Ordinance amending the Planning Code to update controls related to urban agricultural uses by adding Section 102.34 to define urban agriculture, including neighborhood agriculture and large-scale urban agriculture, and amending Sections 204.1, 209.5, 227, 234.1, 234.2, and Articles 7 and 8 to regulate such uses in various zoning districts; and making findings including environmental findings and findings of consistency with General Plan and Section 101.1.
1. Leg_Ver1, 2. Leg_Dig_Ver1, 3. Response_PLN_122310, 4. Response_PLN_022511, 5. Response_SBC_032311, 6. Comm_Packet_032811, 7. Leg_Ver2, 8. Leg_Dig_Ver2, 9. Board_Packet_040511, 10. Leg_Ver3, 11. Leg_Dig_Ver3, 12. Board_Packet_041211, 13. Leg_Final