Ordinance amending the Administrative Code to mitigate adverse impacts of tenant evictions to provide that when residential units are withdrawn from the rental market under the Ellis Act, each relocated tenant is entitled to the greater of the existing rent relocation payment, or the difference between the tenant’s current rent and the prevailing rent for a comparable apartment in San Francisco over a two year period; and allowing a landlord, through a hearing process, to obtain a revised relocation payment obligation based on an undue financial hardship adjustment or recalculated rent differential amount.
1. Leg Ver1, 2. Leg Dig Ver1, 3. Comm Pkt 031714, 4. Leg Ver2, 5. Leg Dig Ver2, 6. Comm Pkt 032414, 7. Econ Analysis Rpt 032814, 8. Board Pkt 040114, 9. Board Pkt 040814, 10. Leg Ver3,4, 11. Leg Dig Ver3,4, 12. Board Pkt 041514, 13. Leg Ver5, 14. Board Pkt 042214, 15. Leg Final