Ordinance reallocating approximately $16,360,000 in unappropriated earned interest revenues from the Our City, Our Home Fund to allow the City to use such revenues from the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax for certain types of services to prevent homelessness; temporarily suspending the limit on funding for short-term rental subsidies; and finding that these changes are necessary to achieve the purposes of the Our City, Our Home Fund pursuant to Business and Tax Regulations Code, Section 2811.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. MYR Memo 060123, 4. MYR Budget Submission Ltr 060123, 5. MYR Trailing Leg List, 6. MYR 30-day Waiver Req Memo 060123, 7. Pres Action Memo - 30 Day Waiver 060523, 8. Cmte Pkt 061523, 9. BLA Rpt 061523, 10. Cmte Pkt 062123, 11. BLA Rpt 062123, 12. Cmte Pkt 062223, 13. Cmte Pkt 062323, 14. Cmte Pkt 062623, 15. Public Correspondence, 16. BLA Rpt 062823, 17. Cmte Pkt 062823, 18. Leg Ver2, 19. Leg Dig Ver2, 20. BLA Rpt 071223, 21. Cmte Pkt 071223, 22. Board Pkt 071823, 23. Board Pkt 072523, 24. Leg Final