Ordinance amending the Planning Code to increase penalties for violations of the Planning Code and change the administrative enforcement procedure; provide new definitions for Residential Demolitions and Residential Flats, expand definitions of Alteration and Removal, expand definitions of, require additional notice, and impose new conditional use criteria for Residential Demolitions, Mergers, and Conversions; require additional review for changes of use to Child Care Facilities that propose an increase in the exterior dimension of the building; expand definition of change of use for Residential, Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) districts; add new notification requirements; add requirements for replacement structures; and establish definitions, criteria and procedures for approvals of Major Expansions of Existing Residential Buildings in certain residential districts; amending the Building Code to make the definition of Residential Demolition consistent with the Planning Code, and require pre-permit inspections and additional application requirements; affirming the Planning Department’s determination under the California Environmental Quality Act; making findings of consistency with the General Plan, and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1; adopting findings of public convenience, necessity, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302; and instructing the Clerk to forward this Ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage.