Ordinance amending the Planning Code to modify the 900 Kearny Street Special Use District to allow an enclosed rooftop building addition with a restricted arts activities use; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act, making findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and making findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare pursuant to Planning Code, Section 302.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral CEQA PC 100423, 4. Referral SBC 101023, 5. CEQA Det 110623, 6. PC Transmittal 122723, 7. Hearing Notice 030324, 8. Comm Rpt Rqst Memo 031424, 9. Project Image, 10. Comm Pkt 031824, 11. Leg Ver2, 12. Leg Dig Ver2, 13. Referral CEQA PC 031924, 14. CEQA Det 040124, 15. Comm Rpt Rqst 050124, 16. Comment Ltrs, 17. PC Transmittal 050324, 18. Leg Ver3, 19. Leg Dig Ver3, 20. Comm Pkt 050624, 21. Leg Ver4, 22. Leg Dig Ver4, 23. Sample Images, 24. Board Pkt 050724, 25. Leg Ver5, 26. Leg Dig Ver5, 27. Board Pkt 051424, 28. Leg Final