Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the approval of a Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Sections 209.2, 253, and 303 of the Planning Code, for a proposed project at 3832-18th Street, Assessor's Parcel Block No. 3580, Lot No. 018, identified in Planning Case No. 2020-001610CUA-02, issued by the Planning Commission by Motion No. 21312, dated April 20, 2023, to allow approval of an individually requested state density bonus project pursuant to Planning Code, Section 206.6 (using the state density bonus law (California Government Code, Sections 65915-65918)), for the project; and invoking waivers from the Development Standards for rear yard (Section 134), dwelling unit exposure (Section 140), and maximum height limit (Section 260) that would construct a new six-story, 60-foot tall, residential building of 11,147 gross square foot with 19 group housing units within the RM-1 (Residential-Mixed, Low Density) Zoning District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District. (District 8) (Appellant: Athanassios Diacakis) (Filed May 19, 2023)