Ordinance amending the San Francisco Police Code, Sections 974.1, 974.2, 974.4, 974.8, 974.9, 974.10-1, 974.11, 974.14-1, 974.14-2, 974.21, 974.22, 895, 2.26, 2.27, and repealing Sections 974.5, 974.6, 974.10-2, 974.23 and 896 through 898 to cause all existing junk dealer and junk gatherer permits to expire as of June 30, 2013, establish an annual permit for junk dealers with junk yards and a two-year permit for other junk dealers, provide for permit suspensions and revocations to remain in effect during any administrative appeal, amend the permit enforcement process, and update fees; and making environmental findings.