From the Office of the Controller, pursuant to Charter Section 3.105, Appendix F, and California
Government Code Sections 27130-27137, submitting The Treasurer Complied with Investment
Requirements in State Law and the City’s Investment Policy Report for the Year Ended June 30,
2023. Copy: Each Supervisor. (12)
From the Office of the Controller, pursuant to Charter Section 3.105 and Appendix F, submitting
Departments Adhere to Updated Chapter 21 & 21G Proof of Insurance Guidance Report. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (13)
From Josephine Lucchesi, regarding the Community Ambassadors Program. Copy: Each Supervisor.
From Joe A. Kunzler, regarding the California Ralph M. Brown Act. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From Anakh Sul Rama, regarding a proposed Resolution urging the California Public Utilities
Commission to require lasting protection and to identify an alternative Carrier of Last Resort (COLR)
to preserve guaranteed access to basic phone service for those who are most vulnerable as a
condition of approval of AT&T’s request to relinquish its COLR and Eligible Telecommunications
Carrier (ETC) Designations. File No. 240245. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16)
From Chris Ward Kline, regarding surveillance technology. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From ShowPlace East, regarding a proposed Amazon parcel delivery service project at 900 7th
Street. Copy: Each Supervisor. (18)
From Carl Mitchell, regarding John F. Kennedy Drive. Copy: Each Supervisor. (19)
From Allen Jones, regarding 1155 Market Street. Copy: Each Supervisor. (20)
From members of the public, regarding a proposed Resolution adding the Commemorative Street
Name “Sean Monterrosa Boulevard” to Park Street, at the intersection of Holly Park Circle, in
recognition of Sean Monterrosa’s contribution and legacy to San Francisco as a local figure. File No.
240135. 12 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (21)
From members of the public, regarding San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)
impacts on merchant corridors. 8 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (22)
From members of the public, regarding the Resolution urging the Municipal Transportation Agency
(MTA) to develop and implement a plan for No Turn On Red (NTOR) at every signalized intersection
in San Francisco and approve a citywide NTOR policy. File No. 231016; Resolution No. 481-23. 13
Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (23)
From members of the public, regarding pedestrian safety at Fulton Street and Arguello Boulevard. 30
Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (24)
From members of the public, regarding pedestrian safety at West Portal Avenue and Ulloa Street. 684
Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (25)
From members of the public, regarding prioritization of pedestrian safety. 167 Letters. Copy: Each
Supervisor. (26)
From members of the public, regarding the San Francisco Planning Department’s (CPC) Expanding
Housing Choice, Housing Element Zoning Program. 42 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (27)
From members of the public, regarding a proposed Ordinance amending the Planning Code to modify
density limits in the Northeast Waterfront Historic District, the Jackson Square Historic District, and the
Jackson Square Historic District Extension, except for projects in those areas using the Commercial to
Residential Adaptive Reuse Program. File No. 231079. 291 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor. (28)
From Linda Park, regarding bike share stations. Copy: Each Supervisor. (29)
From members of the public, regarding Laguna Honda Hospital. 2 Letters. Copy: Each Supervisor.
From Paula Farmer, regarding a proposed Ordinance appropriating $50,000,000 of General Fund