Resolution approving and authorizing the Director of Property, on behalf of the Health Service System, to lease of a portion of the real property located at 1145 Market Street with TRINITY CENTER, LLC a Delaware limited liability company, for an initial term of ten years with one five-year extension option to renew at an initial annual base rent of $588,787.05 with 3% annual increases; the Lease will be effective upon approval of this Resolution; and authorizing the Director of Property to enter into amendments or modifications to the Lease that do not materially increase the obligations or liabilities to the City and are necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Lease or this Resolution.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. DRAFT Lease, 3. PLN Ltr. 032624, 4. RED Memo 040124, 5. Form 126, 6. BLA Rpt 051524, 7. Cmte Pkt 051524, 8. RED Presentation 051524, 9. Leg Ver2, 10. BLA Rpt 052224, 11. Cmte Pkt 052224, 12. Board Pkt 060424, 13. Form 126 Final, 14. Leg Final, 15. Executed Lease 072424