Ordinance amending Administrative Code Chapters 21 and 21C to conform Purchasing requirements to Administrative Code Chapter 14B by defining minimum competitive amounts of $100,000 for professional services and commodities contracts and $400,000 for general services contracts, clarify "bid-splitting," and make miscellaneous changes to City procurement requirements; to clarify information technology purchases; to update and conform references to Administrative Code Chapter 14B; to rescind the Sealer of Weights and Measures' authority under Section 21.32 to donate food purchases; to rescind the local tax adjustment set forth in Administrative Code Chapter 21C; to enact a new Section 21.32 to adjust bids likely to result in local sales tax revenue; to reenact and renumber Administrative Code Sections 21.25, 21.25-1, 21.25-2, 21.25-3, 21.25-4, and 21.25-x regarding prevailing wage requirements as Chapter 21C; and to make certain technical corrections.