Ordinance levying property taxes at a combined rate of $1.1801 on each $100 valuation of taxable property for the City and County of San Francisco, San Francisco Unified School District, San Francisco County Office of Education, San Francisco Community College District, Bay Area Rapid Transit District, and Bay Area Air Quality Management District; and establishing a pass-through rate of $0.0660 per $100 of assessed value for residential tenants pursuant to Administrative Code, Chapter 37, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. CON Ltr 073019, 4. BLA Report 090419, 5. Comm Pkt 090419, 6. Board Pkt 091019, 7. BART Res 5414, 8. Leg Ver2, 9. Leg Dig Ver2, 10. Board Pkt 091719, 11. Leg Final