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1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett 
San Francisco, CA  94102-
City and County of San Francisco Legislation Details File #:  Version: 1 240007 Name: Military Equipment Use Policy and Additional 
Equipment Approval - Annual Report
Status: Type: Resolution Passed File created: In control: 1/9/2024 Clerk of the Board On agenda: Final action: 5/10/2024 Enactment date: 5/10/2024 231-24 Enactment #: Title: Resolution accepting the Sheriff Office’s Military Equipment Use Policy 2023 Annual Report and  Inventory, and approving the request for purchase and use of additional equipment, consistent with  the criteria set forth in state law. Sponsors: Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. SHF 2023 Annual Report, 3. SHF Letter 121323, 4. Comm Pkt 041824, 5. SHF 
Presentation 041824, 6. Board Pkt 043024, 7. Leg Final
Action By Date Action Result Ver. RECEIVED FROM DEPARTMENT Clerk of the Board 12/13/2023 1 RECEIVED AND ASSIGNED President 1/9/2024 1 RECOMMENDED Government Audit and Oversight 
4/18/2024 1 Pass ADOPTED Board of Supervisors 4/30/2024 1 Pass APPROVED Mayor 5/10/2024 1