File #: 240246    Version: 1 Name: Hearing - Appeal of Determination of Exemption From Environmental Review - Proposed 72 Harper Street Project
Type: Hearing Status: Filed
Introduced: 3/8/2024 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: 4/23/2024 Final action: 4/23/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the determination of exemption from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act issued as a Categorical Exemption by the Planning Department on December 14, 2023, for the proposed project at 72 Harper Street, Assessor’s Parcel Block No. 6652, Lot No. 010, to construct an accessory dwelling unit and a rear horizontal and vertical addition to a two-story single-family dwelling within a RH-1 (Residential House-One Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. (District 8) (Appellant: Brian O’Neill of Patterson & O’Neill, PC, on behalf of Krishna Ramamurthi, Tusi Chowdhury, and David Garofoli) (Filed March 8, 2024)
Attachments: 1. Appeal Ltr 030824, 2. COB Ltr 031224, 3. PLN Memo 031324, 4. COB Ltr 031524, 5. Public Hearing Notice 040924, 6. Public Correspondence, 7. Project Sponsor Response 041224, 8. Project Sponsor Counsel Response 041224, 9. Appellant Supplemental Brief 041224, 10. PLN Response 041524, 11. Board Pkt 042324, 12. PLN PPT 042324, 13. Appellant - Declaration of Michael Garavaglia 042324, 14. Appellant Resp 042324, 15. Post Pkt Public Correspondence, 16. Proj Sponsor PPT 042324
Related files: 240247, 240248, 240249
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