Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 171-00, which set aside certain real property in Margaret S. Hayward Playground for the Department of Emergency Management (“DEM”) for the Combined Emergency Communications Center (“CECC”) at 1011 Turk Street, to provide DEM additional real property directly adjacent to the existing CECC and to restore to the Recreation and Park Department ("RPD") certain subsurface real property to the east of the CECC that was previously allocated to DEM; setting aside for DEM an additional portion of Hayward Playground west of the CECC that is currently occupied by two tennis courts for a proposed new DEM building, subject to DEM’s payment of funds which RPD must use for the benefit of the Western Addition, as set forth herein; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; and making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Original Map, 4. Proposed Map, 5. REC Ltr 091018, 6. CAT Memo 091218, 7. Referral FYI 092618, 8. Referral PC 092618, 9. Referral CEQA 092618, 10. RPC Resolution No. 1707-007, 11. CEQA Determination 092718, 12. GPR Letter 05318, 13. Budget Analyst Rpt 102518, 14. Comm Pkt 102518, 15. BLA Rpt 110118, 16. Comm Pkt 110118, 17. Proposed Map 2, 18. Leg Ver2, 19. Leg Dig Ver2, 20. Board Pkt 111318, 21. Board Pkt 112718, 22. Leg Final