Resolution authorizing the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) to execute the Standard Agreements with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD” or “Department”) under the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program for a total award of $29,829,178 including $20,000,000 disbursed by HCD as a loan to the Potrero Housing Associates II, L.P. for a 100% affordable housing project at 1801-25th Street and $9,829,178 to be disbursed as a grant to the City for public transportation improvements near 1801-25th Street, for the period starting on the execution date of the Standard Agreements to June 30, 2041; authorizing MOHCD to accept and expend the grant of up to $9,829,178 for transportation, streetscape and pedestrian improvements and other transit oriented programming and improvement as approved by HCD, to commence following Board approval.