Resolution exempting from the competitive bidding policy set forth in Administrative Code, Section 2.6-1, the potential real estate transaction involving Port property at Seawall Lots 324 and 323 on the west side of The Embarcadero at Vallejo Street with Teatro ZinZanni, and financial partner Kenwood Investments No. 6, LLC, operating together as TZK Broadway, LLC (TZK), for development of a dinner theater and maximum 200-room, 40-foot boutique hotel and an approximately 7,500 square foot privately financed public park and ancillary uses; urging the Port, Teatro ZinZanni, and TZK to engage in outreach to affected and interested neighbors, community members and other stakeholders to ensure that the proposed project is designed with public input; and urging the Port Director, with the assistance of Port staff, the City Attorney’s Office, and other City officials to take all actions needed to negotiate an exclusive negotiating agreement and a term sheet with Teatro ZinZanni and TZK on a sole source basis, consistent with this Resolution.