File #: 151123    Version: Name: Purchase and Sale of Electricity and Related Products and Services for CleanPowerSF - San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
Introduced: 11/3/2015 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 12/16/2015
Enactment date: 12/16/2015 Enactment #: 223-15
Title: Ordinance conditionally authorizing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) to enter into one or more agreements requiring expenditures of $10,000,000 or more for electric power and related products and services to launch the City’s community choice aggregation program, CleanPowerSF, and authorizing the General Manager of the SFPUC to deviate from certain otherwise applicable requirements of City law in such agreements.
Sponsors: Mayor, London N. Breed
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Leg Ver2, 4. Leg Dig Ver2, 5. Request for Offers, 6. Request for Offers Addnd One, 7. Pre-Submittal Presentation 081915, 8. SFPUC Reso No. 15-0222 102715, 9. SFPUC Reso No. 15-0112 051215, 10. BOS Ord No. 75-15 052815, 11. BOS Ord No. 78-14 052914, 12. BOS Reso No. 331-13 092613, 13. BOS Reso No. 328-12 092812, 14. BOS Ord No. 200-12 100512, 15. BOS Ord No. 45-10 031210, 16. BOS Ord No. 232-09 111009, 17. BOS Ord No. 147-07 062807, 18. BOS Ord No. 86-04 052704, 19. Forms 126, 20. Edison Electric Institute Agreements, 21. SFPUC Clean Power Draft Reimb Agmt, 22. SFPUC CleanPowerSF Draft Fee Letter, 23. CleanPowerSF Procurement Letter of Credit Cover Letter, 24. Comm Pkt 111815, 25. Board Pkt 120115, 26. Board Pkt 120815, 27. Leg Final, 28. Confirmation Ltr - Agrmt No. CS-1032 011316, 29. Power Purchase and Sale Agrmt - Calpine, 30. Power Purchase and Sale Agrmt - Exelon 011216, 31. Confirmation Ltr - Agrmt No. CS-1032 Option 2 011316, 32. Power Purchase and Sale Agrmt - Shiloh 011316, 33. FY2016-2017 Annual Rpt 112217, 34. Financial Statements FY2016-2017
Related files: 151231, 240005, 241070
Legislation Details
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