City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett
San Francisco, CA 94102-
City and County of San Francisco
Legislation Details
File #:
Petitions and Communications
File created:
In control:
Clerk of the Board
On agenda:
Final action:
Enactment date:
Enactment #:
Petitions and Communications received from December 7, 2023, through January 4, 2024, for
reference by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the
Clerk on January 9, 2024.
Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to
disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance.
Personal information will not be redacted.
From the Office of the Mayor, pursuant to Charter, Section 3.100, submitting an Acting Mayor Notice
designating Supervisor Rafael Mandelman as Acting-Mayor effective Sunday, December 17, 2023, at
9:35 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, December 20, 2023; and further designating Supervisor
Matt Dorsey as Acting-Mayor effective Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 12:00 a.m. until 6:36 a.m. on
Sunday, December 24, 2023. Copy: Each Supervisor. (1)
From the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), submitting 2023 Community Policing Plans.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (2)
From the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), pursuant to Ordinance No. 101-20,
submitting a Quarterly Report (October - December 2023) on the Status of Green Infrastructure Grant
Program. File No. 200454. Copy: Each Supervisor. (3)
From the Recreation and Park Department (RPD), pursuant to Resolution No. 157-99, submitting a
report on the status of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (CLPP). File No. 990290. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (4)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), submitting Policy and Procedures regarding City Nonprofit
Contractor Compliance with California Attorney General Registry of Charitable Trusts. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (5)
From the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), Recreation and Parks
Department (RPD), Port Commission (PRT), and Real Estate Division (ADM-RED), submitting a
response to a Letter of Inquiry issued by Supervisors Catherine Stefani and Shamann Walton at the
November 7, 2023, Board of Supervisors meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6)
From Cruise LLC, pursuant California Labor Code, Section 1401, submitting a Worker Adjustment and
Retraining Notification (WARN) Act notice. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7)
From the Office of the Treasurer & Tax Collector (TTX), pursuant to California State Government
Code, Section 53646, submitting the Pooled Investment Report for November 2023. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (8)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), pursuant to Administrative Code, Chapter 88, and Charter,
Appendix F, Subsection F1.104, submitting a Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building
Program Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Annual Report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9)
From the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), submitting a Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-
2023 Water Resources Annual Report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (10)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), pursuant to Charter, Appendix F, Subsection F1.102,
submitting an updated San Francisco Park Maintenance Scores Dashboard and annual Park
Maintenance Standards Selected Highlights report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (11)
From the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH), pursuant to California Health and Safety
Code, Section 459, submitting 2023 Title XV evaluation reports for San Francisco detention facilities.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (12)
From the Office of the District Attorney (DAT), pursuant to Ordinance No. 10-12, submitting a San
Francisco Sentencing Commission 2023 Annual Report. File No. 111050. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), submitting a Commercial Paper Program Annual Status
Update for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023. Copy: Each Supervisor. (14)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), pursuant to Charter, Section 9.119, and Administrative Code,
Chapter 3.6b, submitting a Five-Year Financial Plan Update for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 through
Fiscal Year (FY) 2027-2028. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), submitting a Bond Sale Results announcement. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (16)
From the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), pursuant to Ordinance No. 205-22, submitting a
Department Use of Non-City Entity Cameras Policy Quarterly Report for Q3, 2023. File No. 220606.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), pursuant to Administrative Code,
Section 21.43, submitting a Power Quarterly Report on Delegated Authority Contracts. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (18)
From the San Francisco In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority (IHSS), submitting an annual
IHSS report for 2023. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19)
From the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), submitting agendas for
Interdepartmental Staff Committee on Traffic and Transportation (ISCOTT) hearings on December 21,
2023, and January 11, 2024. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20)
From Dori Caminong, submitting a letter of resignation from the San Francisco Entertainment
Commission. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), pursuant to Charter, Appendix F, submitting the
Whistleblower Program’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-2024 Quarter 1 report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (22)
From the Office of the Sheriff (SHF), pursuant to Administrative Code, Chapter 19B, submitting
certification of the use of surveillance technology. Copy: Each Supervisor. (23)
From the Office of the Controller (CON), pursuant to Ordinance No. 239-20, submitting a Semiannual
Debarment and Suspension Report as of December 31, 2023. File No. 200896. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (24)
From various departments, pursuant to Administrative Code, Section 12B.5-1(d)(1), submitting
approved Chapter 12B Waiver Request Forms. 7 Forms. Copy: Each Supervisor. (25)
From Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., pursuant to California Assembly Bill 1882, submitting 2023
Hospital Seismic Performance reports. Copy: Each Supervisor. (26)
From Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), submitting a notice of the company’s request to
increase rates in its 2023 Wildfire Mitigation and Catastrophic Events Application. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (27)
From Sutter Health, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code, Section 130066.5, submitting
2023 Hospital Seismic Performance Reports. Copy: Each Supervisor. (28)
From Ellen Lee Zhou, regarding unvaccinated City workers. Copy: Each Supervisor. (29)
From a member of the public, regarding gas-powered leaf blowers. Ordinance No. 202-22; File No.
220199. Copy: Each Supervisor. (30)
From Wynship Hillier, regarding a Motion appointing Lisa Wynn, term ending January 1, 2023, and
Liza Murawski, term ending January 1, 2024, to the Behavioral Health Commission. Motion No. M22-
077; File No. 220425. Copy: Each Supervisor. (31)
From members of the public, regarding light shows in Golden Gate Park. 2 Letters. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (32)
From Ariana Husain, regarding a filed Ordinance amending the Health Code to prohibit smoking
inside all private dwelling units in multi-unit housing complexes containing three or more units and all
common areas. File No. 201265. Copy: Each Supervisor. (33)
From Katherine Wheeler, regarding conditions at the Bayview Safety Awareness for Everyone (SAFE)
Navigation Center. Copy: Each Supervisor. (34)
From Milton Sanchez, regarding an Ordinance amending the Health Code to require each retail
pharmacy in the City to stock at least two boxes of an opioid antagonist, such as naloxone, used to
reverse opioid overdoses. Ordinance No. 219-23; File No. 230766. Copy: Each Supervisor. (35)
From a member of the public, regarding a Resolution authorizing the Recreation and Park Department
to issue a permit for Another Planet Entertainment LLC to hold a ticketed concert at the Golden Gate
Park Polo Fields on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday following the Outside Lands Festival in 2024,
2025 and 2026. Resolution No. 426-23; File No. 230710. Copy: Each Supervisor. (36)
From members of the public, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Planning Code to
designate Carnaval Mural, located at 1311-1315 South Van Ness Avenue, as a Landmark consistent
with the standards set forth in Article 10 of the Planning Code. File No. 231034. 3 Letters. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (37)
From Madelene Marklund, regarding antisemitism and Islamophobia in the San Francisco Unified
School District (SFUSD). Copy: Each Supervisor. (38)
From members of the public, regarding a proposed Resolution calling for a sustained ceasefire in
Gaza, humanitarian aid, release of hostages, and condemning antisemitic, anti-Palestinian, and
Islamophobic rhetoric and attacks. 28 Letters. File No. 231263. Copy: Each Supervisor. (39)
From Oxiama Conzalez, regarding an Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to require that
City departments acquiring surveillance technology, or entering into agreements to receive information
from non-City owned surveillance technology, submit a Board of Supervisors approved Surveillance
Technology Policy Ordinance, based on a policy or policies developed by the Committee on
Information Technology (COIT), and a Surveillance Impact Report to the Board in connection with any
request to appropriate funds for the purchase of such technology or to accept and expend grant funds
for such purpose, or otherwise to procure surveillance technology equipment or services. Ordinance
No. 107-19; File No. 190568. Copy: Each Supervisor. (40)
From Aaron Goodman, regarding SF YIMBY guidance for a December 2023 rezoning survey. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (41)
From Disability Rights California, regarding a Resolution urging the California State Legislature to
pass California State Senate Bill Nos. 43 and 363, introduced by California Senator Susan Eggman,
to amend the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act and Chapter 2 of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code.
Ordinance No. 320-23; File No. 230267. Copy: Each Supervisor. (42)
From Cornelius Moore, regarding the passing of Ronald Colthirst. Copy: Each Supervisor. (43)
From Joe Kunzler, regarding public comment. Copy: Each Supervisor. (44)
From Maryam Mizhari, regarding parking and driving practices at the San Francisco Police
Department (SFPD). Copy: Each Supervisor. (45)
From Thomas Younsi, regarding concerns with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (46)
From the Veritas Tenants Association of 1965 Page Street, regarding tenant liability insurance. Copy:
Each Supervisor. (47)
From Ashish, regarding an Ordinance amending the Fire Code and Existing Building Code to extend
the deadline for building owners to upgrade existing fire alarm systems from July 1, 2021, to July 1,
2023. Ordinance No. 77-21; File No. 210259. Copy: Each Supervisor. (48)
From Jessica Li, regarding privacy concerns. Copy: Each Supervisor. (49)
From Frederic Catinaud, regarding the 2029 Union Cycliste Internationale World Championships.
Copy: Each Supervisor. (50)
From Lyndsay Pullem, regarding a Resolution urging the San Francisco Municipal Transportation
Agency (SFMTA) to delay implementing meter hour extension until the completion of an independent
economic impact report that specifically analyzes the projected impact to San Francisco small
businesses, City revenues, and the City’s overall economic recovery and said report is reviewed by
the Board of Supervisors and the SFMTA Board. File No. 230587; Resolution No. 289-23. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (51)
From members of the public, regarding a proposed Charter Amendment (Second Draft) to amend the
Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to provide that the Mayor may disapprove in writing
certain San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) proposals that must be part of
SFMTA’s proposed budget or budget amendment; proposals subject to disapproval are increases in
fares and parking meter maximum rates, and net expansion of hours or days of parking meter
operation; at an election to be held on March 5, 2024. File No. 230986. 6 Letters. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (52)
From EVgo, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Planning Code to prohibit Parcel Delivery
Service activities at Fleet Charging locations. File No. 230704. Copy: Each Supervisor. (53)
From members of the public, regarding a Charter Amendment (Third Draft) to amend the Charter of
the City and County of San Francisco to define “Full-Duty Sworn Officers” for purposes of establishing
minimum staffing levels for sworn officers of the Police Department; and, contingent upon the
Controller’s certification that a future tax measure passed by the voters will generate sufficient
additional revenue to fund the cost of employing Full-Duty Sworn Officers at specified minimum
staffing levels and the minimum amount necessary to implement a police staffing fund. 29 Letters. File
No. 230985. Copy: Each Supervisor. (54)
From the National Bicycle Dealers Association, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Fire
Code to provide fire protection standards for the charging and storage of lithium-ion batteries used in
powered mobility devices (such as electric bikes, scooters, skateboards, and hoverboards), prohibit
use of damaged lithium-ion batteries in such devices, prohibit use of lithium-ion batteries assembled
or reconditioned using cells removed from used batteries in such devices, and require the Fire
Department to conduct an informational campaign. File No. 231165. Copy: Each Supervisor. (55)
From a member of the public, regarding algal blooms. Copy: Each Supervisor. (56)
From members of the public, regarding John F. Kennedy Drive. 4 letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (57)
From Mira Martin-Parker, regarding various subjects. 3 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (58)
From Monica D., regarding various subjects. 15 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (59)
From members of the public, regarding a Resolution urging the Municipal Transportation Agency
(MTA) to develop and implement a plan for No Turn On Red (NTOR) at every signalized intersection
in San Francisco and approve a citywide NTOR policy. File No. 231016; Resolution No. 481-23. 68
Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (60)
From members of the public, regarding San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
Director of Transportation Jeffrey Tumlin. 128 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (61)
From Jaime Beltran, regarding a street vending ban in the Mission Street corridor. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (62)
1. Board Pkt 010924
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