Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the certification of a Final Environmental Impact Report for the proposed mixed-use project located at 901-16th Street and 1200-17th Street, Assessor's Parcel Block No. 3949, Lot Nos. 001 and 002, identified in Planning Case No. 2011.1300E, issued by the Planning Commission through Motion No. 19643 dated May 12, 2016, consisting of approximately 395 units and 24,968 gross square feet of retail space distributed in two new buildings, as well as vehicular parking and bicycle parking, private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. (District 10) (Appellant: Rachel Mansfield-Howlett, on behalf of Grow Potrero Responsibly and Save the Hill) (Filed June 10, 2016).