File #: 240999    Version: 1 Name: Issuance of General Obligation Bonds (Proposition A, 2024) - Not to Exceed $300,000,000
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
Introduced: 10/8/2024 In control: Clerk of the Board
On agenda: Final action: 11/25/2024
Enactment date: 11/25/2024 Enactment #: 562-24
Title: Resolution providing for the issuance of not to exceed $300,000,000 aggregate principal amount of City and County of San Francisco General Obligation Bonds (Affordable Housing, 2024) (Bonds); authorizing the issuance and sale of said Bonds; providing for the levy of a tax to pay the principal and interest thereof; providing for the appointment of depositories and other agents for said Bonds; providing for the establishment of accounts related thereto; adopting findings under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the CEQA Guidelines, and San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 31; finding that the proposed project is in conformity with the priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1(8), and with the General Plan consistency requirement of Charter, Section 4.105, and Administrative Code, Section 2A.53; ratifying certain actions previously taken, as defined herein; and granting general authority to City officials to take necessary actions in connection with the issuance and sale of said Bonds, as defined herein.
Sponsors: Mayor
Attachments: 1. Leg Ver1, 2. DRAFT Appendix A, 3. DRAFT Notice of Intention, 4. DRAFT Official Notice of Sale, 5. DRAFT Purchase Contract, 6. DRAFT Prelim Official Stmt, 7. CON OPF Memo 100824, 8. Referral CEQA 101524, 9. CEQA Determination 110524, 10. BLA Rpt 111324, 11. Cmte Pkt 111324, 12. OPF PRT PW PUC MOHCD Presentation 111324, 13. Board Pkt 111924, 14. Leg Final
Related files: 230971, 240315, 240998, 230972
Legislation Details
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