Ordinance amending Administrative Code, Chapter 41, to update the Hotel Conversion Ordinance, including: adding or refining definitions of tourist and transit use, comparable unit, conversion, and low-income household; revising procedures for permits to convert residential units; harmonizing fees and penalty provisions with the Building Code; eliminating seasonal short-term rentals for residential hotels that have violated provisions of the Hotel Conversion Ordinance in the previous year; authorizing the Department of Building Inspection to issue administrative subpoenas; adding an operative date; and affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Leg Ver2, 4. Leg Dig Ver2, 5. Referral CEQA 121516, 6. Referral SBC 121516, 7. Referral FYI 121516, 8. CEQA Determination 121516, 9. Comm Pkt 012317, 10. Leg Ver3, 11. Leg Dig Ver3, 12. Board Pkt 013117, 13. Leg Ver4, 14. Leg Dig Ver4, 15. Board Pkt 020717, 16. Post-Packet Materials 020717, 17. Leg Final