset Chinese
Cultural District. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21)
From Ingleside San Francisco, regarding various concerns with the City of San Francisco. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (22)
From Marilu Donnici, regarding an appointment for California Attorney General. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (23)
From Jackie Thornhill, regarding Safe Consumption Sites. Copy: Each Supervisor. (24)
From the Sierra Club, regarding the removal of trees from the Market Street area and concerns with a
new UCSF hospital at Parnassus Heights. 2 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (25)
From Zach Goldman, regarding an appointment to the Successor Redevelopment Agency Oversight
Board. Copy: Each Supervisor. (26)
From Kareem Darwiche, regarding support for unvaccinated workers in San Francisco. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (27)
From the San Francisco Bicycle Advisory Committee, regarding support for a full promenade option
on the Upper Great Highway. Copy: Each Supervisor. (28)
From Nora Roach, regarding a Landmark Designation for 2261 Fillmore Street, the Clay Theatre.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (29)
From the San Francisco Youth Commission, regarding various actions taken at their July 19, 2021,
meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (30)
From the Office of the Controller, City Services Auditor, submitting an audit of Bayport Concessions,
LLC. Copy: Each Supervisor. (31)
From Eileen Boken, regarding the Budget and Legislative Analyst’s 2021 report, entitled
“Decarbonizing Buildings by eliminating natural gas usage.” Copy: Each Supervisor. (32)
From Anonymous, regarding various concerns with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. 4 letters.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (33)
From the California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice to list Lime Ridgeeriastrum as
endangered under the California Endangered Species Act. Copy: Each Supervisor. (34)
From the California Fish and Game Commission, submitting notice of change to all future
correspondence to the Board of Supervisors. (35)
From the Office of the Controller, submitting a list of all Sole Source Contracts for Fiscal Year 2020-
2021. Copy: Each Supervisor. (36)
From the Office of the Controller, submitting Public Integrity Reviews, 12-Month Update. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (37)
From RJ Sloan, regarding personal experiences living in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor. (38)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding various concerns. 3 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (39)
From Nancy Wuerfel, regarding disruption of travel on Transverse Drive. Copy: Each Supervisor. (40)
From Daniela Rible, regarding a parklet fire at Tia Margarita. Copy: Each Supervisor. (41)
From Norma Yee, regarding safe injection sites in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor. (42)
From Brandan Podesta, regarding the Outer Mission/Excelsior neighborhood. Copy: Each Supervisor.
From Laura Donahue, regarding keeping schools open. Copy: Each Supervisor. (44)
From Martin Alperen, regarding the California Highway Patrol. Copy: Each Supervisor. (45)
From concerned citizens, regarding San Francisco Police Department’s Beat Patrol Officers. 2 letters.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (46)
From M Sullivan, regarding the Brown Act. Copy: Each Supervisor. (47)
From Ronald Carter, regarding recommendations to the San Francisco Mayor and Board of
Supervisors. Copy: Each Supervisor. (48)
From Eric Mollen, regarding traffic on Sanchez Street. Copy: Each Supervisor. (49)
From Robert Wong, regarding carbon emissions. Copy: Each Supervisor. (50)
From Verizon Wireless, submitting notice of 2 antenna installations at 2338 Union Street. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (51)
From Board of State and Community Corrections, regarding 2020-2022 targeted inspection of San
Francisco County Sheriff’s Department detention facilities. Copy: Each Supervisor. (52)
From Alaric Degrafinried, Acting Director, Public Works, submitting notification of an emergency repair
of a building at 1150 Fillmore Street. Copy: Each Supervisor. (53)
From the Treasurer and Tax Collector’s Office, submitting the City and County of San Francisco
Pooled Investment Report for the month of July. Copy: Each Supervisor. (54)
From Park Merced Action Coalition, regarding Market Street tree removals beside BART entrance
stations. Copy: Each Supervisor. (55)
From Sylvia, regarding Urban Alchemy. Copy: Each Supervisor. (56)
From Jordan Davis, regarding the Department of Public Health’s mask mandate. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (57)
From concerned citizens, regarding John F. Kennedy Drive. 4 letters. Copy: EachSupervisor. (58)
From Barbara Pastorello, regarding Muni service. Copy: Each Supervisor. (59)
From Jeffrey Tumlin, Director of Transportation, Municipal Transportation Agency, regarding
automated vehicle passenger services. Copy: Each Supervisor. (60)
From the Planning Commission, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Planning Code to
exempt Grandfathered Medical Cannabis Dispensaries that convert to Cannabis Retail Uses from
neighborhood notification and review requirements. File No. 210452. Copy: Each Supervisor. (61)
From the San Francisco International Airport, submitting executed leases and amendments from the
Revenue Development and Management at the Airport Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor. (62)
From the San Francisco International Airport, submitting the fully executed agreement with the
Federal Aviation Administration for Ground Based Augmented System per San Francisco Ordinance
No. 16-21. Copy: Each Supervisor. (63)
From the San Francisco International Airport, submitting the fully executed hotel management
agreement per San Francisco Resolution No. 249-21. Copy: Each Supervisor. (64)
From the Capital Planning Committee, regarding the issuance and sale of special tax bonds for the
Transbay Transit Center. Copy: Each Supervisor. (65)
From Teresa Palmer, regarding a Hearing to discuss the status of sub-acute care in San Francisco
and plans to care for this vulnerable population to prevent unnecessary deaths. File No. 190725.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (66)
From Anastasia Yovanopoulos, regarding transit lines and services. Copy: EachSupervisor. (67)
From the Office of the Chief of Police, William Scott, Police Department, regarding an incident where
surveillance technology was temporarily utilized during exigent circumstances as defined by Chapter
19B of the San Francisco Administrative Code. Copy: Each Supervisor. (68)
From concerned citizens, regarding community-initiated beautification projects. 6 letters. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (69)
From Shawn Young, regarding a nomination to the Sheriff’s Department Oversight Board. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (70)
From Natasha Flambures, regarding a change in policing. Copy: Each Supervisor. (71)
From Shad Fenton, regarding issues with navigation centers. 2 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (72)
From Jon Jacobo, submitting notices of resignation. 2 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (73)
From the Department of Human Resources, regarding a return to the workplace update. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (74)
From the Office of the Controller, regarding the certification of Fiscal Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023
Budget. Copy: Each Supervisor. (75)
From the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, submitting Declarations of Emergency for tree
removal, slope repair and debris removal at Stern Grove and the replacement and repair of fences
damages in the SCU lighting complex fire. 2 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (76)
From Munzer Dajani, regarding RV parking on Point Lobos near Lands End. Copy: Each Supervisor.
From the San Francisco Fire Department, submitting a San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapters
12B and 14B, Waiver Request Form for Boise Mobile Equipment Inc. Copy: Each Supervisor. (78)
From the Department of Public Health, regarding the testing of the COVID-19 virus at the San
Francisco Juvenile Justice Center. Copy: Each Supervisor. (79)
From Ronald Carter, regarding the ability to challenge evictions and eviction orders. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (80)
From the Office of Small Business, submitting a report on the first round of grants for the San
Francisco Music and Entertainment Venue Recovery Fund. Copy: Each Supervisor. (81)
From Monica Kim, regarding the postponement of school start/end time changes. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (82)
From the Department of the Environment, submitting a revised Annual Gift Report per Administrative
Code, Section 10.100-305(c). Copy: Each Supervisor. (83)
From Palma You, regarding the establishment of the Sunset Chinese Cultural District. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (84)
From the San Francisco Emergency Operations Center, submitting a Press Release regarding Bay
Area Health Officials urge vaccinations and issue orders requiring face covering indoors. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (85)
From the Office of the Mayor, submitting an Acting Mayor notice designating Supervisor Rafael
Mandelman as Acting Mayor from 10:20 a.m. on August 4, 2021, to 11:59 p.m. on August 5, 2021, and
Supervisor Catherine Stefani from 12:00 a.m. on August 6, 2021, to 12:20 p.m. on August 10, 2021.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (86)
From the Office of the Controller, City Services Auditor, submitting an audit of Hawaiian Airlines,
Midfield Concession Enterprises, Inc., and Turkish Airlines, Inc. Copy: Each Supervisor. (87)
From Anonymous, regarding the Police Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor. (88)
From Director Adrienne Pon, Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs, submitting a language
access survey. Copy: Each Supervisor. (89)
From concerned citizens, regarding rental subsidies. 2 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (90)
From the Office of the District Attorney, regarding surveillance technology exemption certification.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (91)
From the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector, regarding an appointment to the San Francisco
Reinvestment Working Group. Copy: Each Supervisor. (92)
From the Planning Department, regarding the proposed Ordinance amending the Planning Code to
exempt Grandfathered Medical Cannabis Dispensaries that convert to Cannabis Retail Uses from
neighborhood notification and review
requirements. File No. 210452. Copy: Each Supervisor. (93)
From the Race and Equity in All Planning Coalition, regarding an item on the August 26, 2021
Planning Commission Agenda. Copy: Each Supervisor. (94)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Slow Streets Program at Page and Oak. 22 letters. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (95)
From concerned citizens, regarding the Great Highway. 311 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (96)
From concerned citizens, regarding a Hearing on the approval of a Conditional Use Authorization for a
proposed project at 450-474 O’Farrell Street and 532 Jones Street. 59 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor.
From concerned citizens, regarding the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development’s
acquisition of real property located at 2550 Irving Street. 3 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (98)
From concerned citizens, regarding COVID vaccinations. 7 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (99)
From concerned citizens, regarding destruction of trees in the SF Bayside Village. 2 letters. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (100)
From the Port of San Francisco, submitting a Declaration of Emergency for the repair of Pier 35.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (101)
From the Human Rights Commission, submitting a quarterly report for the period April 1, 2021,
through June 30, 2021. Copy: Each Supervisor. (102)
From the Office of the Controller, Budget and Analysis Division, submitting a report on Emergency
Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2020-21. Copy: Each Supervisor. (103)
From concerned citizens, regarding the State Water Resources Control Board. 2 letters. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (104)
From the San Francisco Forest Alliance, regarding pest management activities on City properties.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (105)
From the Department of Homeless and Supportive Housing, submitting the Annual Report on
evictions from subsidized housing for Fiscal Year 2020-21. Copy: Each Supervisor. (106)
From the Community Alliance of Disability Advocates, regarding remote participation to continue.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (107)
From Amelio Schembari, regarding crime in San Francisco. Copy: Each Supervisor. (108)
From the Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting certification of the adopted budget for Fiscal
Years 2021-22 and 2022-23. Copy: Each Supervisor. (109)
From the Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting a San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapters
12B and 14B, Waiver Request Form. Copy: Each Supervisor. (110)
From the Black Employee Alliance, regarding various concerns in San Francisco. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (111)
From the Office of the Clerk of the Board, submitting a report on Annual Gifts received from City
Departments for Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Copy: Each Supervisor. (112)
1. Board Pkt 090721
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