Resolution supporting the 2024 Reparations Priority Bill Package, which includes 14 California State legislative bills (Assembly Constitution Amendment (ACA) No. 7, ACA No. 8, Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 135, Assembly Bill (AB) No. 280, AB No. 1815, AB No. 1929, AB No. 1975, AB No. 1986, AB No. 2064, AB No. 2862, AB No. 3089, AB No. 3131, Senate Bill (SB) No. 1040, and SB No. 108) introduced by members of the California Legislative Black Caucus.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. ACA 7 061423, 3. ACA 8 021723, 4. ACR 135 022124, 5. AB 280 090123, 6. AB 1815 032124, 7. AB 1929 041124, 8. AB 1975 013024, 9. AB 1986 013024, 10. AB 2064 032124, 11. AB 2862 021524, 12. AB 3089 040224, 13. AB 3131 041524, 14. SB 1050 040324, 15. SB 1089 031824, 16. CSAC LCC Standing, 17. Board Pkt 042324, 18. Leg Final, 19. COB Ltrs 051324