Ordinance amending the Park Code to 1) reduce the number of seats on the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Advisory Committee (PROSAC), 2) provide for alternate members, 3) allow members to serve for more than four consecutive terms, 4) provide for the appointment of members having experience with racial equity and disability issues; and 5) provide that meetings shall occur at City Hall.
1. Referral FYI 050423, 2. Comm Pkt 050823, 3. Public Corr 050823, 4. COB Memo 050423, 5. Comm Pkt 061223, 6. COB Memo 060923, 7. Leg Ver1, 8. Leg Dig Ver1, 9. PROSAC Response 060623, 10. Public Corr 061223, 11. Public Corr 061223, 12. Board Pkt 062723, 13. Public Corr 062723, 14. Board Pkt 071123, 15. Comm Pkt 071723, 16. Committe Report Req, 17. Public Corr 071623, 18. Leg Ver2, 19. Leg Dig Ver2, 20. Comm Pkt 072423, 21. Committe Report Request 072023, 22. Cmte Rpt 072423, 23. Board Pkt 090523, 24. Leg Final