Charter Amendment (Third Draft) to amend the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco to extend the ban on the initiation of recall petitions from six to twelve months after the official has assumed office; prohibit the submission of a recall petition to the Department of Elections, if the subsequent recall election would be required to be held within twelve months of a regularly scheduled election for the office held by the official sought to be recalled; and provide that any interim officer appointed to fill a vacancy created by a recall election, held on or after June 7, 2022, may not be a candidate in the subsequent vacancy election; at an election to be held on June 7, 2022.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Referral CA CEQA, 4. Referral CA CON, 5. CA Mandated Referral, 6. Referral YC, 7. CEQA Determination 122321, 8. Controller Rept 012122, 9. Public Corr 012322, 10. Public Corr 012422, 11. Public Corr 012722, 12. Leg ver2, 13. Leg Dig ver2, 14. Comm Pkt 013122, 15. Referral CEQA 012722, 16. Referral CON 012722, 17. Referral FYI 012722, 18. CEQA Determination 012922, 19. Leg Ver3, 20. Leg Dig Ver3, 21. REVISED Leg Dig Ver3, 22. Public Corr 013022, 23. Comm Pkt 020722, 24. Referral CEQA 020322, 25. Referral CON 020322, 26. Referral FYI 020322, 27. CEQA Determination 020422, 28. Cmte Rpt 020822, 29. Withdrawal of Co-Sponsorship 020722, 30. Board Pkt 021522, 31. Public Corr 211287, 32. Public Corr 021422, 33. Public Corr 022322, 34. Leg Final, 35. Transmittal to Elections 022522