Resolution approving a Sublease and Property Management Agreement for Treasure and Yerba Buena Islands market rate rental housing between the Treasure Island Development Authority and the John Stewart Company, with a yearly base rent of $632,806 for a seven-year term, to commence following Board approval, with a three-year option to extend.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. TIDA Ltr 070114, 3. TIDA Memo, 4. DRAFT Sublease Agmt 070114, 5. Form 126 BOS, 6. Form 126 Mayor, 7. Public Law 101-510, 8. TIDA Reso, 9. RFP 030714, 10. TIDA Act of 1997, 11. Comm Pkt 091014, 12. Bdgt Analyst Rpt 091014, 13. Board Pkt 091614, 14. Leg Final, 15. Final Agrmt