Petitions and Communications received from May 9, 2016, through May 16, 2016, for reference by the President to Committee considering related matters, or to be ordered filed by the Clerk on May 24, 2016.
Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information will not be redacted.
From Capital Planning Committee, submitting two action items to be considered by the Board of Supervisors as part of the FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18 Capital Budget. Copy: Each Supervisor. (1)
From Office of the Controller, submitting FY 2015-16 Nine-Month Budget Status Report. Copy: Each Supervisor. (2)
From Office of the Mayor, submitting State Legislation Committee Bill Positions for the May 11, 2016 meeting and State Legislation Committee Minutes for the April 18, 2016 Committee Meeting. Copy: Each Supervisor. (3)
From Office of Economic and Workforce Development, submitting memberships for FY 2016-17. Copy: Each Supervisor. (4)
From Capital Planning Committee, regarding approval of the Library Department Capital Budget for FY 2016-17 and FY 2017-18. Copy: Each Supervisor. (5)
From California High Speed Rail Authority, regarding dates for upcoming Environmental Scoping meetings. Copy: Each Supervisor. (6)
From Thomas Meyer, regarding solutions to litter and graffiti problem and the homeless problem. Copy: Each Supervisor. (7)
From concerned citizens, regarding liquor license for Duc Loi. 2 letters. File No. 160098. Copy: Each Supervisor. (8)
From Dale Rogers, regarding ordinance designating tree at 46A Cook Street as a landmark tree. File No. 160320. Copy: Each Supervisor. (9)
From Linda Arinna Weisman, regarding proposed legislation on Due Process. File No. 160022. Copy: Each Supervisor. (10)
From Taraval Parkside Merchants Association, regarding proposed L-Taraval Rapid project. Copy: Each Supervisor. (11)
From Corey Urban, regarding petitions for proposed Geary Bus Rapid project. Copy: Each Supervisor. (12)
From West Area California Public Utilities Commission, regarding notification of filing for various Verizon Wireless facilities. Copy: Each Supervisor. (13)
From Pacific Heights Residents Association, regarding Formula Retail in Polk Street Neighborhood Commercial District. File No. 160102. Copy: Each Supervisor. (14)
From Mitchell Near, regarding Vision Zero Technology for City Drivers. Copy: Each Supervisor. (15)
From concerned citizens, submitting signatures for petition titled “Turn the Beast on Bryant Into a Beauty on Bryant.” 88th signer. Copy: Each Supervisor. (16)
From Lisa Dunseth, regarding land marking of two buildings at 35 and 45 Onondaga Avenue. File No. 160293. Copy: Each Supervisor. (17)
From Martin Lyon, regarding renaming of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. (18)