Resolution authorizing certain amendments to the Indenture of Trust and the Loan Agreement relating to the City’s variable rate multifamily housing revenue bonds, currently outstanding in an aggregate principal amount of $216,575,000 issued in 2017 for the purpose of providing financing for the acquisition, development and construction of a 299-unit multifamily rental housing project located at 1601, 1675, 1685 and 1695 Mariposa Street, 455, 465, 475 and 485 Carolina Street, 210 Arkansas Street, and 1600 and 1610 18th Street (known collectively as “1601 Mariposa Apartments”); authorizing the collection of certain fees; ratifying and approving any action heretofore taken in connection with the bonds, the notes, and the projects, as defined herein; granting general authority to City officials to take actions necessary to implement this Resolution, subject to the terms of this Resolution, as defined herein; and related matters, as defined herein.