Ordinance amending the Park Code to waive fees for admission by San Francisco residents to the Japanese Tea Garden and the Conservatory of Flowers; to authorize the Recreation and Park Department to waive or discount other admission fees at these facilities as well as at the San Francisco Botanical Garden (all three collectively, “the Gardens”); to require the Recreation and Park Department to begin waiving admission fees for Veterans at the Gardens; to fund these changes by reauthorizing the Recreation and Park Department to set admission fees for non-resident adults at the Gardens through flexible pricing, based on certain factors and to ensure consistency among all three Gardens; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral CEQA 010322, 4. CEQA Determination 011922, 5. BLA Rpt 012622, 6. Cmte Pkt 012622, 7. BLA Rpt 020222, 8. Cmte Pkt 020222, 9. Leg Ver2, 10. Leg Dig Ver2, 11. BLA Rpt 020922, 12. Cmte Pkt 020922, 13. REC Presentation 020922, 14. Referral CEQA 021022, 15. CEQA Determination 021022, 16. BLA Rpt 021622, 17. Cmte Pkt 021622, 18. Public Correspondence, 19. Leg Ver3, 20. Leg Dig Ver3, 21. Referral CEQA 021722, 22. CEQA Determination 021822, 23. BLA Rpt 030222, 24. Cmte Pkt 030222, 25. CON Master Fee Sschedule FY21-22 and FY22-23, 26. Board Pkt 030822, 27. Board Pkt 031522, 28. Leg Final